BodyWorks Healing Center


In This Issue
What's Up With Valentines's Day
Stop colds & Flu with Oil!
Now Offering Shirodhara
Natural Breast Health
Quick Links

Valentine Special Gift Certificate Offer

Valentine's Day is a special time when we do nice things for our loved ones.  What could be nicer than a stress relieving, rejuvenating, revitalizing  massage. 


To make it easy for you we are offering through February 14 this special pricing on a one hour massage ...


Buy One

Get One Half Off


It doesn't get any better than that. 


Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount.

Book Sale/Exchange Through Feb 18
Benefit SE Michigan
 Food Bank

Thanks to your support we will help to provide additional meals  for hungry people this winter.  100% of the proceeds from your book sales will go to the food bank. 
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Any unsold books will be donated to the Plymouth/Canton Library.

This is a great event!  There's still time to bring in your old books and find a new read from the collection! 
Hurry!  Everyone benefits!

New Sunday Hours

We recognize how busy you are.  Sometimes your schedule is so full, it is hard to come in for the massge you need and your body suffers. 


But no more. To better serve you,  Rob will be offering massage sessions every other Sunday, beginning today, February 3! 

Rob Wiedling, Our Newest Therapist Asks .... 


Did you know that massage is all about shortened muscles?
Think of it like a game of tug of war between the jocks and the geeks. The jocks are going to win every time. Well our muscles are the same way.
So when you have something that is hurting or in pain, it's most likely being pulled on by something bigger and stronger.
So get in today and let us help you. During the month of February give the gift of love to your self. When you book an appointment with Rob, you only pay $35 for a one hour massage.

Special introductory rate with Rob good during February only!


Offer not valid with any other discounts.


Self Growth Events

We have some great events happening at BodyWorks, you place for unique, self-empowering and self growth workshops, classes and lectures. 


Here are a few highlights


  • Thursdays in February - Drop in Mindfulness Meditation
  • Thu, Feb 7; Group BreathWork Session
  • Sun, Feb 24; Breast Health Thermascan
  •  Mon, Feb 25; FREE Guided Meditation via Internet
  • Used Book Sale; Ongoing through Feb 18.
  • Mindfulness Meditation Series. Tuesday's in March
  • Wed March 17; What Does My Breathing Mean To Me. Pranic Breathwork, Intro Level 1.


Click here for a detailed printable

Bodywork's class list. 


 FREE Pranic Healing Clinic

is the third Wednesday of the month

Free Reiki Clinic

is the fourth Thursday of each month. 


BodyWorks Healing Center

Building - Bodyworks

is Michigan's Premier Award Winning Massage Therapy and Body/Mind/Spirit Integration Center. Offering over 20 different healing modalities, BodyWorks caters to your individual and unique needs seeking to provide the deepest and most profound healing experience possible in a relaxing, caring and safe environment. 


 As a learning center, BodyWorks offers dozens of classes in both lecture and experiential format to enrich and empower your life. When you walk in the door, the healing begins. BodyWork's is the place to journey into Peace, Balance and Harmony and find your soul's longing.


 Stay Informed!
Keep up to date with what's happening.  Learn new tips for staying healthy.  Invite your friends to follow us. Simply go to our page on Facebook and "Like" us.  
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February 2013

It's that time of year.  The days are shorter, colder and we begin the process of withdrawing our activities from the outside to the inside.  As the pace of nature slows down, it is a good time for us to slow down as well, to take care of ourselves, rest and rejuvenate.  In this issue we have a few treats, tips and pointers to help you do just that. 
First, lets truly stop for a moment and breathe in the   gratitude of all that you have.  There is abundance everywhere.  It is wonderful and life empowering to recognize this fact.  It takes but a moment to create that vibration.  Why not do it right now.  Just stop, breathe and become present to everything that is in your life.  Think of one thing and then another.  Allow a rampage of gratitude to flow through you.  Allow it to spread into your consciousness and uplift your state of being.  And so it is.
We invite you to indulge yourself with one of our ...
Warm Up, Turn Up the Heat packages! 
They are available now at discounted package prices.

Thank you for being part of our community.  You are part of the abundance in our lives.  We appreciate you and bless you with an abundance of all that is good.
Dave & Pat
BodyWorks Healing Center
 What's Up With Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day and the month of February in general is about romance and relationship.  The history of Valentine's Day is somewhat of a mystery, but  St. Valentine's Day contains elements of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.


The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.


One legend says that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. During that time, Emperor Claudius II decided that married men made inferior soldiers, so he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine strongly disagreed with this order and performed marriages in secret.  He was eventually discovered and executed.  Another story suggests that he helped Christians escape from Roman prisons, thus he was executed.


Another legend suggests that the imprisoned Valentine fell in love with possibly his jailer's daughter and actually sent her the first "Valentine."  Before his death, it is alleged that he actually signed the greeting "From your Valentine." We still use this phrase today.

The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.


In the U.S., we began exchanging Valentines in the 1700s.  They were hand crafted. By the mid 1800s, Valentine cards began to be made commercially.  They were elaborate and contained ribbons, colorful pictures, and lace.  Today, Valentine's Day is second only to Christmas for card sending.  Are you surprised that 85% of all Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women? 


Turn up the Heat on your romance!

We have two great suggestions for you:

  • Pamper your valentine with one of our special winter getaway packages.  Save on our packages.  Get yours today!
  • Come in for a session with you and your Valentine with our Buy One/Get One Half Off Special. 


Chase Away Colds & Flu With Thieves Oil!

Wouldn't you like to have a magic bullet that could help you naturally fight off bacteria and viruses?  Thieves oil is the magic you are seeking.


Thieves is a blend essential oils that are highly:

  • antiviral
  • antibacterial
  • antiseptic and
  • anti-infectious

Essential Oil-ThievesIt is so named because in the 15th century during the plague, it was observed that thieves were stealing valuables off the bodies of dead or dying people and not contracting the disease that was killing so many.  When apprehended, in exchange for a more lenient punishment, the thieves disclosed their secret!  They were covering their bodies with a blend of oils, herbs, and spices to protect themselves from infection. 


In 1997, studies performed at Weber State University in Ogden, UT, demonstrated the killing power of Thieves against airborne microorganisms.  Overall, there was a 90% reduction in the number of gram positive Microcossus luteus organisms after diffusing the oil for 12 minutes.  After an additional 8 minutes of diffusion, the kill rate jumped to 99.3%.  Another study showed the kill rate of 99.96% against gram negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa after only 12 minutes of diffusion.


Thieves has hundreds of uses.  Here are some ways you can use it to help keep you and your loved ones heallthy and germ free.

  • To kill germs in your home or office, diffuse Thieves for 15 minutes every 3 - 4 hours.  Place 4 - 8 drops on a cotton ball and place on air vents. 
  • Add 2 drops to a damp cloth and place in your dryer. 
  • For headaches, drop 1 drop on the tongue and push the tongue against the roof of the mouth. 

We'll discuss more uses in future communications.


We carry Thieves and other Essential Oils in the store.  Come on in and get your Thieves today!  Don't want the whole bottle?  Not a problem.  We dispense it by the drop!  Give it a try, you might just be pleasantly surprised. 

Ayurvedic Shirodhara Healing Treatment

We are proud to offer this new service!  Dr.Raj Kumar is now expanding his time and services to better serve you.

Shirodhara means the dripping of oil like a thread (dhara) on the head (shiro). 

What is Shirodhara Treatment?   

The client lies on a table. A wide mouthed earthen vessel with a small hole at the bottom is hung above the head of the client. A special medicinal oil is poured into the vessel and is made to flow in a continuous stream on to the upper part of the forehead, the third eye (pineal gland area) and forehead.  The eyes are protected to prevent oil from dripping into them. The oil is collected, re-circulated and the process continues for 30 to 60 minutes depending on the Dosha or body type of the client. On completion of the flow of oil, the client is allowed to rest.

  Everyone simply must experience a Shriodhara Treatment. Almost immediately, you will ..... 

  • Transfer into a deep, meditative state of relaxation.
  • Balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  • Synchronize brain waves. 
  • Experience profound  calm of the mind, body and spirit.
  • Improve memory.
  • Nourish the hair and scalp and retard the premature graying of the hair.
  • Release stress and tension.  

Some other benefits of Shirodhara:

Highly effective for PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression and everyday stress and anxiety.  It enhances blood circulation to the brain.  This Shirodhara technique is known to accomplish miraculous healing and we have received many testimonials from satisfied clients.  



Shirodhara Treatment Fee: February & March Special $155 (Regular Fee $190).








Therma Scan Breast Imaging at BodyWorks
The Truth About Breast Imaging

Detecting Breast Cancer Early Can Make All the Difference in the World!


Did you know that breast cancer occurs in 1 out of every 8 women?  This is a startling statistic.  In 1950, only 1 in 20 women developed breast cancer. 47,000 women under the age of 50 die each year from breast cancer in this country.  Women 18 to 80 are at risk for developing this disease.


Self Exams Are Not Easy


Until recently, the focus has been on the disease rather than breast health.  Typically, the practice includes testing for anatomical changes in the breast as opposed to screening for early functional and metabolic or physiological changes in the breast tissue.  Breast self exams are difficult since it is difficult for a lay person to palpate a growth until it has grown to about 1 inch in diameter. 


Problems With Mammography


Mammograms are a poor test for early detection of this disease, especially in premenopausal women and women on hormone replacement therapies.  Also, exposure to radiation is not at all healthful for the body either.  Also, compression of breast tissue is painful and can be harmful to the tissue.


Thermography Is Great Natural Alternative


ThermographyWhat are your options if you choose not to get a mammogram?


Infrared Thermography is a noninvasive technique that is safe, affordable, easy, requires NO compression or pain, no contact and Is The Earliest detection of functional psychological changes in the breast tissue.  Documentation verifies it can be up to 8 years earlier than mammography. pain, no risk, no compression, no contact, NO RADIATION!  This procedure has an 86 - 96% accuracy rate for early screening and detection of this disease.


How Does It Work? 


Very simply stated, Thermography measures the heat emission naturally occurring from the body.  When there is uncontrolled cellular growth, as in cancer, even more heat is emitted.  Thermography detects heat emission from the body and displays them on a computer. 


Detecting breast changes early empowers you with lifesaving choices!  Act now!


Interested?  A Free Informational Meeting


To learn more, reserve your space at a free informational meeting on breast imaging, and breast health.  Wednesday, Feb. 13th    7:00 PM - 8:30PM.



Scheduling Your Session Now


Space is limited so honor yourself and schedule your appointment now!  Sunday, February 24, 2013.    Appointments are 45 min. from 9:00AM - 5:00PM  $150.

BodyWorks Healing Center          (734) 416-5200.       


With Thanks
We are grateful you have chosen us amongst many other alternatives to assist you in your journey to health, well-being, peace of mind and joy!  We are sincere when we say that we are interested in knowing how we can help you.   We have received hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers. If something is not working for you or if you have an idea where we could make it better, please let us know.   


Pat and Dave Krajovic and Staff
BodyWorks Healing Center



The material contained in this newsletter is presented as information only and should not be constructed as medical advice. On any health matter, you should consult you're your doctor. The information contained herein is believed accurate and is based solely on the research and personal experience of the author.


Get A Massage For FREE
Did you know that you can get your massages for less money if you buy bulk packages? That's right.  The massages never expire.  All you need to do is buy 5 at the full price and the sixth is FREE.  And since you are buying in bulk and paying less, you never have an excuse to come in whenever you are in pain, overstressed or just need a little time for yourself.  We'll be sure to take care of you.  Your peace of mind is worth it.   

These massages cannot be used with any other discount offer or coupon.

Buy One

Get One  Half Off

Valentine's Day Gift Certificate Special  

When its time to show your love this Valentine's Day, what better way to say
I LOVE YOU, than with a gift that relaxes, heals, reviatalizes and brings peace of mind.  Without good health, nothing else in life seems to matter much. 
The price is right so we'll see you and your Valenitine at the Center soon.
Cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion.
Offer Expires: February 14, 2013