BridgePay Adds Business Continuity Site in Charlotte
Uptime is everything when it comes to merchant connectivity. As BridgePay continues to grow at such a fast pace, our management team recognized the need to have geographical business continuity in addition to our current system redundancy at our Orlando data center. In the unlikely event we need to "cut over" to the Charlotte site, we expect there to be minimal impact to the merchant. This project allows us to have two physical sites that we can switch to and from very easily. Our Network Operations team continues to test and fine tune this process over the next several weeks allowing BridgePay to perform our daily business with confidence.
EMV and Preparing for the October 2015 Liability Shift

Have you asked yourself, "What is my EMV Strategy?" The infamous October 2015 liability shift date is looming for merchants. Meanwhile, Issuers have been very busy doing their part by getting chip cards in our wallets. We are taking the October date very seriously as we are not aware of any expected
extension of that deadline.
In response, BridgePay is releasing its newest product, PayGuardian, to offer merchants and POS providers an all-in-one solution for EMV, PA-DSS and NFC. This product will provide an out of the box solution for point of sale integrators looking to solve their own EMV woes for end-to-end certification requirements to processors. PayGuardian will be available in Q1 2015 to our reseller partners on the BridgePay Gateway. The EMV component of PayGuardian will be introduced in Q2 and available on BridgePay's EMV certified US-based processing platforms. As a Java based product, PayGuardian will work with all operating systems, including iOS. PayGuardian will also function in a thin-client, multi-lane environment.
During this time, BridgePay has been working with our various US processing partners such as Vantiv, TSYS, First Data, Chase Paymentech and Heartland (other platforms are also on the roadmap) to ensure BridgePay will be EMV ready for our integrated partners and customers.
More information regarding EMV and PayGuardian will be available on our website in the upcoming weeks. Be sure to visit our website on a regular basis for the latest information on EMV developments.
A recent Partner Update included an announcement on the news Apple Pay can now be accepted through BridgePay's PathwayLINK Gateway.
Developers interested in adding this payment method to their current PathwayLINK integration, please reach out to our Developer Support team at
to start this process. POS integrated partners will need to make a minor coding change to your current integration. Once this mini-cert has been completed, you will receive an updated certification letter and be able to enable your merchants for NFC acceptance.
For merchants wanting to accept NFC payments, please contact your POS provider to inquire if they have made the enhancement to accept NFC payments.
A quick overview of Apple Pay and other NFC payment applications on PathwayLINK:
- The gateway must support NFC via the merchant's processor. PathwayLINK currently supports TSYS, First Data Omaha, and First Data North. First Data Nashville and Chase Paymentech will soon be added to the list.
- If the merchant is using a point-of-sale (POS), the POS must support NFC.
- The merchant needs to have the proper NFC enabled device to accept the transaction. Any NFC enabled device will work on PathwayLINK.
- The customer must have the proper device and have the specified wallet and payment enabled on their device.
BridgePay Housekeeping Items
Meet our New Director of Technical Operations
Our congratulations go out to David Zion, who was recently promoted to Director of Technical Operations. David previously held the position of Manager of Information Systems. David's past experience spans Network/Server set-up, maintenance, and security, along with vast technical support knowledge related to payments and the gateway. In his new role, David will continue to oversee our QA team, handle technical support escalations and manage our developer integration group.
We've moved offices!
Updated Website
Please update your records to reflect our new suite number.
Our mailing address is:
600 Northlake Boulevard, Ste 210 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Look for our updated website in February to include more information on EMV and PayGuardian. Our Developer Center will also include easier navigation and new technical documentation.

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Sincerely, BridgePay Network Solutions