... somewhere ... anywhere ... sunset on a lonely country road and it could be anywhere, but this is on a stretch of New River Road on the way back from Phoenix this evening. There is something about deserted roads, power lines and watching them as they disappear into the distance and dark. I saw this in the rearview mirror as I was driving and had to pull over and take the shot. It goes well with the mood of the music by Ryan Farish that I am listening to.
The rain has started and tomorrow is going to be a day inside enjoying the stormy weather, giving thanks for the warmth and comfort of my home ... and One will certainly enjoy it too. Probably catch up on some emails, stone cutting, a few photos and also get the Christmas photo and email together ... and some just plain nothing except watch rain come down. All the critters will be holed up trying to stay warm and dry and fortunately the temperatures are not plunging tomorrow.
I still have seven calendars for 2017 ... check them out at: http://sedona.photos/2017-photo-calendars.html and while you are there check out the other beautiful photographs on the website. If you order calendars on Friday they will be in the mail on Saturday. They make great Christmas gifts!
Into the weekend so have a beautiful day, enjoy the day and share the joy you find in life.
May I not forget that poverty and riches are of the spirit.
Though the world knows me not, may my thoughts and actions
be such as shall keep me friendly with myself.
Max Ehrmann


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Continually working to make these missives a good way to start or end the day. Thanks, Ted