... when I left for the airport this morning the clouds were draped over the rocks and in general a very low ceiling. A lot of water vapor in the air and a lot of smoke from a fire up on the rim. Not exactly sure who to attribute the fire too, but will know in the morning. It was still throwing a huge amount of smoke into the air at sunset and now the wind has done the usual switch to the NE so ... we are downwind overnight.
When we did take off, some blue holes were opening up, so climbed above the clouds and had some fun. Started towards the peaks, but about half way there it became apparent that there were not a lot of clouds around the peaks, so I settled for some shots like this which lend a real wintery feel to the image. I tried for a sunset late this afternoon, but it didn't really develop the way I wanted ... also came to the conclusion that shooting sunsets whilst piloting the plane is not going to give me good results. I shoot all of my sunsets on the ground in manual mode where I adjust all the settings and leave nothing to the discretion of automatic functions. Works great, but in the air it is dark and I cannot see what I am doing so rely on an auto function ... it compensates for the dark and tries to give me a bright happy image. So sunset from the plane will not be shot anymore, unless ...
A terrific lunch at Mesa Grill at the airport, home, outing with One and then back to the airport for another flight.
A wrap for Wednesday ... some sleep, then espresso, pedal to the metal, and then into a totally new day ... challenges to be met ... life to be lived ... beauty to be found and of course the plan to keep breathing and smiling. Life is terrific!
Whatever else you do or forbear;
Impose upon yourself the task of happiness;
And now and then abandon yourself
To the joy of laughter.
Max Ehrmann


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Continually working to make these missives a good way to start or end the day. Thanks, Ted