... that when you make the leap you will fly ... or that what you are attempting will work out for you ... the key is to make the leap and have faith that things will work out for you. I took this shot on my way home from Cottonwood this afternoon and you can see the enormous energy that this Great Blue Heron has put into going airborne; those long legs are like a huge spring as he "kneels down "and then extends them rapidly providing the initial energy to enter flight as the wings are extended and provide the means to fly. So as you start the day have the same faith as this guy that you will accomplish what you set out to do ... then do it!
Exciting day coming up with a new camera body arriving, the Canon 5D MK IV. If you are looking for a good place to buy your camera gear, I highly recommend going to www.districtcamera.com  . I have been buying all of my cameras, lenses and what not from them for more than ten years now. Family owned and operated; if you call ask for Eldar or Jack and they will take excellent care of you.
Liz Learmont, aka the mask-maker, has an exhibit going at the Sedona Hub "Exploring the Power of Stillness" featuring her work. It is on exhibit from 9/11 through 10/16. Visit www.sedonahub.org for times of the live performance "Stillness". The exhibit is open half hour prior to other scheduled events this Friday and Saturday - check the website for other times too.
Time to wrap the day ... soon the first five shots of espresso will be on the way down and another beautiful day will be underway. Look for beauty and love ... we always find what we seek.
The growing grain and the placid sky have a kind of voice; and though you are
alone, the boundlessness of the universe is with you.
Max Ehrmann


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Continually working to make these missives a good way to start or end the day. Thanks, Ted