... for the last one of the week, for the one that did not go out Wednesday night ... this Great Blue Heron is in full brake mode and stalling in, his body is arched, wings almost perpendicular to the line of flight and legs poised for the drop into the water next to the shore. While we spend the next couple of days relaxing, the heron like all creatures will be busy working to get their daily meals ... some will live and some will not ... such is the nature of life on this planet.
Have a beautiful weekend and share your joy ... maybe looking into the sky at night you will see the wake of earth as we travel around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour, or check out the beauty of the creatures we share the planet with and listen to the music of the wind as it soughs through pine trees and the surf as it crashes on the beaches. Pretty cool place we live ...
I sat with the stars on the hill of life
And looked at the world below.
I ran with the winds where winds begin
And followed them where they blow
Max Ehrmann


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