... photography tonight, fueled by music from American Authors after a search and sampling of music to fit my mood tonight ... One seems to enjoy it too as she naps in front of the left desktop speakers ... sub woofers on the floor in front of me and volume set to permit my neighbors to sleep ... I think? Not in this house though!
I took this shot of a Morning Glory a few years ago in September after a monsoon storm that left everything fresh. Rich greens and shafts of light coming through the arroyo that these blooms were in. It had the feel of a rich and lush tropical forest with the sweet air that follows the rain and a little on the cool side. Nice!
After a lot of photo work this morning it was down to Phoenix for a quick trip to get the SUV serviced ... 16,000 miles already ... thawed a bowl of homemade soup for dinner when I got home. I agree with a friend who posited the idea that she likes the idea of cooking more than the execution of same. That probably explains why I frequently feed the local rabbits once beautiful and crisp lettuce and other once fresh food items ... pizza is really good as is any one of numerous restaurants in the area!
Friend in town for a couple of days and tomorrow we're heading up to Sunset Crater and search for the perfect alien tree trunks to photograph. Love those areas where the molten areas of the earth have bubbled up to and exploded across the surface of the planet. Amazing areas both from the surface and the air.
Have a beautiful day today ... as always your choice ... choose a good one and smile!
For life holds cheers as well as tears,
Take this old toast from me:
This world a riddle hard you call ...
A mess from which you fain would shrink?
Perhaps 'tis wisdom, all in all.
To learn to laugh as well as think.
Max Ehrmann


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