... was somewhat short, but most enjoyable. When making my reservation with Ace Express I used the departure time for the second leg of my flight instead of the first. There was about a two hour difference and not in my favor. I notice this when going by Black Canyon City and receiving a text message from SWA about the departure time. Ouch ... no way to make it ... didn't feel like a hassle when I got there and booking on another airline so I cancelled all of the flights, cars and hotels over the next ten miles or so ... chuckled a bit about the absurdity of it all and decided to have a terrific time enjoying the ride and the company. After we dropped the other passenger off at his terminal, Dwight, my driver, and I went out for a delightful dinner of El Pollo Loco chicken away from the airport. We had a good time visiting and getting to know each other better and then back to the airport top pick up the returning passengers and more delightful conversation. One of the passengers on the return trip was Cindy Paine who is arriving for a few weeks of retreats here; she is a life coach and her website is: http://cindypaine.com/home/ . A delightful person. So, the vacation was short, but fun. Getting a lot done around here and some quiet time. I need to take care of a few things in Minneapolis so will be going back for a couple of days near the end of the month and head up to the lake next spring. More time to visualize the lake and the fun that was lived and that yet to be ... life is good.


The photo tonight is again of the color at the peaks. On the lower right is the inner basin and the trail to Humphreys Peak (12,633') can be seen at bottom center and work its way up and to the left going to the summit of the peak. Below the inner basin is Lockett Meadow and a lot of beautiful color as the aspen groves turn color. My prior images of the meadow were shot from about 1200' below the altitude I am at in this photo and within the caldera and well below the peaks. Depending on which side I was trying to get specific shots from I would fly up either side of the caldera to just beyond the near color and then back down near the other side. Calm air made it possible as when there is any wind the air is a mess in there. Looking further out from the meadows on the left is O'Leary Peak and to the right Sunset Crater and more unnamed volcanic cones. Near the top left of center in the image is a small crater and that is Roden Crater the art project of James Turrell ... beyond that the painted desert, the Little Colorado River, Page is out there too and a lot of life.


Into the weekend ... no shots of Northern Wisconsin just yet ... next spring. Have a great time, share your joy and smile ... repeatedly :+)






I go out into the night and stretch forth my arms, as

if to embrace one I love

...the solace of the stars is sweet, and the stillness has a voice I understand


Max Ehrmann







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