... and the beauty of northern Arizona once again amazes me. I took this shot on January 7th late in the afternoon; there was an opening in the clouds which allowed the late afternoon sunlight to spill across the Painted Desert and create a rich warm color across the landscape. A number of volcanoes are visible throughout the photograph and the dark clouds of January trapped the light on the ground ... Healing Earth by Anugama is playing and creating the mood and providing the transport to drift through the air and escape the bounds of earth ... a magical musical highway replete with images of all that is and all that will be ...


I finished the Power Point presentation for the Salon this evening and it is looking good. Hope you join us at the Mary D. Fisher Theater at 1:30P on Saturday. The link to find out more and buy your tickets is: http://prod5.agileticketing.net/WebSales/pages/info.aspx?evtinfo=29073~e8932fbb-a9ae-4437-a638-ff0cf1793527&


A fun evening at the Hilton tonight and Anthony was great.


Time for some rest and a more relaxed day coming up ... enjoy the day and share it with someone ... the moment is ours ... it is all we have.


Cheers and a few smiles




At nightfall...though I know I shall sometime no more

Open my eyes to the light or day, I am one who looks at stars when

Unchained from the work-bench at Nightfall.

They are a sign that I am not ephemeral,

Not you, nor you, whoever you are.

The dawn comes and the dark and the sign sparkling in the brooding night,

Forever and forever.


Max Ehrmann






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