... One of the fun things with watching and shooting ducks is when they splash around in the water, bathing or just shaking things out for the heck of it ... the resulting sprays of water flying into the air and unusual body positions are fun to watch ... and they bring a smile to my face. So here is a hen mallard on her back and just getting into whatever it is she is doing.


Ripping through photographs all day and am getting into a rhythm; more of the same tomorrow and a minimum of a few hours a week until I get it done. Given up on trying to determine what is on the color negatives (our old ones - pre digital) and am sending some in for scanning and the rest go to the girls and they can toss them or scan them. Wish I would have done all my shooting with color slide film but a wee bit late to go back and rethink that decision. The thing I have found is that many of the images have importance to me, likely the girls, but beyond that, who cares? No one. I am still the one who tosses, Corky was the saver. My choice now :+) Deleted almost a thousand images today and hope to do the same tomorrow and keep it rolling.


Hope you had a good day too and that this day will exceed expectations. It really is a neat planet we live on and we are blessed






The growing grain and the placid sky have a kind of voice; and though you are

alone, the boundlessness of the universe is with you.


Max Ehrmann