Theodore  Grussing



... that all will go well with this first upload and transmittal of photo and email. I have not yet set up a mass light box page on the website for all the full size images from these emails; Muse is balking at doing several hundred photos upload at a time ... and I have been so busy today going through photo albums, letters et al today I have not given it enough time. Maybe tomorrow ...


It was a terrific weekend; yesterday I flew Steve on a flight so he could get the video footage of Oak Creek from top to bottom and then retrace the steps back up ... this is for a project he has going and which will release in April I think. It was fun. Then another flight with a visitor/friend from South Carolina, home and relax and then out to  dinner with a another friend. Worked late on the photo albums last night, got to church in time to leave my offering before George closed out the service. Had I bothered to read a bulletin I would have known that the service started early ... down to the ponds and home to spend the rest of the day sorting stuff out. Now packaged, about 40 pounds of photos and documents will be on the way to the girls later this morning. A few more weeks on this project as I narrow down the list of photos and negatives I want to have professionally scanned. Also fun reading the trip diaries that Corky wrote when we traveled as well as letters and such. We did have a heck of a lot of fun!


Flying again later this morning and then home and more sorting. The motorglider goes in for a new finish next week ... it is a big deal and will be gone for about a month. It has to be sanded down to glass to get rid of the gel coat. Machine and 220 grit to start and hand sanding to finish and maintain the wing profile. Thinking all white again, but with metallic white and blue for trim.


One lounges in the sun whilst I do my morning calisthenics and this morning I grabbed a camera and got some nice shots of her from floor level. We're doing well and strangely she prefers my morning Greek yogurt to the evening steak. Life is good, we are blessed ... share your joy and share a smile or three with someone today.






...I yield myself to the thousand enchantments of sky and field and wood,

and play again like a child on the soft green of the earth.

And as the God of the universe has made thee to bloom in tenderness,

so also may my heart be made to bloom again.


Max Ehrmann