Zero Waste (Almost) at Salem's Pizza Tasting Event
One of the favorite events at Salem's Heritage Days in August is the annual pizza tasting on the Common. Almost 1000 people consumed hundreds of pies from pizza makers all over Salem.
For the 2nd year in a row, SalemRecycles volunteers staffed the trash stations, capturing everything that could be either composted or recycled. A truckload of pizza boxes and napkins were composted, water bottles were recycled and participants were educated. Hundreds of pounds was diverted from the waste stream. At the end of the event there were only two bags of trash. Nice job!
Plastic Bag Recycling
Plastic bags CANNOT be recycled curbside. Not even to hold other recyclables! They jam up the sorting machines at the recycling center and cause serious problems. The good news is that clean, empty, dry bags, (#2 & 4) CAN be recycled at major grocery stores, along with bubble wrap, plastic case wrap and air pillows (deflated).
Check out this informative video, the newest in our "Salem Shorts" series:
Salem Shorts - "No Plastic Bags in Your Recycling!"
Common Curbside Recycling Mistakes-- Be Aware!
NEVER place the following items in your recycling cart:
NO electronics! A nything with a plug can be recycled at the quarterly E-waste events, the last Saturday of each quarter, at Salem High School. Most items are free. The next event is Saturday, Sept. 24, 8 am - noon.
NO clothing or textiles. S alemRecycles' Annual Textile Drive is on Saturday November 19, 8:00 am-3:00 pm at Reilly Plaza across from the Post Office. Bring all kinds of textiles and more. For textile drive details, visit To learn more about textile recycling issues, click here.
No styrofoam of any kind, even if it has a recycling logo and a number. Either reuse it or trash it.
No plastic bags, ever!!! (See article above)
Questions about what can be recycled? Look at the picture on the lid on your recycling toter or click here. Also, has information on where to recycle different items.
Reminder - Upcoming Events!
September 17- Book "Swap" 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Salem Senior Center, 5 Broad Street
Free books and more, including experts who will answer your recycling questions. Early drop off is Friday, Sept. 16, 5:00-7:00 pm. Volunteers will help carry your materials. Click here for more information.
September 24 - E Waste & Household Hazardous Waste Recycling: 8:00 am - noon Salem High School, 77 Willson Street
E-waste--bring anything with a plug. Most items free; TV's, computers, monitors, laptops, and large appliances (refrigerator, AC, stove) are $10 each. Bring proof of residency or ownership. Click here for more information.
Household Hazardous Waste--open to Salem and Beverly residents. $20 per car. Click here to see what you can bring. Here are some instructions for transporting hazardous waste materials: * Leave materials in their original containers and tighten lids * Pack oil paint, pesticides and household cleaners separately * Never mix chemicals * Put containers in upright boxes and pad with newspaper * Pack the car and go directly to the dropoff. * Do not smoke while handling hazardous materials!
November 19 - Textiles Drive 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Riley Plaza Parking Lot (on Margin Street in front of the Post Office)
Fabric is not trash! Start collecting clothing, sneakers, shoes, boots, slippers, belts, ties, purses, pillows, bedding (comforters, sheets, blankets), table linens, stuffed animals and draperies/curtains. Click here for more information.
Thank You for Your Recycling Enthusiasm!
SalemRecycles is excited to have you join us at all of our upcoming events!
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