The Fall Season Is Right Around the Corner at
Cigarette Butt Recycling 

You've probably seen the recycling butt bins in downtown Salem...they're mounted on poles and say "Park Your Butts Here."  Yes-the butts are recycled! The plastic fibers that comprise the filter are turned into plastic lumber.

Check out our new brief and entertaining video about Salem's ground-breaking program. 
Salem, Mass Butt Bin Program
Salem, Mass Butt Bin Program
Styrofoam Recycling
What to do with Styrofoam? It's a question that haunts most committed recyclers. Sadly, our recycling vendor, ReFoamIt, has closed. So here's what SalemRecycles recommends:
  • Try to avoid buying things packed in Styrofoam
  • Reuse it (or what we call repurpose). Ideas include filling planters 3/4 full with foam to cut down on soil needed and make them lighter; use for insulation; and use the thin trays from the grocery store for crafts. Here's a link with great reuse ideas from
  • If you have a lot of Styrofoam saved up, you may be able to take it to "Save that Stuff" in Charlestown. They only accept clean, white foam such as coolers and packaging material that are completely sticker and tape free. They do not accept colored foam, packing peanuts, food trays and containers, or foam cups. Click here for more details.
Upcoming Events!
September 17 -- Book Swap:  
Salem Senior Center, 5 Broad Street
10 am to 1 pm

Take books and/or bring books! This is a great opportunity to add to or clean out your bookshelf. Materials can be dropped off Friday evening, Sept. 16, from 5:00-7:00 pm, and Saturday, Sept. 17 from 9:45 am-noon. Books, CD's DVD's and greeting cards are accepted. Everything left over will be recycled.

September 24 - E Waste Recycling:
Salem High School, 77 Willson Street
8:00 am - noon
Recycle anything with a plug!
Most items free for Salem residents and property owners with proof of residency/ownership. $10 fee for TV's, Computers and Large Appliances.

E-waste recycling is held on the last Saturday of each quarter.
 (Note: this is the same time and place as Salem's annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection)

November 19 - Textiles Drive:
Riley Plaza Parking Lot (on Margin Street in front of the Post Office)
8:00 am -3:00 pm 

Bring clothes, towels, stuffed animals, tablecloths, bedspreads, pillows - anything made from fabric - even if it's damaged (but must be clean and dry). Also bring accessories such as belts, ties, purses, shoes - even single shoes!

Everything you bring will be donated to Goodwill (and you can get a receipt). Materials that can't be sold in their retail stores will be recycled and reused in other ways - think carpet pads and insulation.

Salem Recycles

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Thank You for Your Recycling Enthusiasm!
SalemRecycles is excited to have you join us at all of our upcoming events!
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