News You Can Re-Use
February 19, 2015 - Volume 18
Greetings! Our newsletter has a new look and we would love to hear your comments/thoughts/opinions. Please email us at - Thanks!
In this Issue
Recycling Not Picked Up? Here's What You Can Do
What a winter! Snow, snow and more snow. Sometimes due to challenging road conditions,
pickups have been missed.
homepage and it's available as an app.
Did you know that any time of year, you may also DROP OFF your trash and recycling?
Bring RECYCLING to North Shore Recycled Fibers, 53 Jefferson Ave., M-F 7:00-3:00; Sat 7-11. Separate paper and cardboard from mixed containers (metal cans, glass jars, plastic containers), just as you would curbside.
Bring TRASH to Salem's Transfer Station, 12 Swampscott Rd, M-F 7:30-4:00, Saturday 8:30-11:30. Free for residents with Salem drivers license. Fees for non- residents and construction debris.

Just in time for Spring Cleaning! Mark your calendar for SalemRecycles' semiannual book and media swap-- Saturday, March 28, 10 AM - 1 PM
Senior Center 5 Broad Street, Salem.
Start gathering your unwanted books, commercial CDs, DVDs and videos! All books will be accepted. Everything that doesn't find a new home will be donated or recycled.
Materials can be dropped off in advance on Friday, March 27 from 5:30-7:00 PM or bring them with you on Saturday (before noon). Volunteers will be available to help unload.
Everyone is invited to take books, etc.-no "swap" needed. For more information contact Julie Rose at or 978-619-5679.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, March 21
9 am - 1 pm
Lifoam Industries
2 Fifth St., Peabody
Foam marked #4, #5 and #6
Saturday March 28
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Salem Senior Center
5 Broad Street
Saturday, March 28
8:00 - 12:00 pm
Salem High School,
77 Willson Street
Recycle anything with a plug!
Proof of Residency Required
Book Swap Drop off
Friday March 27
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday March 28
9:45 am - 12:00 pm
Salem Senior Center
5 Broad Street

Keep Your Compost from Freezing!
Last month, we shared tips on how to prevent compost from freezing in the green bin. It was such a "hot" topic for such a cold winter that we thought it was worth sharing again. Because--if your compost sticks to the bin, it will be hard to empty and the bin might crack in the process!
- If possible, bring your cart inside
- Line the cart with layers of newspaper
- Use either paper or certified BPI compostable bags
- Throw some wood shavings in the bottom of the bin
- Make sure your bin is clean and dry prior to putting in the next round of organics

Book Review - "Junkyard Planet"
Where does our trash and garbage go? Adam Minter explores this question in his book, "Junkyard Planet."
Reading like a detective novel,
Minter traveled the globe searching for the resting place for plastics, paper, various metals and e-waste. The resulting detail, characters, and in-depth knowledge, and great prose, makes this story a delight to read.
Click here to read the full review on the SalemRecycles Blog.
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