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In This Issue
Upcoming Events
What's Happening?
Dual Stream Recycling
Plastic Bag Ban!
Styrofoam News
Upcoming Events:
Saturday September 20
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Lifoam Industries, 
2 Fifth St., Peabody
Exciting news!  ReFoamIt now accepts #4 and #5 foam along with #6 foam, more commonly called Styrofoam�.

Picked up on your regular trash pick-up day the week of September 22.

Saturday September 27
8-noon, $20/car
Salem High School
77 Wilson Street
Proof of residency/
ownership required. 

Saturday  September 27
8am - 12noon 
5 Jefferson Avenue
 $10 fee for TVs, computers, appliances.  
No limits. 
Proof of residency/
ownership required. 

Contact Julie Rose at or 978.619.5679 with questions or to volunteer.
Last month we asked for your best recycling or reuse story.
Here is one from Alexa Ogno:

1. When traveling to a hotel, bring along a reusable water cup for the bathroom and perhaps a place setting if you intend to use the kitchenette.

2. We are moving and the place we're moving to needed repainting. Rather than buying all new paint, at significant expense, I raided the basement of our condo and asked around for half-used cans of paint. With the help of a few 5-gallon buckets, I was able to mix up enough paint for the entire 2,000 sf house! I kept the reds, blues, greens and yellows/browns separate and am quite happy with how things turned out. I did buy a bucket of pure white and adjusted some of the colors between the first and second coats, but if you don't have specific colors in mind, it can work out great.

3. I now have more than 25 paint can lids. I plan to paint a checkerboard on the basement floor and use them for checkers. Or perhaps I will donate them to a school and they can have a playground checkers game for recess and after school programs.

Help organize, unload cars, answer questions...
Volunteer from 
8:30 - 11:00 am or from
10:45 am - 1:30 pm

Please contact 
Julie Rose at


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News You Can Re-Use
September 2014, Issue 13



1. Look for the Dual-Stream Recycling Reference Guide in the Salem Park and Recreation Booklet coming to your doorstep this FallClip out the guide, and post it near your bins or on your fridge!  Until then, a quick reminder:  keep clean paper and cardboard (that means no to the greasy parts of pizza boxes) in a separate bin from mixed containers - plastic, metal, and glass.  And absolutely NO plastic bags in the bin or to "contain" other recyclable items. Scroll down for more details!     


2.  Salem Composting Bin Goal: 1500.  Did you know that food waste makes up 30% of trash?  Food Scraps Plus can change that!  Currently, nearly 800 curbside compost bins are in use around the city.  The composting program has capacity to provide pickup service for 1500 compost bins.   Help us reach our goal by asking friends to learn more and sign up at  Worried you won't have enough to fill a bin?  No problem - share it with a neighbor! 


3.  ...and speaking of useful items that should not be "trashed" - Textiles! Tired, old clothes are NOT trash! Save the date for SalemRecycles' next Clothing & Household Textiles Recycling Drive on Saturday, November 22 from 8:00-3:00 in Riley Plaza. Clothing in any condition, footwear, belts, handbags, bedding and linens, even stuffed animals can be reused or recycled into new products. Items need not be in "wearable" condition - they just need to be clean and dry.


4.  Out and about? Salem has 265 public trash and recycling receptacles located around the City, and they fill up quickly.  Remember, as fall tourist season approaches, you can help keep litter at bay by carrying a bag with you to bring your recyclables and trash home.  Pack in, Pack Out when public bins are not available or simply full to capacity.

5. And don't forget the FREE BOOK SWAP on September 20! 


See flyer on the left for more information.


Newburyport City Council bans plastic bags! 

Read the full article here


Styrofoam News! 
Styrofoam cannot be recycled curb-side. 
This shows how and where to dispose of it! 

For additional information on recycling, go to