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In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Call for Volunteers
Inspiring Read!
Back to School!
Free Book Swap
Upcoming Events:
Saturday August 16
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Lifoam Industries, 
2 Fifth St., Peabody

Saturday  August 30
8am - 12noon 
5 Jefferson Avenue
No limits
Cost: $10/item 
Proof of residency/
ownership required

Contact Julie Rose at or 978.619.5679 with questions or to volunteer.
Saturday September 20!
Help organize, unload cars, answer questions...  
Volunteer from 8:30 - 11:00 am or from 10:45 am - 1:30 pm
Please contact Julie Rose at
Tell us your best summer recycling or reuse story and we will feature it in our next newsletter!
Here is one from one of the SalemRecycles crew:
I spent my vacation swimming in a beautiful river in northern New England that has recently become a popular place for tubing. My favorite spot along the river has a good current that spills into a calm deep pool- great for swimming. I always make sure I have a plastic bag with me - for my wet towel, a pretty rock, etc. Apparently some tubers found the small rapids challenging as one day I noticed a couple of shiny objects - cans at the bottom of the swimming hole. I fished them out and deposited them into my plastic bag. Over the next week I also found a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and suntan lotion. The shirt and shorts washed up nicely and I added them to my donation pile for the upcoming Salem Recycles Textile Event in November. Of course the cans were recycled (and I am using the suntan lotion).
A Food Waste Reduction Movement is 
Gathering Steam
Read this inspiring article from Forbes Magazine

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News You Can Re-Use
August 2014, Issue 12


Back to School Recycling Chaulkboard  

No matter how old one gets, September and the start of school always feels like the beginning of a new year: a time for a fresh start, to learn new things, to set new goals and to renew old ones.
September is a time to go! So let's start the "new year" right using the
Three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 

1. Back to School Shopping
  • Check out second hand shops for clothes and sporting goods.
  • Plan a clothing swap with friends and share your "what I did this summer" stories!
  • Remember, reusable bags are not just for groceries! Use them for clothes, books and all your fall shopping and swapping.
2. Repurposing & Upcycling is COOL for "Back to School"
  • Backpacks and notebook, phone and tablet covers can be made from items you have around the house!
  • An old sweater washed in hot water will shrink up nicely and turn into felted wool that can be cut and sewn without unraveling.
  • Customize a water bottle too!
  • For other great project ideas, check out SalemRecycles' upcycle display at our Book Swap on Saturday, September 20.
3. Re-think "single use" -- especially at school
  • If the school lunchroom uses plastic utensils and throw-away plates, bring your own.
  • Start a program at your school to offer reusable items.
  • Encourage your school to compost and recycle.
  • Or start a "ban the plastic water bottle" pledge.
Be an environmental leader...
gather your friends and family to help!

Use things up, pass them on, and when all else fails--recycle! 


Free Book Swap Coming Up September 20, 2014- Start Collecting Now!

Just in time for Fall Cleaning - SalemRecycles is holding another free book and media swap on Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 10 AM - 1 PM at the Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem. 
Mark your calendars now and start gathering your unwanted books, commercial CDs, DVDs and videos! All books will be accepted. Everything that doesn't find a new home will be donated or recycled. 

Materials can be dropped off in advance on Friday, September 19 from 5:30-7:00 PM or bring them with you on Saturday (before noon). Volunteers will be available to help unload.
Everyone is invited to take books, etc.-no "swap" needed. For more information contact Julie Rose at or 978-619-5679.

SalemRecycles is the recycling committee for the City of Salem. The free book swap is held twice a year. For more information go to or the SalemRecycles Facebook page.
For additional information on recycling, go to