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In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Bird Houses!
No More Plastic Bags in Marblehead
Bring Your Own
Composting Tips
Upcoming Events:
Saturday May 17
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Lifoam Industries, 
2 Fifth St., Peabody

Bag It - 
Is Your Life Too Plastic? 
Wednesday May 21, 7:00 pm
Beverly Library - FREE

Saturday  May 31
8am - 12noon 
5 Jefferson Avenue
Limits: TV/CRT: 2
White goods: 1
Small electronics: no limit. Proof of residency/
ownership required.

Contact Julie Rose at or 978.619.5679 with questions or to volunteer.
Help Make Bird Houses!!!
    Emptied, clean, half gallon paper boxed milk or juice cartons needed! They will be used at the June 6-8 Arts Festival for the kids to paint and make a bird house.
    If you're interested in volunteering to help with the table, please contact Flora at or 978-397-1582.
Did you know?

The City has over 500 residents composting curbside on a weekly basis! Currently the pick-up day is Wednesday; in June a Thursday route will be added (some on the current Weds. route will change to Thursday).

Residents are often pleasantly surprised to learn that the following can go in your curbside compost bin:

Paper Q Tips
Cotton balls
Soiled tissues, paper towels and napkins (no chemicals, feces or blood)
Nut and shellfish shells
Corn cobs and husks

There is plenty of capacity if you would like to join this pilot program. Go to and fill out a short survey; then the City will be in touch via e-mail.

Thanks for composting!
No More Plastic Bags in Marblehead:


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News You Can Re-Use
May 2014, Issue 9
Swap 'N' Drop. Photo by Jillian DiNunzio
Spring has (finally!) sprung! SalemRecycles and the Beautification Committee once again collaborated on a very successful Clean Salem Green Salem event on May 3rd. Thank you to all who participated in Clean Sweeps cleaning up trash and litter from our streets and to "Swap and Droppers" who brought items to share with others and/or picked up some great gently used items. And thank you to our industry partners - Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries (MMGI) and North Shore Recycled Fibers (NSRF) for their mobile drop off stations on Salem Common that day. A reminder: MMGI has a manned drop off facility in two convenient locations - Stop and Shop in Vinnin Square and Stop and Shop at 19 Howley Street in Peabody. NSRF on Jefferson Avenue accepts all kinds of materials for recycling such as rigid plastic, paper and plastic bags. 
Bring Your Own
Our spring cleanup and swap reminds us all that unfortunately some items don't make it into the recycle bin. Let's face it; we have too many "one use" items in our world. So to start the warm weather season off right here are some tips to reduce all that stuff by incorporating a few simple "Bring Your Own" strategies into your life.Our spring cleanup and swap reminds us all that unfortunately some items don't make it into the recycle bin. Let's face it; we have too many "one use" items in our world. So to start the warm weather season off right here are some tips to reduce all that stuff by incorporating a few simple "Bring Your Own" strategies into your life. 
  • Bring your own reusable "doggie box" for leftovers next time you visit a restaurant. If you take a box every time you eat out they add up. The plastic containers are reusable (and recyclable) but unfortunately the plastic coated paper takeout boxes are not.
  • Reusable bags are not just for the supermarket. Reusable bags come in all forms: nylon fold up bags, plastic grocery bags, paper bags, cloth bags, hey - even a backpack works. Be creative. It doesn't matter what you use - it matters that you use something that you already have at home.
  • Reusable water bottles and mugs make a difference. Your favorite coffee shop would be more than happy to fill up your travel mug. And we all know that plasticwater bottles are a litter problem. Salem is fortunate to have healthy water which is tested regularly. And we know where it comes from. Can you say the same for purchased bottled water? The fine print doesn't tell you much, or tells you that it is essentially tap water shipped from somewhere else. Save your money and use your own bottle and the tap.
  • Use real flatware with your "bring your own" lunch or dinner. Or use a portable "spork." Like a folding pocket knife, a spork is a folding utensil that is just what the name suggests, a combination spoon and fork. And oh yes, plastic utensils are not recyclable.
  • Cloth napkins make a meal special. Ever been on a picnic with nice plates and cloth napkins? Didn't it feel fun and special? Spring is a great time of year to get outside and enjoy a meal- homemade or take out. Bring a cloth napkin to use to create your own special picnic lunch.

These simple steps make a difference - You can make a difference. Why not start now?

Liz Vago is a founding member and former chair of SalemRecycles, the City of Salem volunteer recycling committee. To learn more about the three R's: reduce, reuse, recycle, please visit us on Facebook,, at, and on the City of Salem website.

Composting Tips from James Lacy: "I drilled some 3/8 inch holes in some low points in the bottom of the green bucket. I line the bottom with a sheet of news paper. This seems to keep it clean and easy to dump. I am trying to keep the bucket from going anaerobic although, ultimately, this wouldn't matter since the final destination pile would be hot enough to degrade the contents. I haven't had any problems with animals getting into the bucket yet. I keep it outside the garage.
Inside, I am keeping to putting interim compost in a lined shoe box in the freezer. This will keep the fruit flies down while the box fills up, then I have a frozen chunk of compost that can fit into the green bucket. I line the shoe box with a plastic shopping bag. This makes it easy to lift the chunk out and put it in the bucket. It also keeps the shoe box from disintegrating too soon; the wet mass freezes before everything leaks to the bottom. "
For additional information on recycling, go to