The SouthFair Times
SouthFair Community Development Corporation
December 2013 | Issue 4
Annie Jones Evans
Executive Director
[email protected]

Andrea T. Fowler
Resident Manager
Ester Perry
Executive Asst./Office Mgr.
[email protected]

Lois Lilly
Housing Assistant
[email protected]

James Allen
General Maintenance Assistant
SouthFair was incorporated in October 1991. SouthFair is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit corporation and a certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) under the City of Dallas HOME Program.
Fair Park Merchants Association 
The Fair Park Merchants Association (FPMA) is open for membership. If you are interested in joining or know of a South Dallas business that may be interested please contact Venus Cobb and/or download the membership application form.  

Did you know . . .

* Bonton Honey Company is a small business owned and operated by residents in South Dallas.


*With more than a million annual visitors, the Dallas Farmers Market is the largest working farmers market in the entire United States.


* In 1975, African American, Wally Amos, opened his first Famous Amos cookie store in Los Angeles. 


Well now you do! 

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Construction Continues in Fair Park Estates

At the end of October we started construction on eight more houses in Fair Park Estates. We anticipate having these houses ready for purchase and/or participation in our rent-to-own program in early January 2014. 


Demolished Duplex
We purchased and demolished an abandoned duplex located at 2800 Park Row with the assistance of the City of Dallas. We plan to replace the duplex with two single family houses next Spring.

Board Members:

Theodore M. Lawe
Harry Robinson, Jr.

First Vice Chairman

Marian Williams

Second Vice Chairwoman

Marilynn Mayse


Zaincorie Taylor-Smith Treasurer

Roy Andy



Tara Good

Johnnie Griggs

Michael Krywucki

Eric Stark

LaKisha Stark


** Roughly half of SouthFair's Board Members have served over six years.

Dallas Home Connection
SouthFair along with Builders of Hope, EDCO, ICDC, Capital One and NTHC are partners in the Dallas Home Connection collaborative. The group is having its first event of the new year on Saturday, February 1st, 11am-1pm at Citisquare's new Volunteer Opportunity Center.  Please visit the Dallas Home Connection website for more information.
SouthFair's mission is to improve the quality of life for the residents of South Dallas through the promotion of neighborhood revitalization, primarily through the development of affordable housing, economic activity and the provision of needed support services. Further, to promote housing choice for low and moderate income households, SouthFair will consider the development of affordable housing as needed within the greater Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.
If you desire to financially support SouthFair you can send donations to the address below. All donors will receive a receipt and a letter of acknowledgment.

here to print a copy of our pledge form or donate online.

SouthFair CDC

PO Box 150353

Dallas, TX 75315



North Texas Giving Day is fast approaching. SouthFair will once again participate. So save the date-September 19th. Get Up and Give! 


Thank you for taking the time to read SouthFair's December 2013 newsletter. We are very happy to share some of our successes and also provide useful information about community revitalization in South Dallas. As always we appreciate your support!  -Annie

Fair Park Estates: Another Successful Renter to Owner

SouthFair is in the process of closing on another home this month with Ms. Sherry Brewer. Ms. Brewer is more than thrilled to be able to own her home. She has been a participant in our rent-to-own program for a little under two years.  She continued to work with her realtor, Helen Gonzalez-Crawford, along with SouthFair and now she will be a homeowner in South Dallas. Congratulations Ms. Brewer!


Sherry Brewer
Prepare to Be Covered

SouthFair is proud to partner with Be Covered, a grassroots organization dedicated to engage, educate, and enroll the uninsured. 


Your Marketplace Account

Setting up an account on the Health Insurance Marketplace? A new fact sheet has a few quick tips to help you get started.    


Prepare to Be Covered

If you're preparing to buy health insurance, it's important to explore your options. You may want to contact an insurer or insurance agent of your choosing or look into your eligibility for government programs such as Medicaid, Medicare or CHIP.


In addition to providing a bilingual website, informational materials, and a text campaign, Be Covered Texas has also launched a bilingual consumer education hotline: 1-866-427-7492. Consumers can call this toll-free number Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT for more information about requirements of the new federal health care law.

SouthFair's Monthly Meetings

SouthFair's monthly crime watch meetings and the Fair Park Estates Neighborhood Association meetings are consistently held throughout the year. A special thanks to our regular guests, representatives from the City of Dallas Police, DART Police and DISD Police along with Fire Department and other businesses that give their time to come and chat with our residents.


Small Multifamily Development in Pre-Development  

SouthFair has teamed up with BC Workshops to finalize designs and other pre-development work for the eight-plex multifamily unit that will be known as Ethel Parnell Place Apartments II. We are very excited about this project and to get a chance to work with Benje Feehan and Jennifer Mayfield at BC Workshops. We anticipate starting construction in the Spring. 

SouthFair's Senior Care Program

The Senior Care Program is still going strong. All of our seniors look forward to the monthly outing opportunities. In October, the Seniors enjoyed spending an afternoon at the State Fair of Texas.  In November they had the opportunity to expand their knowledge by taking a tour of the Federal Reserve of Dallas facility. 


Seniors at the State Fair of Texas
Seniors at the Federal Reserve of Dallas


Bus Tour of Fair Park Estates

SouthFair participated in CitiBank's Southern Dallas Bus Tour in November. Thanks to Karen Riley for inviting us to take part. We welcomed about 20 individuals, shared some information about SouthFair and its home buying process. The participants also got the opportunity to tour one of our homes in Fair Park Estates.    


Board Member Spotlight: Roy Andy

Roy Andy is one of the longest serving board members.Since 1995, Andy has volunteered his time and resources to SouthFair. He received his undergraduate degree in Industrial Technology/Business Administration from Texas A&M Commerce formerly East Texas State University. Mr. Andy worked for the United States Postal Service for 31 years as a Postal Manager.  He retired in 2007 from the postal service and now operates his own company.


Getting to know Roy:

Where born: City, State- Fairfield, TX

Favorite restaurant, dish, or pig-out food - Fish

Family -Wife: Michele and Grandson: Roy Andy III

Famous person you would most like to meet-  Nelson Mandela

Words that describe you best - Family man, Christian, hard worker, compassionate and giving

In your spare time you . . . - Travel, volunteer, help others, visit family, active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Deacon at Concord Church

If you've learned one thing in life, it is . . . - You can't beat God giving
What are your hopes/desires for SouthFair and the
South Dallas community?- My hope for SouthFair is that it will be a force to be reckon with. I would like to see SouthFair help South Dallas to become a stable, self-empowered community.

SouthFair Community Development Corporation | 2610 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Dallas, TX 75215 | 214-421-1363  [email protected] | 

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