Calendar of Events 

Online Learning

This online course includes 65 hours of instruction in the form of video lectures, audio programs, and reading content!!
Welcome to The Salon, a Mystery School I founded ten years ago for sharing a wide spectrum of relevant information to enrich your life. 
Personal Health Assessments

The purpose of the CHII is to allow you a fast and easy way to identify your own personal blocks and to allow you to work on removing these blocks.

The purpose of the PNP is to allow you a fast and easy way to identify your personal chemistry
The Calendar of Archetypal Influences, written by popular CMED Teacher/ faculty: Richard Tarnas, author of the acclaimed Cosmos and Psyche, offers a beautifully designed personal calendar to facilitate even greater insight into your archetypal cycles.
The Cosmic Window, written and designed by Philip Levine, and the Calendar of Archetypal Influences, co-created by Richard Tarnas and Philip Levine, are each made for you personally, based on your own time and place of birth.
The Lunar Life Cycle is prepared just for you, based upon your own time and place of birth, and offers you perspective, a way of seeing, as if you were able to ascend to a mountain top and to view your surroundings and see where everything is.
Our relationships in many ways determine who we are and who we will be. Whether with people we choose to be with, or those we are 'given,' like family, these connections offer us challenges and rewards
Audio & Video

Welcome to CMED's Free Media Center, featuring hundreds of hours of audio and video from Caroline's workshops and events.

Caroline`s virtual workshops allow you to experience the wisdom of Caroline Myss without leaving the comfort of your home.

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Caroline Myss

Six On-Line Seminars. Weekly, July 24 ~ August 28
For quite some time now, I have dreamed of being able to teach from home, of offering classes that people could attend no matter where they are in the world. Technology and on-line seminars now make that dream possible. It's just remarkable what we can do - and so we are doing it - this summer. I thought it would be fun to invite all of you to join me in a six-week Summer School course called REFLECTIONS. I selected that name because it states in one word the core intention behind each one of the six classes I am offering: I want to present you with transformational concepts, inspiring ideas, spiritual truths, and sacred mysteries that draw you into wondrous states of deep reflection about your life and the power you have to redirect your life at any given moment, if you have the inner knowledge and spiritual stamina.

With that vision in mind, I am presenting the following six 90-minute classes in which I will do a live lecture and then I will "open the lines" for your questions during the last half hour. 


Link For More Information


Special Cruise Event
Jan 5 - 19, 2014


We need to understand why we are undergoing this "relationship transition" into an archetypal consciousness, how that is personally influencing us, and how these changes are reshaping our view of the world we live in.

This workshop presents a look into the archetype of Relationships - how we want them to be as an ideal - and then examines who we have become as a result of living in a rapidly changing society with its values in chaos.


Link for more information

Wishing You The Very Best
The Myss team