July 2015 

It All Add$ Up Bookkeeping and Tax Tips
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Summertime inventory!  Once summer starts to wind down, what's the best way to move your summer inventory and increase cash flow?  Why with a summer clearance sale of course!  Everyone loves a sale, but it's important to create a loyal customer base to compete with big box stores.  Read on to find out how to increase your cash flow and discover creative ways to draw customers in.
Inventory Overstock
Too much summer inventory?
July marks mid-summer.  With the rainy weather we have had, it doesn't seem much like summer.  If you are a retail establishment, perhaps you're overrun with summer gear, clothing, furniture or toys.  What's the best way to move inventory - why having a sale of course!

If you don't know what you have on hand, how can you manage to work your inventory down to limit your tax liability?  There are times when out of stock may be okay.  Review our tips on inventory management to help increase your cash flow and improve your bottom line.

Summer Clearance Sale
Creative offers to build loyal customers
Everyone loves a bargain! Back to school sales will be starting soon. But do you want one time customers that come into the store for a clearance sale, or to create a business culture that develops loyal customers?There's a big difference. A loyal customer will always come back to see what's new and tell others about their recent purchases.

Small business owners always struggle with ways to compete with big box stores. They don't have the advertising dollars, but still need to draw customers into the store to keep the lights on. We've come up with some creative ways to draw customers into your store through a unique series of promotions and sales throughout the year.


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