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In This Issue
Tips For Creating a Smoother Cash Flow
Work Smart to Avoid Tax Surprises
What's In a Business Structure?
Lauri Paxton
Lauri Paxton
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It All Add$ Up April News

In this month's issue of It ALL Add$ Up, find out tips for creating a smoother cash flow and why it's important to evaluate your business structure periodically.

Now that your taxes are finished, it's never too early to start planning for next year. Planning and auditing now will eliminate any surprises. Need help getting started? Don't delay; give us a call at 724-359-5022 to schedule an appointment.

We put the AX to your TAX worries! 



Cashflow tips The stress from ensuring you have enough cash for payroll, bills and taxes can be overwhelming.  When things are going well, it seems that money flows in and out of your business like a continuous ebb and flow. However, sometimes the unexpected situation crops up, causing the ebb and flow to stop...and leaving you with a cash flow problem. 


As business owners, we all work hard and we want you to continue your successes. So here are 4 key tips to keep your river of cash flowing freely.  Click here to read the details to help you manage your cash flow. 

  1. Go Digital
  2. Avoid Intermingling of Funds
  3. Automate
  4. Verify Expenses

By the time this newsletter goes out - tax season will have peaked and we're already working into the 2nd quarter of the year.  Many of our business clients work with us each month, and as part of our procedure, we review the financials, profit and loss statements and have a solid understanding of where your tax liabilities are for quarterly tax payments and self-employment estimates.  Our clients aren't surprised when it comes tax season.


Since some of our business tax clients are not on a monthly bookkeeping program, we want to highlight some things to review quarterly.   

  • On a quarterly basis - be sure all income, expenses, payroll, and taxes are entered into your accounting software.
  • Determine outstanding A/R and A/P balances.
  • Review financials to determine profitability.
  • Pay and project quarterly estimates for the remainder of the year. 
  • Each quarter review projections and adjust if necessary.

Planning and adjusting as necessary will eliminate surprises come 2015 Tax Season.

Business Entities Whether you're just getting started in business, have been in business for a few years, or are approaching your 20th anniversary, it's a good idea to periodically review your business structure.  As your business grows and expands, a different business structure might offer a better fit for your organization. 

Each type of entity has different benefits and tax implications.  For a quick overview to see if it might be time for you to change, click here.

I hope you find these tax tips helpful.  If you have a topic you would like addressed, drop me a line.



Lauri Paxton 
Paxton Bookkeeping and Tax Services