West Valley Christian  Elementary Weekly News
September 25, 2015
In This Issue
Classroom Newsletters
at a Glance!

Quick Links
Soles 4 Souls is a global social enterprise committed to fighting the devastating impact of poverty by collecting and distributing shoes and clothing here and abroad. 
Mrs. Mak's 
K Class

Miss Kammeraad's 
K Class

Mrs. Allwardt's 
1st Grade Class

Links to come!

Mrs. Chavez's 
2nd Grade Class

Mrs. Stalboerger's 
3rd Grade Class

Mrs. Hoevel's 
4th Grade Class

Click Practice Activities
Miss Whitis's 
5th Grade Class

Links to come!

Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 28th at 
7pm in the church lobby.  We'll be discussing our annual Holiday Boutique, among other fun stuff!

See's Candy...Who doesn't LOVE See's Candy? Be on the lookout for our first See's Candy (holiday) Fundraiser.  Your packets of information, order forms, and catalogs will be coming soon!  These are great gift purchases or a fabulous treat for home!

Our next restaurant fundraiser is Tuesday, October 6th at Chili's in Fallbrook CenterFlyers will be in Friday's mail soon!  Thanks for your support!  Look forward to seeing you there!

Daily Snack Cart - We will not longer be selling snacks after school. Sorry to all our friends that took advantage of that!  However, ice cream Friday's are still happening in the CONNECTING PLACE during car line!

If you want to learn more about PTO and how to get involved, read more or contact Lori Wilson at [email protected].

Class Highlight of the Week
Time Flies in First Grade!
It is music to a teacher's ears when she hears her class say, "It's time for lunch?" or "Time to go home already?"
In first grade, we have been very busy learning about our amazing world through many science experiments.  We work together to see how we can test our knowledge of structure and mechanics through S.T.E.M. activities.  We have been studying about great artists and even making some tasty treats along the way!  Learning about our country and the Pledge makes us say it with conviction, but what makes our class the most excited is to see a connection between numbers and order in math and order in God's world.  So, pray for us as we work hard and grow together in God's word.

Character Counts at WVCS! 
In Honor of Our September Character trait...LOVE!

WVCS is showing love for Pediatric Cancer Month!

Next week is the last week we will be collecting cans and change!

Please bring the items and change to your teachers or to the office. Thank you!

Grace and her family! We love you!


Important Reminders!
Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Oct. 15-16th
We will have a 1/2 day on Oct. 15th, dismissal at 12:20 p.m. 
There will be no school on Oct. 16th.
Please send the sign-up form which is in your child's Friday mail back to your teacher as soon as possible. Accommodations will be made for students with siblings and other requests will be made on a first come, first served basis. 
Conferences are for teachers and parents only. Thank you!

Yearbook Ads For Sale!           
The yearbook captures this specific year in your child's life like no other book...make it extra special by leaving a unique message for your child to find and remember forever!

Upcoming Events!

Falcon Sports!
Cheerleading is here! 
Get ready to see our new cheerleading team lead the cheers for all our Falcon sports!  

Flag Football
Practice Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-4:45. First game is on Oct. 7th versus St. Paul's at 3:00pm. If you still have no scheduled you physical, please do so as soon as possible.

Practice Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-5:00p.m.First game is on Oct. 13th versus Valley Pres. at 3:00pm. If you still have no scheduled you physical, please do so as soon as possible.

In order to play a sport, you must get a physical and turn in Athletic Participation Packet. Fee: $75 per sport 

Drama News from Mrs. Lampechkun!

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Production!
The 3rd-8th grade Christmas show is in rehearsals (Mondays 3:30-5:00).  
Lines:  All lines need to be memorized by November 16th.
Show Date:   Thursday, December 10th

Student Council (STUCO) Announcements!
Student Leadership 
Service- Group Leader: Gianni
-Assist office in Ronald McDonald Project/Other School Projects
-Playground Monitors/Campus Clean ups
-Staff Birthdays
Rep:  Maia
Rep:  Antonella
Spiritual-Group Leader: Samantha
-Character Traits
-Friday Flag Raising
-Prayer Warrior Program
-Classroom Verses
Chaplain:  Maisie
Spirit-Group Leader: Krysta
-Spirit Days
-Skits For Chapel
Rep: Bella
Rep: Isabella

IXL Math and Language!

We will be looking for the students who complete teacher assigned skills and master them! Remember, practice makes perfect!

Calendar of Events

Month of September - Collect canned/dry goods and change for Cancer Awareness Month

Sept 28 - PTO meeting @ 7:00 p.m. (church lobby)
Sept 30 - 5th grade drama skit @ 8:10 a.m. in
Oct 2     - End of quarter 1
Oct 6     - Chili's fundraiser
Oct 15   - 1/2 day, Parent-Teacher conferences
Oct 16   - No school, Parent-Teacher conferences
Oct 17   - Field Day!
Oct 21   - 4th grade drama skit @ 8:10 a.m. in                           chapel!

West Valley Christian School ~ 22450 Sherman Way West Hills 91307 ~ 818-884-4710 office