West Valley Christian  Elementary Weekly News
September 11, 2015
In This Issue
Classroom Newsletters
at a Glance!

Quick Links
Soles 4 Souls is a global social enterprise committed to fighting the devastating impact of poverty by collecting and distributing shoes and clothing here and abroad. 
Mrs. Mak's 
K Class

Miss Kammeraad's 
K Class

Mrs. Allwardt's 
1st Grade Class

Links to come!

Mrs. Chavez's 
2nd Grade Class

Mrs. Stalboerger's 
3rd Grade Class

Mrs. Hoevel's 
4th Grade Class

Click Practice Activities
Miss Whitis's 
5th Grade Class

Links to come!

Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 28th at 
7pm in the church lobby.  We'll be discussing our annual Holiday Boutique, among other fun stuff!

See's Candy...Who doesn't LOVE See's Candy? Be on the lookout for our first See's Candy (holiday) Fundraiser.  Your packets of information, order forms, and catalogs will be coming soon!  These are great gift purchases or a fabulous treat for home!

Our next "fun-raiser" is scheduled for next Friday, September 11th starting at 
3pm at Chuck E Cheese in Fallbrook Center!  Please don't forget to come and participate in raising money for your student's school/classroom!  
Your PTO thanks YOU!

Family Fun Night!
We had over 70 people come and enjoy some wonderful family time. We are blessed with great families!
Hook Burger Success!
Due to the awesome WVCS participation, we raised $225.87! Thanks for your help in  making our first restaurant fundraiser a huge success!  

Daily Snack Cart - from 3pm-3:30pm.  Healthy snacks are always available. 
Drinks and snacks for sale - ranging from $.50 to $2.00.

Friday Treats - PTO will be selling ice cream, special treats and drinks on Fridays after school next to car line! 
Parents, ice cream is $1.00 - don't forget to send it with your student! 

If you want to learn more about PTO and how to get involved, read more or contact Lori Wilson at lori.wilson@qmadix.com.

Class Highlight of the Week
Third Grade Shows LOVE and Support for Pediatric Cancer ♥
In chapel, we are focusing on showing LOVE this month. In honor of our focus on LOVING others, our school us supporting Cancer Awareness month by tie-ing yellow ribbons on our playground fences, to show we care! We are also excited to be collecting canned goods and $ for purchasing Bibles to give to the many families who stay at The Ronald McDonald House while receiving treatment. 3rd grade was excited to tie a yellow ribbon and to show God's LOVE to the many families affected with pediatric cancer. 

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Character Counts at WVCS! 
In Honor of Our September Character trait...LOVE!

We are so excited to announce a FANTASTIC SERVICE OPPORTUNITY for our school.
We have learned that there is a child in our Kindergarten who is dealing with Cancer. The family has spent so much time living at the hospital and has connected with so many families of other children who have Cancer. Most 
families' funds go to hospital bills, so the necessities like food are hard to come by. I cannot imagine being a parent who has to watch their child go through this horrible disease. However, with Jesus (and helpers like you) they can 
have hope and encouragement!

WVCS is dedicated to helping in any way we can so we are going to be collecting food (canned and dry goods) for the month of SEPTEMBER. We are also asking that you send in your change so we can buy children's bibles for the children in the hospital.

Upcoming Event News!
Picture Day is 
coming soon!

Don't forget to smile and wear your best uniform clothes on Tuesday, September 22.

Order forms will be coming home soon.

Falcon Sports!
Welcome back to another exciting year in Athletics. 

Flag football and softball practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Please make sure to get your physical completed before the first game or scheduled as soon as possible. 

Joshua Bloomfield
Athletic Director
West Valley Christian School

In order to play a sport, you must get a physical and turn in Athletic Participation Packet. Fee: $75 per sport 

Drama News from Mrs. Lampechkun!

Tryouts for The Grinch are Monday, September 14th at 3:30.  Third through fifth grade are automatically in the show as it is their Christmas program but if they want a main speaking part, they need to come to the audition on Monday September 14th.

Stay tuned...5th grade is preparing a special chapel for September 30th! Please join us in the Worship Center at 8:15 a.m.

Student Council (STUCO) Announcements!
All the STUCO candidates did a wonderful job giving their speeches on Wednesday!

We will announce our Student Council for the first semester...drum roll please....

on Monday! Stay tuned :)

IXL Math and Language!
Teachers are excited to see all the students practicing math and language skills on IXL! 
We will award top performers in each class at chapel each month. 

We will be looking for the students who complete teacher assigned skills and master them! Remember, practice makes perfect!

Calendar of Events

Month of September - Collect canned/dry goods and change for Cancer Awareness Month

Sept 11 - Chuck E. Cheese "fun-raiser"
Sept 11 - Athletic forms due (if playing a sport)
Sept 14 - Drama auditions for The Grinch @ 3:30-                   5:00 in WC (4-5th)
Sept 22 - Picture Day (please wear your uniform)
Sept 28 - PTO meeting @ 7:00 p.m. (church lobby)
Oct 2     - End of quarter 1
Oct 15   - 1/2 day, Parent-Teacher conferences
Oct 16   - No school, Parent-Teacher conferences

West Valley Christian School ~ 22450 Sherman Way West Hills 91307 ~ 818-884-4710 office