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Four Ways To Block Mobile Phone Porn
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Eric Tooley
Four Ways To Block Mobile Phone Porn  

Protecting our children from inappropriate material has become common place on our television sets, through our cable/satellite providers, on our computers, and even through our internet providers. There are multiple options for software to install on our computers to filter pornography and/or record internet activity.  


Unfortunately, cell phones and mobile devices are not as easy to protect.  


My own study of parents giving their children cell phones revealed that 71% of parents did not use any cell phone parental controls.  


Here are a few simple ways to protect your children:  


1) Call your cell phone provider.  

AT&T, Verizon and the others want to keep you as a customer. They have services for parents. There may be a small monthly fee which is well worth it. They will also explain how to use the services.  


2) Use parental controls

Ask your cell phone provider to explain how to use the parental controls that are built in to your child's particular mobile device. They usually provided the phone when you signed up for service and can help you use its parental controls. If they didn't provide it, call the manufacturer or place of purchase. 


3) Use parental control apps.  

The best I know of come from Covenant Eyes. This Christian company has apps for Apple and Android devices. However, the Apple app is only effective when the device's built in parental controls are implemented. The Android app does not filter but it does record and report all internet activity.  


4) Provide your child a cell phone without internet.  

82% of the parents in my study chose this option by either disabling internet through their provider or providing a phone without internet capability.  


Cell phones and other mobile devices can be every bit as dangerous to our children as a computer. On these devices, we must be just as diligent if not more in protecting our children.  


Tooley, E. (2013, August 15). First Mobile Phone and Effect on Behavior and Scholastic Performance. Unpublished. Garland, TX: Amberton University Master's Degree Program.

Upcoming Programs
Friday, June 27, 9:45 am, 10:45 am, & 4:00 pm
Orlando, FL - Spiritual Growth Workshop
Adult Workshops
"A Biblical Look at Pornography"
"Pornography's Effect on the Brain"
"Spiritual Disciplines to Avoid Pornography"

Saturday, June 28, 10:45 am & 2:45 pm
Orlando, FL - Spiritual Growth Workshop
Teen Keynote Addresses
"Equipped for Morality"
"Discussion Panel"

If you are interested in booking Eric to speak, email
eric@ultimateescape.org or call 972-342-0753. 
Recent Programs
Eric finished the school year with eleven days of speaking to ten different schools! Almost 4,000 students, parents, and teachers heard his message. Here are a few pictures.

If you are interested in booking Eric to speak, email eric@ultimateescape.org or call 972-342-0753.