Here's the news you need to know and the details that cover it 
all in Hall!
Hall County pays off more than $2 million in sewer debt

The Hall County Board of Commissioners paid off millions of dollars in sewer debt after voting to sell property at the Spout Springs Water Reclamation Facility (SSWRF) on Spout Springs Road.

Two tracts, totaling over 100 acres, were both sold to developer J.H. Homes for $2.22 million. The Board used the proceeds from that sale to pay down the debt from $14.3 million to $12.1 million.  Read more here. 

SPLOST VII revenues above projections, expenditures on track

Approximately $29.9 million has been collected in the first year of Hall County's Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VII, which was approved by voters in March 2015.   That's 4.27 percent (or $1.2 million) more than SPLOST VII was projected to bring in during its first year.

"The higher than expected SPLOST VII collections can be attributed to Hall County's improving economy and on the conservative projections made by County officials and the Georgia Tech economist used to calculate potential SPLOST revenue," said Hall County Commission Chairman Richard Mecum. 

Read more here

New traffic signal makes for safer intersection at Sterling on the Lake

Hall County officials have partnered with several other entities to make the intersection at the entrance to Sterling on the Lake subdivision on Spout Springs Road much safer for motorists in the area.

Hall County District 1 Commissioner Kathy Cooper was contacted this spring by the subdivision's developer, who had completed a traffic signal warrant study for the intersection.  Read more here.

Litter trap project receives statewide award

The Hall County/City of Gainesville Flat Creek Bandalong Litter Trap was recently named as the recipient of the American Public Works Association (APWA) - Georgia Chapter's 2016 Technical Innovation Award.  The APWA GA Chapter Awards Program recognizes outstanding public works individuals, groups, projects and awareness efforts representing the best achievements in the public works profession in Georgia. Read more here.
Officials move up timeline for Spout Springs Road Widening Project

Hall County officials are pleased to announce that construction for one of the most urgent transportation projects in the county, the widening of Spout Springs Road, will occur two years earlier than originally anticipated.

The news comes following a meeting this summer between Hall County Commission Chairman Richard Mecum, District 1 Commissioner Kathy Cooper, Rep. Emory Dunahoo and Hall County staff, who urged Georgia Department of Transportation officials to speed up the timeline on the much-needed road widening project.  Read more here.

citizen's alert
Sign up for Citizen's Alert System during National Preparedness Month

September is recognized as National Preparedness Month (NPM) which serves as a reminder that we all must take action to prepare, now and throughout the year, for the types of emergencies that could affect us where we live, work, and also where we visit. One of the best ways you can make sure you're prepared in the case of an emergency is to sign up for the Hall County Citizen's Alert System.  Click here to sign up and learn more. 

Finance Director Zach Propes
Hall County receives award for excellence in financial reporting

Hall County Financial Services has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year 2015. This marks the 24th year the department has earned the designation.  Read more here.

Pets and students partner up for 'Run with the Rescues'

It won't be an ordinary training run for members of the Chestatee High School Cross Country Team this Saturday. This time, they'll each be joined by four extra legs.

The team has partnered with the Hall County Animal Shelter for a "Run with the Rescues" event at 9 a.m. at Chestatee Middle School. Cindy Langman, program director for the Shelter, said she heard about a similar event in California and thought the same thing could be done in Hall County. Click here for more. 
Tax Commissioner's Office adds agent dedicated to dealers, large fleets
Gricelda Juarez

The Hall County Tax Commissioner is pleased to announce the addition of a new service within the office - a dedicated Dealer/Fleet Agent. This service is available for all dealerships and businesses or individuals with more than 25 fleet transactions.

The Dealer/Fleet Agent position has been awarded to Gricelda Juarez who has been a member of the department since 2013. The dealer/fleet service will be stationed at window 2 in the Tax Commissioner's office at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville on the 1st Floor. Read more here
News from Hall County Fire Services

Back to School: Hall County Fire Services (HCFS) personnel were on hand at various Hall County schools on the first day of school last month. They welcomed students and helped them get in and out of vehicles as they arrived for the new school year.  Two members of HCFS are pictured right with a student as he embarks on the first day of classes. 

HCFS at Oakwood's Government Day: HCFS personnel participated in the City of Oakwood's Annual Government Day, where they provided fire safety demonstrations to more than 500 children (pictured left).  Blood pressure readings were also provided to citizens in attendance as requested. 

HCFS honors law enforcement: 
Hall County Fire Services is placing blue lights in all of its facilities in recognition and support of law enforcement during the month of September. HCFS personnel work with numerous law enforcement agencies throughout Hall County on a daily basis while serving citizens and visitors. 

"The Blue Light Event is a way to show law enforcement personnel and the public that we support them as working partners, and we honor the sacrifice they and their families make day in and day out while protecting the law abiding citizens of Hall County," said Hall County Fire Chief Jeff Hood.  

HCFS competes in Bucket Brigade: 
Hall County Fire Services' Muster Team placed second at the annual Bucket Brigade event during the 2016 Firefighters Competition in Augusta recently. The Bucket Brigade event consists of a team of firefighters transporting water from the ground to a higher elevation via a 14-foot ladder.  

HCFS graduates new recruit class: 
Twenty-four new firefighters graduated from recruit school in a ceremony on Aug. 19, marking the 42nd recruit class for the department.

Free CPR Classes: Do you know how to save a life? Hall County Fire Services is now offering free monthly CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) classes to citizens interested in learning this life-saving skill.  Classes will be held at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at the Hall County Emergency Services Complex, located at 470 Crescent Drive in Gainesville.  Space is limited. To sign up, call 770-531-6838.
TV 18: Hall County Fire Services Awards Ceremony

Hall County Connection - Hall County Fire Services Awards Ceremony - September 2016
Hall County Connection - Hall County Fire Services Awards Ceremony - September 2016

Hall County Fire Services (HCFS) honored the heroes among its ranks during its annual awards ceremony earlier this year.  But it wasn't just firefighters and paramedics who received accolades-- a 9-year-old girl who saved her brothers and sisters from their burning home also was recognized for her life saving efforts.  Click on the image above for a look at some highlights from the 2nd Annual Hall County Fire Services Awards Banquet.

Katie Crumley | Hall County Government | 770.297.5504 | 


Hall County Government | PO Drawer 1435 | Gainesville | GA | 30503