Here's the news you need to know and the details that cover it
all in Hall!
Hall County celebrates significant accomplishments in 2015
Hall County Government is proud to have accomplished many things in 2015 through the leadership of the Hall County Board of Commissioners and the coordination of Hall County staff. The following represents a sample of those achievements; however, it does not capture every success, including the many that were made by individual County departments and employees.
Accomplishments during 2015:
- The General Fund millage rate, which is the property tax rate that supports daily operations, was rolled back again from 5.989 mills to 5.735 mills.
- Hall County was issued a clean opinion by its auditors. In addition, $1.3 million was added to the County's fund balance in 2015.
- Moody's Investors Service upgraded Hall County's general obligation bond rating from Aa3 to Aa2, citing "the county's strengthened reserve position following several years of operating surpluses, driven by conservative budgeting management."
- Hall County's newest park, Cherokee Bluffs, opened to the public in November. The first phase of construction at the park included the development of trails, pavilions, a 2,500-square-foot community building and a 300-400 seat amphitheater. The access drive and associated parking were also included in phase one of the project.
- The Hall County Government Family Health Center, an on-site pharmacy and clinic, opened its doors, providing employees with greater access to health care and reducing healthcare costs to the County overall.
To view the complete list of accomplishments, click here.
Moody's cites surpluses, conservative budgeting in Hall County's bond rating upgrade
Hall County Government launches 'Back the Badge' campaign
Hall County Government has launched a social media campaign titled "Back the Badge" as a way to show support of-- and solidarity with-- local law enforcement.
The campaign includes pictures of law enforcement personnel with Hall County Government employees, citizens, local businesses and other groups holding signs that declare they "Back the Badge."
Hall County audit reveals no findings, $1.3 million added to fund balance
Hall County has been issued a clean opinion by its auditors, according to a presentation made at the Hall County Board of Commissioners meeting in early December. Beth Grimes with Bates, Carter & Co., LLP told commissioners that not only were there no findings in the 2015 audit, but the County was also able to add $1.3 million to its fund balance this year. Click here for more.
Hall County 911 seamlessly migrates to new, upgraded phone system
Hall County 911 seamlessly switched over to its new, upgraded phone system in December without any drop in service to citizens. "We are pleased to announce that the transition is complete and that Hall County 911's high quality level of service continued throughout the changeover," said Gail Lane, director of Hall County 911. The upgraded phone network is one of the significant items being funded through Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VII, which Hall County voters approved in March. Click here for more.
Sheriff's Office, Fire Services partner with community to provide Christmas for family in need
Hall County Fire Services and the Hall County Sheriff's Office came together to provide a Christmas miracle for a family in need. Furniture, appliances and household goods were donated and gifted to the family. While at the home, Hall County Fire Services personnel installed three smoke detectors for home safety. To complete the joyous occasion spent with the family, Hall County personnel brought toys and decorated the home for the holiday. Read the articles published by local media outlets here and here.
New judge appointed to Hall County Juvenile Court
The Superior Court judges of the Northeastern Judicial Circuit are pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Raymond Diaz to the position of Juvenile Court Judge. Diaz has been practicing law in the City of Gainesville and the Dawson and Hall County communities for over 23 years. During this period, he founded the Law Offices of Joe Raymond Diaz, P.C., which provided bilingual representation, specializing in domestic and criminal litigation in the superior, state, juvenile, magistrate and probate courts of Hall, Dawson and surrounding counties. Click here for more.
Hall County participates in "Bring One for the Chipper" initiative
Hall County is participating in the "Bring One for the Chipper" event again this year. Hall County's 12 compactor sites and the Hall County Recycling Center on Chestnut Street will be receiving undecorated Christmas trees through Jan. 9. The trees will then be mulched, keeping them out of the Hall County Landfill. City of Gainesville residents can leave their trees curbside for pick-up, and Oakwood residents can drop their trees at the corner of Allen and Railroad streets. Mulch generated from the trees will be available at the Hall County Recycling Center free of charge Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., weather permitting, beginning Jan. 9 while supplies last. Click here for more.
View the latest SPLOST revenue and expenditure reports
Hall County voters approved Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VII in March of 2015. SPLOST revenue must be used for specific capital outlays (operations and maintenance expenditures are not authorized) such as courthouses, jails, roads, and bridges. Projects financed by SPLOST are intended to benefit the county as a whole, either standing alone or in combination with other county capital outlay projects or municipal capital outlay projects. View the latest reports regarding revenues and expenditures for SPLOST by clicking the links below: SPLOST Expenditure Status Updates
World record attempt set for Jan. 16 to benefit Ga. Sheriff's Youth Homes
Hall County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Greg Cochran will attempt to flip a 555 pound tire more than 205 times in a single hour at Chestatee High School on Jan. 16. The "Tire to Inspire" event will take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Proceeds from the event's sponsors, which include North Hall Tire & Wheel, Texas Roadhouse, Syfan Logistics, Reebok, Record Setter and The Vitamin Shoppe, go to the Georgia Sheriff's Youth Homes and Chestatee High School's Community Service Program. Admission to the event is free. |
State lawmakers talk hot topics on TV-18
The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast in December of each year, assisting local businesses and citizens in communicating their concerns to the local legislative delegation. As the 2016 session of the Georgia General Assembly begins, TV-18 is featuring the most recent Eggs & Issues event on Dec. 10 at the Gainesville Civic Center. Click here to watch the complete episode of Hall County Connection.
Hall Co. Accountability Court Program celebrates the holidays
On Dec. 8, at First Baptist Church's Banquet Hall, Friends of Recovery provided a Christmas party for the Hall County accountability court program participants and their families, which included dinner served by the judges and treatment teams, musical entertainment, door prizes, photos with Santa and gifts for the children. At the party, volunteers served approximately 550 adults and 150 children who reside in Hall County, and Friends of Recovery accomplished this through the very generous donations of local businesses and individuals who recognize this opportunity to teach recovering individuals and their families how to spend healthy, sober time together. (Pictured right is Judge Kathlene Gosselin and HELP Program Coordinator Broderick Hauser.)
Hall Co. Fire Services celebrates 45 years of service
Hall County Fire Services celebrated its 45th anniversary on Dec. 11 at the Hall County Emergency Services Complex.
The department's first fire station opened on Athens Highway on Dec. 14, 1970. There were 17 employees and two fire engines. Hall County Fire Services now employees 371 people at 16 fire stations across the county.
Hall County Fire Chief Jeff Hood addressed those in attendance (pictured right) at the celebration, saying the department is still dedicated to its original mission: saving lives and saving property.
Hall Co. Fire Services offering free CPR classes to the public
Do you know how to save a life? Hall County Fire Services is now offering free monthly CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) classes to citizens interested in learning this life-saving skill. Classes will be held at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at the Hall County Emergency Services Complex, located at 470 Crescent Drive in Gainesville. Space is limited. To sign up, call 770-531-6838.
Hall Co. Tax Commissioner reminds residents how to retrieve RIN for renewals
With the recent notification from the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) regarding the change in renewal notices, Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden would like to remind residents of the new Renewal Identification Number (RIN) retrieval option that allows taxpayers to query the DOR website for the RIN.
"Previously, if the taxpayer didn't have their renewal notice in hand; they had to call our office for their RIN to complete the online renewal. For security, the RIN changes yearly," said Eden. To obtain the RIN number online, visit the DOR website https://mvd.dor.ga.gov/tags/index.aspx and select "Obtain/Retrieve a RIN." Then enter the plate number, name and address. The RIN will automatically populate in the renewal program to continue the renewal process. Click here for more.
Hall Co. Sheriff's Office teams up for annual C.O.A.T.S. Drive
With the coldest weather of the season yet to come, the Hall County Sheriff's Office has teamed up with Hall County Schools, Syfan Logistics, the Hall County Tax Commissioner and Hall County Government to conduct its annual Winter C.O.A.T.S. (Community Organization Anticipating Toasty Students) Drive!
The collection is primarily for Hall County elementary and middle school age children, but all sizes of new coats, hats and gloves will be accepted. Click here for collection locations.
Hall County Sheriff's deputies spread Christmas cheer with gift cards
Several members of the Hall County Sheriff's Office brought Christmas cheer to unexpected citizens in the community just prior to Christmas. Several deputies in marked patrol cars, along with members of Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church, sat outside various shopping areas in Hall County, waiting to spot someone that they thought could use some hope and encouragement during the holiday season. The deputies then surprised unsuspecting shoppers with gift cards. Funding for the gift cards was provided by Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church's congregation and various local businesses, including Chick-fil-A, The Collegiate Grill, El Sombrero and Johnny's Bar-b-que. Click here for more.
Hall Co. Parks & Leisure to host Glow in the Dark Valentine's event
Hall County Parks & Leisure will host a Glow in the Dark Valentine Bash on Friday, Feb. 5 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the North Hall Community Center, located at 4175 Nopone Road in Gainesville. The event will include dancing, dinner and more. Registration closes Jan. 22. The cost is $40 per family of four with an additional $10 required for each additional person. To register, call 770-535-8280.
Reminder: Business license fees changed for 2016
As 2016 business license renewal notices go out, the Hall County Business License Department would like to remind you that the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously on June 25 to change the fee structure for Occupational Taxes (Business License fees). The revision decreases the number of licensing fee categories from 18 to six and allows for a more fair fee to be imposed on the business owner. The new fee schedules will bring the tax to a precise amount per person working in the business.
Also passed was an approximate 10 percent increase in licensing fees. Occupational tax rates have not changed since 2004, and prior to that had not changed for 10 years. This new fee schedule puts Hall County in line with adjoining counties and other counties similar in size.
The new fees will go into effect for the 2016 licensing year, with 2016 renewal invoices mailed out the last week in November each year, and payments due by Jan. 1 for the license to remain valid.
For additional information, please contact the Hall County Business License Department at 770-531-6815.
HCSO Dive Team to participate in Polar Plunge
The Hall County Sheriff's Office Dive Team is participating in the 2016 Polar Plunge, benefiting Special Olympics Georgia. The event will take place at Lake Lanier Islands on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 1:30 p.m. Gates open at 11 a.m. Click here for more details.
HCFS holds annual Holiday Hustle 5K Run/Walk
Hall County Fire Services held its annual Holiday Hustle 5K Run\Walk benefitting the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation on Dec. 12. The department would like to thank itsour sponsors, participants, volunteers and staff that made this year's Holiday Hustle a great success! Sponsors included MedPort, Milton Martin Toyota, Metal Building Associates, Home Medical Professionals, City of Oakwood, DJ Bobby Elliott, J&J Foods and Cotton Eyed Joe's. (Pictured left is HCFS Recruit Class 41 at the annual event.)
Katie Crumley | Hall County Government | 770.297.5504 | kcrumley@hallcounty.org