Here's the news you need to know and the details that cover it
all in Hall!
HCFS makes 4-year-old boy's firefighter dreams come true
A 4-year-old boy with a serious medical condition was an honorary member of Hall County's Fire Department last month. Read the Gainesville Times' article about Sean Robertson's day on the job here.
Grand opening held for Cherokee Bluffs Park
Hall County's HR Department receives state award
Hall County Government's Human Resources Department has been recognized as a state leader in government human resource programs.
Hall County's Department of Human Resources was awarded the Large Agency Achievement Award at the Georgia Local Government Personnel Association's (GLGPA) fall conference earlier this month. The award recognizes the overall quality, accomplishments and contributions of an exceptional human resources program. Click here for more.
Commission honors Kubota for milestone achievement, ATV donation
The Hall County Board of Commissioners publicly thanked Kubota Manufacturing of America Corp. (KMA) during their regular voting meeting last month for the company's generous donation of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) to Hall County Fire Services.
The ATV was presented to the fire department during the October celebration of one million units being produced at Kubota's Gainesville plant. The proclamation presented to Kubota also commended the manufacturing company on that milestone achievement. Click here for more.
Hall Co. Fire Services displays green lights to honor vets
While the color red is usually the color associated with fire departments, the 16 Hall County fire stations scattered across our community are going green in honor of Veterans Day. The department is participating in " Greenlight A Vet," a campaign meant to establish visible national support for veterans by changing one visible, outdoor light to green, which is the color of hope, renewal and well-being. The green lights at all HCFS facilities will remain lit throughout the remainder of 2015. Click here for more.
Motor vehicle renewal notices to be handled differently this month
The Office of the Hall County Tax Commissioner was informed last month that standard registration renewal notices for December will not be mailed out by the Department of Revenue (DOR). Instead, the DOR will be sending out generic letter notifications to remind residents that they are coming up on their renewal, but it will not have the same billing information, including amount due, that is normally provided. Once the letter is received, please follow the instructions on the letter to retrieve your Renewal Identification Number (RIN) if you wish to pay online or to find out amount owed. The RIN will automatically populate in the renewal program to continue the renewal process. Click here for more.
View the latest SPLOST revenue and expenditure reports
Hall County voters approved Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VII in March of 2015. SPLOST revenue must be used for specific capital outlays (operations and maintenance expenditures are not authorized) such as courthouses, jails, roads, and bridges. Projects financed by SPLOST are intended to benefit the county as a whole, either standing alone or in combination with other county capital outlay projects or municipal capital outlay projects. View the latest reports regarding revenues and expenditures for SPLOST by clicking the links below: SPLOST Expenditure Status Updates
Hall Co. Fire Services offering free CPR classes to the public
Do you know how to save a life? Hall County Fire Services is now offering free monthly CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) classes to citizens interested in learning this life-saving skill. Classes will be held at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at the Hall County Emergency Services Complex, located at 470 Crescent Drive in Gainesville. Space is limited. To sign up, call 770-531-6838.
Upcoming events at the Hall Co. Animal Shelter
Below are some upcoming events involving the Hall County Animal Shelter:
Dec. 1, 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.: Pet therapy at the Hall County Senior Life Center
Dec. 1, 12 p.m.- 2 p.m.: "Paws to Relax" pet therapy at Brenau University during finals week
Find out more about the Hall County Animal Shelter, their upcoming events and pets currently available for adoption by clicking here.
Reminder: Business license fees changed for 2016
As 2016 business license renewal notices go out, the Hall County Business License Department would like to remind you that the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously on June 25 to change the fee structure for Occupational Taxes (Business License fees). The revision decreases the number of licensing fee categories from 18 to six and allows for a more fair fee to be imposed on the business owner. The new fee schedules will bring the tax to a precise amount per person working in the business.
Also passed was an approximate 10 percent increase in licensing fees. Occupational tax rates have not changed since 2004, and prior to that had not changed for 10 years. This new fee schedule puts Hall County in line with adjoining counties and other counties similar in size.
The new fees will go into effect for the 2016 licensing year, with 2016 renewal invoices mailed out the last week in November each year, and payments due by Jan. 1 for the license to remain valid.
For additional information, please contact the Hall County Business License Department at 770-531-6815.
TV-18 showcases Cherokee Bluffs Park
| Hall County Connection - Cherokee Bluffs Park - December 2015 |
With its rolling meadows, streams, natural shoals and native wildlife, Cherokee Bluffs Park is now one of the most scenic public places in all of Hall County. The approximately 168-acre park opened its gates to citizens for the first time last month and has already received rave reviews and notable interest. This episode of Hall County Connection features the various leaders who came together to make this park what it is today. Click here to watch the complete episode.
HCFS' Community Risk Reduction program continues positive work
Hall County Fire Services' Community Risk Reduction program continued to teach citizens about fire prevention this fall. On Oct. 28, personnel from Station 13 A-shift taught students at Chestatee High School about various patient-moving devices, including the Kendrick Extrication Device (KED), the stair chair and the stretcher. The students were provided possible scenarios to warrant the use of each device and were encouraged to work with their classmates to utilize each device as needed in each simulated scenario.
Meanwhile, Station 5 A-shift personnel went door to door at Plain View Mobile Home Park on Oct. 29 to offer home safety inspections to the park's residents. They also provided residents with free fire safety information and checked their homes for working smoke alarms. New smoke alarms were installed in homes as needed as well.
Property tax payments due Dec. 1
Property tax payments are due on Tuesday, Dec. 1. As a reminder, all property tax payers are encouraged to remit their payment by mail, using the return envelope provided with their statement, to P.O. Box 1579, Gainesville, GA 30503 or to submit payment online at tax.hallcounty.org. Citizens may also utilize the drop box located in front of the main doors of the Hall County Government Center, located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30504.
Partial payments are accepted. To avoid the state-mandated interest of 1 percent on unpaid tax, the final payment must be postmarked on or before Dec. 1. A state-mandated penalty of 10 percent on unpaid tax is applied on March 2. Paying on or before March 1 will prevent the additional 10 percent penalty but will not prevent the 1 percent interest per month after the Dec. 1 due date.
The Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office is open to the public Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If there are any questions or if assistance is needed, please contact the Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office by phone at 770-531-6950, fax to 770-531-7111 or email propertytax@hallcounty.org.
Katie Crumley | Hall County Government | 770.297.5504 | kcrumley@hallcounty.org