July 3- 4: Hall County's administrative offices, courts, community centers and libraries will be closed Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. The landfill will be closed on Saturday, July 4, however, compactor sites will remain open all weekend. Hall County Community Centers will reopen on Sunday, July 5 for their regularly scheduled hours.
Parks & Leisure
July 4: Fireworks, live music, food and more at Laurel Park, benefitting the American Legion Paul E. Bolding Post 7; Cost: $10 per car; Gates open at 9 a.m., fireworks at dusk
**Find more Hall County Parks & Leisure events and activities here.
Board of Commissioners
Work session: July 6 and July 20 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Meeting: July 9 and July 23 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Planning Commission
July 6 and Juy 20 at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville at 5:15 p.m.
Board of Assessors
July 1 and July 15 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at
See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.
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Newsletters for county government, parks, fire, and animal shelter.

Celebrate July 4th at Laurel Park

Hall County Government invites residents to enjoy spectacular fireworks on July 4 at Laurel Park, benefitting the American Legion Paul E. Bolding Post 7. This year's festivities will also include live music throughout the day. Hall County Parks and Leisure, Sheriff's Office, Fire Services, Public Works, Public Safety and the Correctional Institution donate services each year to support this longstanding local tradition.
Laurel Park is located at 3100 Old Cleveland Road, Gainesville. Gates will open at 9 a.m. for visitors to enjoy the sports facilities, playground, spray ground, and views of Lake Lanier. A spectacular fireworks display, provided by Hall County Government, begins at dusk. Parking is $10 per car. Snow cones, hot dogs and other concessions will be sold by North Georgia Boy Scouts. Other activities include an arts and crafts show as well as fun rides for the kids.
Boat ramps at Laurel Park will be closed July 4 to make more room for event parking, but boaters are invited to launch at Clarks Bridge Park or Little River Park boat ramps nearby and watch the fireworks from the water.
Hall Co. Commission adopts FY 2016 budget
The Hall County Board of Commissioners adopted a balanced budget on June 25 for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2015, and ends June 30, 2016.
The General Fund millage rate, which is the property tax rate that supports daily operations, was rolled back from 5.989 mills to 5.735 mills. The Fire Fund millage rate, which supports Fire Services, has been set at 2.65 mills for unincorporated residents and 4.08 for incorporated residents.
"Hall County Government has continued to improve its financial outlook through conservative fiscal management by staff and elected officials. Every effort has been made to maximize taxpayer dollars, and we are extremely optimistic about the fiscal future of Hall County," said County Administrator Randy Knighton.
Read more here.
New tax kiosk coming soon to North Hall Community Center
A new tax kiosk is coming soon to the North Hall Community Center. The kiosk allows customers in the northern end of Hall County to complete their motor vehicle transactions quickly and securly without traveling to the Hall County Government Center on Browns Bridge Road. The machine will process up to 10 renewals for $3. To find out more about the kiosk, click here.
Hall County offices closed for Independence Day holiday
This is a reminder that Hall County's administrative offices, courts, community centers and libraries will be closed Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day federal holiday.
Essential public safety and public works personnel will continue service as usual during the holiday. The landfill will be closed on Saturday, July 4, however, compactor sites will remain open all weekend. Hall County Community Centers will reopen on Sunday, July 5 for their regularly scheduled hours. Many county services are always available online: residents can renew a vehicle tag, find a new pet, pay taxes, and more at
TV 18: Summer of Safety
Hall County Connection - Summer of Safety - July 2015
It is summer time in Hall County and that means more people are traveling across the state and engaging in more outdoor recreational activities. While that can mean a lot of summer fun, it also unfortunately increases the chances of injuries and fatalities on Hall County lakes, rivers and highways. The good news is that officials with Hall County Fire Services have a new tool this summer to help keep you safe on Lake Lanier. Watch this month's Hall County Connection episode by clicking here or on the image above. |
Board of Commissioners passes fairer business license fee structure
The Hall County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously on June 25 to change the fee structure for Occupational Taxes (Business License fees). The revision will decrease the number of licensing fee categories from 18 to six and will allow for a more fair fee to be imposed on the business owner. The new fee schedules will bring the tax to a precise amount per person working in the business.
Also passed was an approximate 10 percent increase in licensing fees. Occupational tax rates have not changed since 2004, and prior to that had not changed for 10 years. This new fee schedule will put Hall County in line with adjoining counties and other counties similar in size.
The new fees will go into effect for the 2016 licensing year, with 2016 renewal invoices mailed out the last week in November each year, and payments due by Jan. 1 for the license to remain valid.
For additional information, please contact the Hall County Business License Department at 770-531-6815. |
Hall Co. deputy honored for work against domestic violence
A Hall County Sheriff's Office deputy has been recognized for his work in the fight against domestic violence in the Hall County community. The Hall County Domestic Violence Task Force (DVTF) presented the Officer of the Quarter Award to Deputy Bobby Brumbelow during its regularly scheduled meeting on May 19. John Batchelor, assistant solicitor general and chairman of the DVTF, presented Brumbelow with the award. He said Brumbelow has repeatedly gone above and beyond his assigned duties to protect victims throughout the course of criminal proceedings. Read more here. |
News from the Hall Co. Sheriff's Office

HCSO reunites child with stuffed animal
Hall County Sheriff's Office deputies recently helped reunite a 10-year-old girl with autism with her stuffed bunny. Deputies were contacted after the bunny disappeared from the girl's family's car. Sheriff's Office officials issued a BOLO for the missing bunny, and it was returned a short time later.
"Thank you to the person who turned her in. If you are also the person who took her...thank you for doing the right thing," said the girl's mother. "My daughter couldn't be happier. They are out jumping on the trampoline having fun and life is good."
HCSO offers 2015 A.D.V.A.N.C.E. Camp
More than 250 students attended the 2015 A.D.V.A.N.C.E. Camp last month at Free Chapel, hosted by the Hall County Sheriff's Office. A.D.V.A.N.C.E. stands for Avoiding Drugs, Violence and Negative Choices Early. Participants discussed cyberbullying, worked on team-building skills, participated in several field trips and much more!
Registration is open for HCSO Citizens' Academy
Past participants of the HCSO Citizens' Academy pose outside the Sheriff's Office's headquarters
Registration is now open for the 2015 Hall County Sheriff's Office Citizens' Academy. The academy consists of 10 sessions occurring over a 6-week period. They begin Tuesday, Oct. 13 and will meet weekly on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The annual program offers citizens a unique persepective into the daily operations of the sheriff's office. The syllabus includes classroom instruction, simulated presentations and some hands-on experiences.
To apply, call Sandy Garrett with the Court Services Division at (770)531-7093 or Captain Chris Matthews at (770)531-7095. You may also obtain an application for attendance to the academy online at
Extension Office to offer testing for pressure canners
Are you planning on pressure canning low-acid foods such as corn or green beans this summer? An inaccurate dial gauge can cause your home-canned foods to be unsafe. If you're using a dial-gauge pressure canner, you should have it checked for accuracy each year before use.
Katie Hiers, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent from Athens-Clarke County Extension, will be testing pressure canning lids for safety on Tuesday, July 14 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Hall County Farmers Market. Please contact the Hall County Extension Office at 770-535-8293 for more information.