April 14: Government Scholars Academy begins; First session to be held at 6 p.m. at the Hall County Government Center
Animal Shelter
April 18: Pancakes for Paws, 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at Applebees in Gainesville; Tickets are $7 and must be purchased in advance by calling 678-450-1587
April 14: Board of Elections and Registration Monthly Meeting at 3 p.m. at the Hall County Government Center
Tax Assessor
April 17: Assessment notices to be mailed
April 20: Victims' Rights Week Memorial Garden Dedication at 11:30 a.m. at the Edmonson-Telford Center for Children
April 24: Victims' Rights Ceremony and Butterfly Release at 11 a.m. at Kenyon Plaza
Parks & Leisure
April 5: Hall County parks, community centers closed in observance of the Easter holiday
**Find more Hall County Parks & Leisure events and activities here.
Board of Commissioners
Work session: April 6 and April 20 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Meeting: April 9 and April 23 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Planning Commission
April 6 and April 20 at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville at 5:15 p.m.
Board of Assessors
April 1 and April 15 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at
See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.
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Newsletters for county government, parks, fire, and animal shelter.

Registration still open for 2015 Government Scholars Academy!
Registration is still open for the fourth annual Hall County Government Scholars' Academy, which will be held April 14- June 9. Each of the nine sessions will focus on a different aspect of local government and will include tours of many facilities. Be ready for an interesting, interactive experience!
There is no cost to participants. The registration form and syllabus are available online. For more information about the Government Scholars' Academy, contact Public Information Officer Katie Crumley at or 770-297-5504.
Hall Co. Fire Services places first in fundraising for burn foundation
Hall County Fire Services raised more money than any other fire department in the state during the annual "Give Burns the Boot" fundraiser, benefitting the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation.
Hall County Fire Services raised $61,539.60 during the annual campaign, which has been in existence since 1990 and involves more than 100 Georgia fire departments. The funds raised go toward the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation's goal of helping burn survivors in their journey to recovery as well as preventing others from experiencing the traumatic event of a burn injury.
"Hall County Fire Services has participated in this charitable event for 14 years, and we are proud to be recognized as the department that raised the most money for this worthy cause," Hall County Fire Chief Jeff Hood said. "To date, we have raised nearly half of a million dollars for the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation, and we hope to continue our efforts for many years to come."
In total, $617,679 was raised by Georgia fire departments during the "Give Burns the Boot Drive" at the end of the 2014 calendar year.
Hall County Fire Services personnel were honored for their efforts during the 43rd Annual Firefighters' Recognition Day in Atlanta on Feb. 3.
Animal Shelter releases new logo, 'No Animal Left Behind' slogan
The Hall County Animal Shelter is unveiling its new logo and slogan, which capitalize on the shelter's legacy of giving all stray animals a temporary home regardless of age, breed or medical needs.
"The new logo features all types of animals-dogs, cats, reptiles, rabbits-and really emphasizes our role as an all-inclusive organization," said Cindy Langman, program coordinator for the shelter.
Shelter Director Mike Ledford echoed those sentiments, saying the shelter has even built horse stalls recently to accommodate a number of the shelter's equine residents.
He said the shelter's new slogan, "No Animal Left Behind," really resonates with their overall mission.
"We work with rescue groups, veterinarians and other local and national agencies to ensure that every option is exhausted to place these animals in loving homes," said Ledford.
Read more here.
Victims' rights celebrated in April
Every April, Hall County observes National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) by promoting victims' rights and honoring crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf.
This year's NCVRW will be held April 19-25 and the theme "Engaging Communities. Empowering Victims." presents the opportunity to highlight the diversity of our communities, expand partnerships to serve victims of crime, enhance efforts to meet victims where they are, and empower crime victims as they pursue justice and recovery.
The Hall County Solicitor and District Attorney's offices will observe National Crime Victims' Rights Week with special events and programs, including a Memorial Garden Dedication in memory of children who have died as a result of child abuse. The dedication will be held at The Edmonson-Telford Center for Children on Monday, April 20 at 11:30 a.m. In addition, the annual Victims' Rights Butterfly Release is also planned for 11 a.m. on Friday, April 24 at Kenyon Plaza next to the Hall County Courthouse. The public is invited to attend both events.
Throughout the month of April, the Hall County Solicitor and District Attorney's offices will also commemorate the advancement of victims' rights by recognizing a number of local agencies that provide expanded support and services to those in the Hall County community who are affected by crime. Among those to be highlighted are Edmonson-Telford Center for Children, Rape Response, Children's Center for Hope and Healing, Gateway Domestic Violence Center, New Hope Counseling, Family Ties, Family Recovery, Creation Counseling, Family Connection, Hall-Dawson Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Family Promise and Legacy Link. Read more here.
Injured, abandoned dog receives critical care at Hall Co. Animal Shelter
A lively three-legged Cocker Spaniel is healthy and happy thanks to the care she received recently at the Hall County Animal Shelter.
Hall County Animal Shelter Program Coordinator Cindy Langman said a Hall County citizen discovered the dog, which appeared to be injured and abandoned, at his apartment complex earlier this month, so he took the 1-year-old Spaniel to the shelter.
Langman said Hall County Animal Shelter Veterinarian Dr. Meghan Seabolt examined the dog and found a wire had been wrapped around her back, right leg.
"It was badly infected, non-functioning and needed to be amputated," she said. "So Dr. Seabolt performed the surgery, which was a tremendous success."
Langman said the dog, appropriately named "Hopscotch," recovered quickly under the care of one of the shelter's veterinarian technicians.
Read more here.
Hall Co. Fire Services honors employees at awards ceremony
Hall Co. Fire Chief Jeff Hood (left) presents the Medal of Valor Award to Lt. Chuck Jarrard (right) at the awards ceremony on March 27.
Hall County Fire Services' First Annual Awards Ceremony was held Friday, March 27 at First Baptist Church on Green Street in Gainesville. The event was emceed by WDUN's BJ Williams and included a keynote address by Lt. Col. Kevin Jarrard, United States Marine.
Lifesaving Awards were presented to Paramedic Sterling Strickland, Paramedic Daniel Funk, Paramedic Clark Collins, EMT Michael Allen, EMT Daniel Puckett, Paramedic Richard Fugal, Firefighter Colton Stroud and Paramedic Brian Gregory. The survivors of these calls were also in attendance to thank their rescuers.
Chief's Recognition Awards went to Gabby Roberts, Lt. Dax Lewis, Capt. Christie Grice and Hall County citizens Steve and Renee Bishop.
EMT of the Year was presented to Chris Boykin; Sgt. John Murray was named Paramedic of the Year and Lt. Teddy Jarrard was honored as Firefighter of the Year.
For the first time ever, Hall County Fire Services awarded a Medal of Valor, an award given to a Fire Services employee who puts his or her own life directly on the line to save another. Lt. Chuck Jarrard received the award for his rescue efforts in a July 22, 2014 training accident.
Real property assessment notices to be mailed April 17
The Hall County Tax Assessors office will mail real property notices of current assessment on Friday, April 17 to all owners of real property. Real property consists of land and any improvements thereon. As required by state law, this annual notice will include a written explanation of the value of taxable property and an estimate of the property tax bill.
The assessment notice is not a tax bill. The estimate of taxes on the notice is based on the current year's assessed value and the previous year's tax rate. The 2015 property tax rate will not be determined until it is approved by the various governing authorities, the County, schools and municipalities.
Property owners will have 45 days from the date of the notice to file an appeal via U.S. mail or in person. Only the USPS postmark can be used to determine timeliness of any appeals mailed close to the deadline. Appeal information, interactive appeal forms and FAQs can be found on the Tax Assessors' website at
While the actual estimate of tax cannot be appealed, property owners have until June 1 to appeal the property valuation based on value, uniformity or taxability.
Appraisers have been making on-site field inspections to update and verify information not only to residential property but commercial and industrial properties as well. Changes in value due to these inspections and updates will be reflected in these notices.
"As is done every year, the Tax Assessors Office has evaluated all of the real property in Hall County to ensure they are assessed fairly and equitably according to state law," Chief Appraiser Steve Watson said. "Our staff is dedicated to working with any and all property owners who may have questions about their notices or the appeal process."
The Hall County Tax Assessors' Office can be reached via e-mail at, by phone at 770-531-6720, or in person at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville.
News from Hall Co. Fire Services
- Several members of Hall County Fire Station 5 taught a Heartsaver CPR/AED class to members of Belmont Baptist Church on March 23. The crew on duty included Sgt. Shane Peck, Jeff Reed and Steve Durling. (A picture from the course is to the right.)
- The Hall County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of a new boat for Hall County Fire Services to be used to respond to rescue situations on Lake Lanier. The new boat is expected to arrive in mid-May and will be paid for with SPLOST VI funds.
News from the Hall Co. Sheriff's Office
Fred Jones, Medical Association of Georgia Foundation, Inc. pictured with the drop box
- Doing any Spring cleaning? As you remove the expired and unused prescription medications from your medicine cabinet, keep in mind that the Hall County Sheriff's Office now has two permanent drop boxes to get rid of unused prescription drugs safety. They are located at the Law Enforcement Center (LEC - 610 Main Street in Gainesville) and the South Hall Precinct (7345 Cody Drive in Flowery Branch/Hoschton). Access either of our two drop boxes during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
- The Hall County Sheriff's Office recently responded to the urgent call for donations to the Life South Community Blood Center. On March 5, Sheriff's Office employees from the South Precinct organized and staged a blood drive to help fill the need for more donations. In turn, the call was issued to neighborhood watch groups and the community at large.
- Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch and the Hall County Sheriff's Office won first place for "People's Choice" at the 6th Annual Chili Cookoff at Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church on Feb. 28.
Proceeds from the event are used for ministry needs such as sending underprivileged children to camp and sending youth on missions trips around the world.
Hall Co. Animal Shelter asks you to 'Save the Date' for upcoming events
The Hall County Animal Shelter asks that you save the date for the following upcoming events:
Pancakes for Paws
- April 19 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
- Applebee's in Gainesville
- $7 per person
- Includes three large pancakes, sausages and drinks
- Advanced registration is required
- See flyer below for more details
Rabies Clinic
- May 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Jaemor Farms
- $10 for a rabies shot, $20 for a microchip or $25 for both
For more information about any of the events listed above or to find out more about the Hall County Animal Shelter, including donation opportunities and adoption services, please call 678-450-1587.