Animal Shelter
March 28: Mutts on Main, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Downtown Gainesville, pet adoptions, vendors, pet fashion show and more!
March 13 - last day to request an Absentee Ballot for the March 17th Special Election (SPLOST VII)
March 13 - last day to cast a ballot in Early/Advance Voting for the March 17th Special Election (SPLOST VII)
March 17 - Election Day (Polls open from 7 a.m. until 7 p. m.)
Sheriff's Office
March 5: Community Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the South Hall Precinct, 7345 Cody Drive in Flowery Branch
Parks & Leisure
March 27: Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt, 6 p.m. at Laurel Park
**Find more Hall County Parks & Leisure events and activities here.
Board of Commissioners
Work session: March 9 and March 23 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Meeting: March 12 and March 26 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Planning Commission
March 2 and March 16 at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville at 5:15 p.m.
Board of Assessors
March 4 and March 18 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at
See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.
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Newsletters for county government, parks, fire, and animal shelter.

Register now for 2015 Government Scholars Academy!
Registration is now open for the fourth annual Hall County Government Scholars' Academy, which will be held April 14- June 9. Each of the nine sessions will focus on a different aspect of local government and will include tours of many facilities. Be ready for an interesting, interactive experience!
"We want to encourage citizens to be active in their local government," County Administrator Randy Knighton said. "Participants will gain an intimate understanding of how their tax dollars are spent and what issues face Hall County Government."
There is no cost to participants. The registration form and syllabus are available at the link below. For more information about the Government Scholars' Academy, contact Public Information Officer Katie Crumley at or 770-297-5504.
Contractors break ground on Sheriff's Office new headquarters
County leaders and contractors celebrated the groundbreaking of the Sheriff's Office's new headquarters on Feb. 12
Contractors broke ground on the new Hall County Sheriff's Office Headquarters on Feb. 12.
The new headquarters is being constructed next door to the Hall County Government Center at 2875 Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville.
"The best, most cost-effective decision is to build a stand-alone structure on the campus of the Hall County Government Center on Browns Bridge Road in
Gainesville," Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch said upon announcing the move last year. "All the necessary infrastructure, including power, water, fiber and parking, is readily available at that site, which will save taxpayers money and spur the timeline of construction."
In addition to existing infrastructure, the new headquarters will also benefit from an incredibly low energy rate that Hall County was able to negotiate with Georgia Power for the 33-acre campus as part of their energy savings initiative. The new location would also be located next to two main, four-lane arteries (Browns Bridge and McEver roads) and would continue to offer citizens a "one-stop shop" for county services while consolidating government functions.
The sheriff's office's current headquarters is located at 610 South Main Street, which is currently leased from the City of Gainesville. The city purchased the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) building and Hall County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Center from Hall County in 2012. The sheriff's office's lease with Gainesville is set to expire in 2017.
The new headquarters is projected to be open as soon as late December, or early 2016.
Hall Co. crews respond swiftly to winter weather
A number of Hall County Government employees worked tirelessly during the winter storms that struck our area during the month of February. Among the departments who worked long hours to ensure public safety were:
Hall County Road Maintenance
Hall County Parks and Leisure
Hall County Marshals Office
Hall County 911
Hall County Sheriff's Office
Hall County Fire Services
Hall County Building Maintenance
Hall County Public Works
Hall County Landfill
Hall County Correctional Institute
Hall County Engineering
Additional employees also lended a hand to help Hall County maintain a safe environment for citizens and employees during the winter weather event. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the clean-up and safety efforts!
TV 18: Hall County Fire Services
| Hall County Connection - Fire Services Update - March 2015 |
Hall County Fire Services protects 394 square miles and a population of more than 180,000. Not to mention over 600 miles of shoreline on Lake Lanier. In order to provide service to such a large area and growing population, the department's leadership is constantly looking for ways to improve their processes and keep the public safe as a result.
To learn more about the latest updates within Hall County Fire Services, watch the entire Hall County Connection episode by clickinghere or on the video link above.
Three from Hall Co. Government recognized as Masters of Safety
Three representatives from Hall County Government were honored during the month of February at the First Annual Masters of Safety Awards Ceremony & Forum at Featherbone Communiversity.
Hall County Board of Commissioners Chairman Richard V. Mecum, Hall County 911 Director Gail Lane and Battalion Chief Al Lovingood with Hall County Fire Services were among the eight individuals recognized for their commitment to safety initiatives and protocols, which build community trust. Read more here.
New Juvenile Court judges sworn into office
From left to right: Judge Robert A. "Bo" Weber, former Juvenile Judge Cliff Jolliff, Judge Lindsay Burton, Judge Alison Toller
Two new Juvenile Court judges were ceremonially sworn into office in Hall County in early February. Superior Court Judge Kathlene F. Gosselin administered the oath of office to Juvenile Court Judge Robert A. "Bo" Weber, and Superior Court Judge Jason Deal administered the oath to Juvenile Court Judge Alison Toller. In addition to Judges Gosselin and Deal, Chief Juvenile Court Judge Lindsay Burton and former Chief Juvenile Court Judge Cliff Jolliff offered comments at the ceremony at the Hall County Courthouse. Read more here.
Tax Commissioner Eden seeks taxpayers for refunds
 | Darla Eden, Hall County Tax Commissioner |
In a new effort to find and remind taxpayers of unclaimed monies, Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden announced Monday that her office is looking to return thousands of dollars in tax refunds to taxpayers.
Eden's Accounting Manager Mark Bennett took on the challenge of finding and mailing to the appropriate residents a notification of refund. Stemming from tax years prior to 2013, these refunds originated from motor vehicle and property tax overpayments or from changes in property values. The task involves finding resident addresses located in state and county systems or by web search for inadequate initial findings. Read more here.
Hall Co. Fire Services warns citizens of possible scam
 Hall County authorities are warning residents about a possible scam involving someone pretending to be associated with Hall County Fire Services. Hall County's Interim Deputy Fire Chief Chad Black said several residents and businesses have reported being called or visited by someone who claims to be collecting funds on behalf of the Hall County Fire Department. He said when residents have questioned the person, he or she has become very rude and aggressive. "The only time Hall County Fire Services solicits funds from the public is during our annual Boot Drive, benefitting the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation, but our firefighters are always dressed in clearly marked uniforms during that event," Black said. "We are disturbed that someone would misrepresent us in this way, and we urge all citizens to be wary of this person or persons." Officials are asking anyone who has witnessed this false representation or feels they have fallen victim to this scam to contact the Hall County Sheriff's Office at 770-536-8812.
Hall Co. Constitutional Officers announce statewide scholarship
The Constitutional Officers of Hall County-- Sheriff Gerald Couch, Clerk of Courts Charles Baker and Tax Commissioner Darla Eden-- are pleased to announce a scholarship contest for Georgia high school seniors and current college undergraduates.
Each year, the Constitutional Officer's Association of Georgia (COAG) offers Georgia students a chance to win scholarships. This year, the Association will offer three scholarships one each in the amounts of $1,500, $1,000 and $500. To be eligible for this year's scholarship, students must be residents of Georgia, graduate high school by the spring of 2015 or be enrolled in an accredited Georgia college or university. Students must also seek a degree in a field related to government/law enforcement, political science, accounting/finance or business, or pre-law. Read more here.
Attorney with Public Defender's Office earns national designation
Stephen Gurr, a senior investigator for the Northeastern Judicial Circuit's Public Defender Office, recently earned national designation as a Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator from the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council. To earn the designation, Gurr completed a seven-part distance learning course and submitted letters of recommendation from senior attorneys in the office, as well as an affidavit attesting to his ability, productivity and ethics as an investigator. Gurr is one of nine Certified Criminal Defense Investigators in Georgia, and one of only three current public defender investigators in the state to earn the CCDI designation from the Florida-based national council. Gurr, a graduate of Gainesville High School and the University of Georgia, has worked for the Public Defender's Office since August 2010.
Hall Co. Animal Shelter asks you to 'Save the Date' for upcoming events
The Hall County Animal Shelter asks that you save the date for the following upcoming events:
Mutts on Main
- March 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Downtown Gainesville
- Pet Adoptions, Vendors, Models and Mutts, Fashion Walk and more!
Pancakes for Paws
- April 19 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
- Applebee's in Gainesville
- $7 per person
- Includes three large pancakes, sausages and drinks
- Advanced registration is required
Rabies Clinic
- May 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Jaemor Farms
- $10 for a rabies shot, $20 for a microchip or $25 for both
For more information about any of the events listed above or to find out more about the Hall County Animal Shelter, including donation opportunities and adoption services, please call 678-450-1587.
Hall Co. Sheriff's Office warns of IRS scam

The Hall County Sheriff's Office wants to make citizens aware of a scam involving persons claiming to be from the IRS. Citizens say they have been told by someone claiming to be an Internal Revenue Service "representative" that they owe a large amount of money in back-taxes. In each case, the phony "representative" says it must be paid promptly through a pre-loaded debit card (Green Dot MoneyPak) or wire transfer.
If the citizen refuses to cooperate, the caller then threatens them with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver's license. In many cases, the caller becomes hostile, demanding and insulting. THIS IS A SCAM that has affected citizens in nearly every state.
The IRS stated that they are aware of the scam. The Hall County Sheriff's Office and IRS remind you that you can be proactive in protecting yourself from becoming a victim to this and many other scams, by simply following a few guidelines (below):
1. NEVER give your personal identity out to anyone over the phone, and DO NOT confirm your personal or financial information to anyone over the phone! Legitimate institutions, agencies and organizations will not demand that you do so in this manner. So, be skeptical of anyone asking for your PIN, password or similar confidential access information for credit card, bank or other financial accounts.
2. If you are ever threatened by someone who states that you need to pay up, or go to jail... Hang up! Especially, if the person calling you gets irate, curses at you or threatens you in any other manner. Threats of a physical nature are taken very seriously by law enforcement. Most legitimate businesses utilize our court system in a civil manner, while seeking any outstanding debts which they claim they are owed.
3. If you know you owe taxes, or you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS at 1.800.829.1040. The IRS employees at that line can help you with a payment issue - if there really is such an issue.
You may call the Crime Prevention Unit of the Hall County Sheriff's Office, during normal business hours (Mon-Fri, between 8 am - 5 pm), in order to inquire about scams that we are aware of... Or, to confirm suspicions you may have regarding a phone call, email or visit you received at (770)533-7659.
Finally, the IRS encourages you to visit them at;-IRS-Identifies-Five-Easy-Ways-to-Spot-Suspicious-Calls for ways to recognize the scam in which phony representatives pretend to be from their agency.
Visit the Federal Trade Commission to report a scam in which someone pretends to be a government representative at
You may also call (770)536-8812 to make a report with the Hall County Sheriff's Office, if you feel you have fallen victim to this or any other type of scam