Monthly News and Events
December 2014
Dec. 24- 25: County offices closed for the Christmas holiday

Fire Services
Dec. 13: Holiday Hustle 5K 
Parks and Leisure

Low Impact Zumba: North Hall Community Center; Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.; Contact: Christine Litchfield at
Mulberry Creek Community Center on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Contact: Mulberry Creek 770-965-7140

Tai Chi: East Hall Community Center; Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.; $25 per month

Breakfast with Santa: Saturday, Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at North Hall Community Center and Mulberry Creek Community Center; $6 for 1 child (includes 2 adult passes), $2 for each additional child in the same family, $4 for each additional adult pass; Call North Hall: 770-535-8280 or Mulberry Creek: 770-965-7140 for more information

More Parks and Leisure events and activities can be found here
Public Works
Dec. 24:Landfill closed
Dec. 25: Landfill and compactor sites closed

Sheriff's Office 
Dec. 13: "Flipping for the Children" Fundraiser for Georgia Sheriff's Youth Homes; 10 a.m. at Lowe's in Gainesville 



Board of Commissioners

Work session: Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville

Meeting: Dec. 11 at 2:30 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Planning Commission

Dec. 1 and Dec. 15 at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville at 5:15 p.m.


Board of Assessors

Dec. 3 and Dec. 17 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at







See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.


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:: (770) 535-8288
Sheriff's Office South Hall precinct opens its doors
Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch cuts the ribbon to the South Hall Precinct with the help of Hall County Commissioners Jeff Stowe and Scott Gibbs.

The Hall County Sheriff's Office opened its new south precinct on Nov. 14. The new 10,000-square-foot facility is located on Cody Drive just off Spouts Springs Road, giving the department easy access to the County's most populated area.


"In Hall County, two-thirds of our population lives south of Oakwood," Sheriff Gerald Couch said at the grand opening. "With all the studies that have been conducted, we're going to have an additional 100,000 people by 2030. I think we'll have more than that because Hall County has a lot to offer. We can go in any direction from here and hopefully improve our services in this area."


Approximately 40 employees were relocated to the new South Hall precinct. The facility features a criminal investigative division, uniform patrol briefing area, a community service officer and much, much more.

Another SPLOST VII Public Input Meeting set for Dec. 11

Another public input meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Dec. 11 to garner more input from residents about what potential categories of projects should be included in the next proposed Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST VII).

Officials with Hall County will host the meeting, which will be held at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville.

The meeting will consist of a presentation made by government officials and an opportunity for the public to ask questions and give feedback and input regarding potential SPLOST VII projects. This meeting follows four similar public input meetings held earlier this year at various locations throughout the county.

In conjunction with the public input meetings, the county is also receiving input on the county website ( Citizens may also give written feedback about potential SPLOST VII categories by filling out comment cards, which will be available in the Administration offices on the 4th floor of the Hall County Government Center, for those unable to attend the public input meetings or access the online survey.  
Reminder: business license renewal grace period only 30 days 


As a reminder, Hall County business owners now only have a 30-day grace period to renew their business licenses without incurring a penalty. Business license renewal fees are due every year on Jan. 1.   

In the past, license holders did not incur a late fee until after a 90-day grace period, however, that was changed to a 30-day grace period via a vote by the Hall County Board of Commissioners in the fall of 2014.  As a result, any payments received after Feb. 1, 2015 will be considered late and will have late fees added, which will accrue each month.  Anyone with additional questions is encouraged to contact the Hall County Business License Office at 770-535-6876.


TV 18: Sheriff's Office Updates

Hall County Connection - Checking in with the Sheriff's Office - December 2014
Hall County Connection - Checking in with the Sheriff's Office - December 2014


A lot has changed since Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch took office in January 2013.  In just two short years, he's added new precincts, purchased new patrol cars, found a new home for the department's headquarters, established a fitness program and much, much more. On this month's episode of Hall County Connection, we will take a look at some of those updates from his office and find out what else he and his staff have in store for the future.  


Watch the entire Hall County Connection episode by clicking here or on the video link above.
Hall Co. property tax due Dec. 1
Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden
Property tax is due Dec. 1.  For the convenience of residents, the ability to pay property tax online is offered at Alternately, to process payments more efficiently, citizens are encouraged to remit their payment by mail using the return envelope to P. O. Box 1579, Gainesville, GA 30503. Payments made in full that are USPS postmarked or dropped off at the Hall County Government Center by 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1 will be honored as a timely payment and will not incur any interest as mandated by the state. Read more here.
Hall Co. Parks & Leisure collect coats, blankets for Good News at Noon


Hall County Parks & Leisure Services staff collected more than 60 coats and jackets during the First Annual Hall County Parks & Leisure Coat and Blanket Drive.

Parks & Leisure staff began collecting the coats and blankets in October, providing citizens with drop-off locations at their North Hall, East Hall and Mulberry Creek community centers. After six weeks of collections, the donations were delivered to Good News at Noon, a nonprofit organization that serves the homeless and those in need in the Gainesville-Hall County community. Read more here.

Hall Co. Fire Services Holiday Hustle 5K to benefit injured firefighters
Join Hall County Fire Services for the Holiday Hustle 5K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 13 at Allen Creek Soccer Complex.  The registration fee is $25 if you register by Dec. 6.  After that, the cost is $30.  

All proceeds benefit the Hall County Injured Firefighters Fund, which goes to help firefighters Will Griffin, T.J. Elliott and Stephen Jackson with miscellaneous expenses.  The three Hall County firefighters were injured during a training incident on July 22.  

The race begins at 9 a.m.  Anyone seeking additional information is asked to contact Lt. Beverley Walker at 770-531-6838 or
Hall Co. Animal Shelter hosted Thanksgiving dinner for animals

Adoptable Dog Hall County citizens are not the only ones that enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast this year... animals at the Hall County Animal Shelter also participated in a holiday meal thanks to the shelter's staff and volunteers.


Shelter volunteers and staff fed the pets a chicken and rice dinner Saturday, Nov. 29 to celebrate the holiday.


''They usually only get dry kibble, and we thought they'd really enjoy something special,'' said Susan Allen, volunteer coordinator for the Hall County Animal Shelter. 


The Shelter's Program Coordinator Cindy Langman said residents were also encouraged to come walk and play with the pets as part of the Thanksgiving festivities. 


''No matter what time of year it is, the animals are always thankful for any time and attention they receive,'' said Langman. 


Anyone wanting to donate to the shelter can do so by clicking here.

Hall Co. Sheriff's Office to provide bicycles to kids in need this Christmas


It's that time of year again! The Hall County Sheriff's Office wants to spread holiday cheer to needy children in the community. To convey the giving spirit of these dedicated public servants, the Sheriff's Office began accepting donations the first week of November for its Christmas Bicycle Program, which is administered by the Sheriff's Office's Courthouse Division.


Sheriff Gerald Couch, along with the entire Hall County Sheriff's Office, would like to challenge its partners within the community to join them by contributing to the Christmas Bicycle Program. Again, the department has teamed up with Wal-Mart of Gainesville to provide bikes to children in the community who may otherwise "go without" this Christmas. Each one of the bicycles in the program will be accompanied by a helmet for safety, as well as another small gift. 


To make a monetary donation and get additional information on the Christmas Bicycle Program, please contact Captain Chris Matthews of Hall County Sheriff's Office Courthouse Division at (770)531-7095. 

Bring one for the chipper begins Dec. 26



More waste enters the Hall County Landfill during December than any other month. What can you do to stem the tide this yuletide season? Give your Christmas tree a new leaf on life by ''Bringing One For The Chipper.''

''Bring one for the Chipper'' is Georgia's annual Christmas tree recycling program. It is an outgrowth of an event started in 1987 by the Atlanta Clean City Commission, Fulton County Clean Community Commission, the Atlanta Dogwood Festival and the Atlanta-Fulton County Parks and Recreation Department. 

What can you do?

Remove the stand and all of the decorations from your Christmas tree (ornaments, lights, garlands, tinsel etc.). Drop off your Christmas tree at designated areas at any of the 12 Hall County Compactor Sites or Hall County Recycling Center at 1008 Chestnut Street, Gainesville. Your tree will be chipped into mulch or used as fish habitat. Either way, you'll help keep your tree out of the landfill and put it to good use.

McCormick named Deputy Chief Appraiser


Kelly McCormick has been promoted to Hall County's Deputy Chief Appraiser. McCormick began his tenure with the Hall County Tax Assessors office in October 2011 as a staff appraiser and was later promoted to Appraisal Systems Coordinator in 2012. 


"Kelly possesses a great amount of skill and expertise in correlating the department's various software tools," said Hall County Chief Appraiser Steve Watson. 


McCormick is also responsible for the project management of the various appraisal projects within the office.

Breakfast with Santa at Hall County community centers
Santa Claus makes a special trip each year to Hall County Parks and Leisure Services' community centers.


This year, Santa and his helpers will be at North Hall Community Center and Mulberry Creek Community Center on Saturday, Dec. 13th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to have a pancake breakfast with the children of Hall County!


Children will also enjoy Christmas craft making and having their picture taken with Santa Claus.


Please call or come by either community center to register.  

North Hall Community Center: 770.535.8280  

Mulberry Creek Community Center: 770.965.7140.


Prices are as follows:

$6.00 for 1 child (Includes 2 adult passes)

$2.00 for each additional child in the same family

$4.00 each for additional adult passes

Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.