
Monthly News and Events
April 2014
Animal Shelter
April 12: Mutts on Main, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the downtown Gainesville Square
Sheriff's Office 

April 26:  Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sterling on the Lake Community Center, Boy Scouts' Spring Festival on Railroad Street in Flowery Branch and at Lula Pharmacy.  Citizens can drop off unwanted/unused prescription meds, excluding liquids and hypodermic needles, for destruction.

April 8: National Crime Victims' Rights Week Observance, 11 a.m. at Kenyon Plaza
Public Safety
April 13-19: National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week
Tax Assessors
Community Meetings on real estate equalization project: April 3 at 6 p.m. at North Hall Community Center and April 17 at 6 p.m. at Mulberry Creek Community Center


Parks and Leisure



Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center
Lake Lanier Obedience Class

Instructor: Lake Lanier Obedience Club

When: April 21st - June 2nd

Days: Mondays

Basic Training Class at 6:30pm

Advanced Training Class at 7:30pm

For: Puppies 12 weeks with shots to adult dogs no age limit.

Cost: $125.00 for the 7 week class.

To register for the 7 week session please contact one of the following people. Ann Boles 770-967-6604, Diane 770-536-0419, or Marianne 770-534-3205.


Bullriding Event

Date: April 25-26

Cost:Advance tickets $12.00

Gate Tickets $ 15.00

Kids (2-12) $10.00

Pre-sale tickets will be at

Lams Motorsports-Gainesville, GA

April 4-5: Spring Garden Expo

April 12-13: American Super Camp





Mulberry Creek Community Center
6th Annual Elsie Conde Memorial Special Needs Sports Camp
Where: Mulberry Creek Community Center
When: June 16 - June 20
Time: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Friday (FAMILY NIGHT) 6:00 p.m.
For: Children ages 6-16 with special needs
Cost: FREE
For more information or an application, contact Ctscmissions@yahoo.com, subject: Elsie Camp. Applications are also available for pick up at Mulberry Creek Community Center.




East Hall Community Center


Tai Chi 

Instructors: Buck and Pat Barnes

Days: Wednesdays

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Cost: $25 a month


World Tai Chi & Qigong Day

Day: Saturday,  April 26

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Cost: FREE

This event will take place outside weather permitting. For inclement weather the event will be moved indoors. 





Additional Park and Leisure events can be found here.






Board of Tax Assessors

April 2 and 16, 4 p.m.

Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor HR Training Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30504


Planning Commission

April 7 and 21, 5:15 p.m.

Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30504 



Board of Commissioners

April 9 at 3 p.m. and April 24 at 6 p.m.

Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30504


Watch meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., or anytime at www.tv18online.com.



























































































































































































See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.


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New Sheriff's Office headquarters to locate at government center campus 
gerald couch  
Following months of in-depth study, the Hall County Sheriff's Office has decided on the future location for its central headquarters.

"The best, most cost-effective option is to build a stand-alone structure on the campus of the Hall County Government Center located on Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville," Sheriff Gerald Couch said. "All the necessary infrastructure, including power, water, fiber optics and parking, is readily available at that site, which will save taxpayers money and reduce the time required for construction."

In addition to existing infrastructure, the new headquarters will benefit from much lower energy costs that Hall County was able to negotiate with Georgia Power for the 33-acre campus as part of their energy savings initiative. The new location will also benefit from its close proximity to two main, four-lane arteries, Browns Bridge and McEver Roads, and would continue to offer citizens a "one-stop shop" for county services while consolidating government functions.  Read more here.
First inmates to participate in Hall County's REACT program arrive at C.I.
The first inmates to participate in the REACT program arrive at the Hall County Correctional Institution. 
The first inmates to be a part of Hall County's new Re-entry Accountability Court Transition (REACT) program arrived Tuesday, March 4 at the Hall County Correctional Institution.

The REACT program, the first of its kind in the state, focuses on state inmates returning to Hall and Dawson counties. Programming will consist of substance abuse treatment, as well as educational and vocational training. Participants will also receive on-the-job experience while working with local businesses once they have progressed to the work release portion of the program. The purpose of the program is to help inmates find gainful employment in an effort to reduce recidivism rates.  Read more here.
Habitat dedicates homes that were purchased through Hall County's NSP

Representatives from Hall County Government and Habitat for Humanity of Hall County were on hand last month for the dedication of two new Habitat homes, which were purchased and rehabilitated as part of the County's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The first dedication was held Friday, March 7 at 9:30 a.m. at a home on Black Drive. The second was held Saturday, March 8 at 9:30 a.m. at a home on Autumn Leaf Drive.


Hall County's Neighborhood Stabilization Program utilizes grant funds to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed homes and then sell them to new owners, stabilizing neighborhoods and getting properties back onto the tax digest in the process. The sale price of the house is based on the total investment that is put into the property. Any income generated by the sale of an NSP home is put back into the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to continue its overall mission.  Read more here.

Hall County observes Victims' Rights Week
The Hall County Solicitor's Office and the Hall County District Attorney's Office are inviting the public to join them as they observe Victims' Rights Week at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 8 at Keyon Plaza, which is directly outside the Hall County Courthouse.  The ceremony commemorating victims' rights will focus on progress made in the past 30 years in restoring the balance of justice for those harmed by crime.  The 2014 National Crime Victims' Rights Week is April 6-12. 
Tax Assessors Office to host community meetings
Steve Watson, chief appraiser for the Hall County Tax Assessors Office
The Hall County Tax Assessors Office is hosting two upcoming community meetings to discuss their recent real estate equalization project involving an in-depth study of lakefront property values and how they align with lakefront property sales in Hall County.
The meetings will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 3 at the North Hall Community Center and at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 17 at the Mulberry Creek Community Center

Read more here.
Community Recycling Event at Sterling on the Lake  
  America Recycles Day
Sterling on the Lake is hosting a Community Recycling Event on Saturday, April 12 between 9 a.m. and noon.  Get started on your spring cleaning by recycling any of the following items that will be accepted at that location on that date:


- Wine corks, baby food jars and small bottles (cleaned, labels removed)
- All printer, toner and ink cartridges

- Prescription tablets and pill medications, in partnership with the DEA and Hall County Sheriff's Office

- Paper shredding - bring your shreds in bins, boxes or bags! A commercial shredder will be onsite to help you responsibly dispose of your old records, bills, etc. You do not have to remove staples, paper clips or bindings! 

- Home Electronics - Please bring your electronic items down to the clubhouse parking lot. Cell phones, old chargers, computer components, toasters... we will recycle it all! 

- Old paint--5 gallon bucket pricing: $16 1 gallon can: $5, All quarts and pints are $1  *Please note - recycling payments should be presented in cash. Receipts will be provided for your records.

- Batteries - Any and all batteries will be collected and responsibly recycled.

- Partnering with Girls on the Run North Georgia, we will be recycling all used athletic shoes (rubber sole) for the entire month of April. Recycling bins will be available at the clubhouse all month long. Recycling these athletic shoes will provide scholarship funds for Girls on the Rug.  They will also be used to make playground substrate.

- Bedding, towels, small rugs and blankets will be collected and used by the Hall County Animal Shelter.


The event will be drive-through style and will be held in front of the community clubhouse.








News from the Hall County Sheriff's Office

 - The Hall County Sheriff's
Office is approximately one month away from the National Take Back Initiative.  As a part of the initiative, the sheriff's office, along with other local law enforcement agencies and DEA partners, asks citizens to clean out their medicine cabinets and discard any expired or unused prescription medication.  Unused or expired medications can be dropped off at one of two permanent drop box locations:
Hall County Sheriff's Office, located at 610 Main Street in Gainesville or the Gainesville Police Department, located at 710 Queen City Parkway in Gainesville.  The department will also host a Spring Cleaning and Take Back Event on April 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sterling on the Lake and on April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Boy Scouts' Spring Festival on Railroad Street in Flowery Branch and during that same time at Lula Pharmacy.   
Chestatee High School students participate in the Fatal Vision skit


- The Hall County Sheriff's Office has begun their Fatal Vision tour at Hall County's public high schools.  The Fatal Vision skit was designed by the Hall County Sheriff's Office to address the need for an alcohol-related accident prevention program.  The purpose is to give area high school students a glimpse into the future through the eyes of teens who choose to illegally drink and drive. 


East Hall High School School Resource Officer Scott Buffington reads at New Holland Elementary on Dr. Suess Day, March 2.

 - "Celebrity Readers" from the Hall County Sheriff's Office joined in the Seussical celebration on "National Read Across America Day" on March 2 at New Holland Elementary School in Gainesville. 

Presidential proclamation declared March 2 as a day to honor the legacy of Theodor Seuss Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss.

Hall County Earth Day and Environmental Events


Hall County Resource Recovery will be on hand at Oakwood City Hall on April 12 to collect electronics to recyclycle ($10 fee for TV's). Document Destruction will be provided by American Security Shredding, and household items will be collected for the Carry on Youth Program. 


In addition, the following speaking events have been scheduled across Hall County throughout the month of April: 


4/16/14 - Speaking Event 1*- "Turning Waste Plastics into Fuels to Power a Greener Nation"; 12 p.m. (noon); Speaker: Jeff Gold, Nexus Fuels ; Length: 30 to 45 min.; Location North Georgia, Gainesville Campus, room #104 Science Building.


4/22/14 - Speaking Event 2* - "Blurring the Boundaries Between Medicine and Ecology by Saving Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys"; 12:30 p.m.; Speaker: Dr. James W. Porter, Meigs Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia; Length: 30-45 min. ; Location: Univ. of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus, Continuing Ed. Auditorium


4/22/14 - Speaking Event 3*


1. Dr. Ed L. Schrader- "Importance of Environmental Protection"  

2. Dr. J. Marshall Sheperd - "Prehistoric, Contemporary, Futuristic: For Water, It's All The Same, Or Is It?"

3. Dr. William (Bill) Coates, Jr. - "Theological View of Stewardship"

4. Dr. James W. Porter- "The Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Georgia"

7 p.m.; Target Audience: General public, students, business reps; Length: 1hr. 30 min.; Location: Brenau Downtown Center Theater, (former GA Mountains Center Theater) 



Stock up for spring at the Plant EXPO


The Hall County Master Gardeners, the volunteer arm of the Cooperative Extension, will have its semi-annual Plant EXPO on April 4-5. The "Spring's Greatest 2-Day Plant Sale in Georgia" features an extensive selection of Southern plant vendors, garden art and products, informative seminars, a children's booth and lots of door prizes. 

When: Friday, April 4, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. & Saturday, April 5,  8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Where: Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center, 1855 Calvary Church Road

Cost: $2 per person, children FREE

More info: Hall County Extension Office, 770-535-8293, www.hcmgs.com 

Join the Animal Shelter for Mutts on Main on April 12 
animal shelter logo   
Mutts on Main, a fundraiser to benefit the Hall County Animal Shelter, will be held Saturday, April 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the downtown Gainesville Square.  The event, which was originally scheduled for March 29, was rescheduled due to inclement weather.


The event will include a Models and Mutts Fashion Walk at noon and a Pet Contest, featuring a Best Dressed, Best Trick and Look-Alike winner, at 1 p.m.


In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to visit with a number of vendors at the pet expo and get their pet vaccinated for rabies and microchipped. Training sessions, agility demos, adoption opportunities, entertainment and food will also be available.


Mutts on Main is presented by the Hall County Animal Shelter and Main Street Gainesville. For more information, call 770-297-1141.

Burn Ban goes into effect April 1

Plan now to burn all of your yard debris (leaves, tree limbs, etc.) prior to April 30. From May 1 through Sept. 30, open burning in Hall County and 49 other counties will not be allowed. If you wish to burn this month, call 770-536-2442 to get a residential burn permit number. If you need a land clearing permit, call 770-531-6838, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.


If you are burning illegal materials or you are burning during the burn ban, you will receive a citation from the Hall County Fire Marshal's Office. Fines range from $100-$1000 and/or up to 30 days in jail.


Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.