
Monthly News and EventsMarch 2014



Parks and Leisure
Chicopee Woods
Agricultral Center

March 1-2 Southeastern Agility
March 15-16 Region 3 & Region 6
March 22 4-H Horse Show

Lake Lanier Obedience Club

When: April 21st - June 2nd 2014

Days: Mondays

Basic Training Class at 6:30pm

Advanced Training Class at 7:30pm 

For: Puppies 12 weeks with shots to adult dogs no age limit.

Cost: $125.00 for the 7 week class.

Contact: Ann Boles 770-967-6604, Diane 770-536-0419, or Marianne 770-534-3205.

North Hall Community Center
Let You Bloom!
Life Coaching Workshop Series
When: Saturday, March 15
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $25
For more information please call
770-983-9165 or email sudiecrouch@gmail.com

Engineering For Kids
Date: March 4 - April 15
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Junior Lego� Robotics:
Amazing Mechanisms
(Ages: PreK - 2nd Grade)
Aerospace Engineering: Up,
Up, and Away
(Ages: 3rd Grade - 8th Grade)
To register call 678-250-9994 or

Mulberry Creek Community
Engineering For Kids
Date: March 6 - April 17
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Junior Aerospace Engineering: Taking to the Skies
(Ages: PreK - 2nd Grade)
Cost: $99

Lego� Robotics 101
(Ages: 3rd Grade - 8th Grade)
Cost: $119
To register call 678-250-9994 or visit


Wee Kidz Tumbling & Gymnastics

Instructor: Dawn Billock

Dates: March 17 - April 28

(No class the week of April 7)

Days: Mondays and Wednesdays

Time: 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Ages: 2 and up

Cost: $80/ 8 weeks (2 days a week)

$40/ 8 weeks (1 day a week)


***Additional Parks and Leisure events can be found here.
Hall County Agribusiness Awards Breakfast
April 16, 7:30 a.m. at the North Hall Community Center


Board of Tax Assessors

Mar. 5 and 19, 4 p.m.

Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor HR Training Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504 


Planning Commission

Mar. 3 and 17, 5:15 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504


Board of Commissioners

Mar. 13 and 27, 6 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504









See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.

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First inmates to participate in Hall Co.'s REACT program arrive this month


The firt 10 inmates to be a part of Hall County's Re-entry Accountability Court Transition (REACT) program are set to arrive at the Hall County Correctional Institution on Tuesday, March 4.  The REACT program will consist of substance abuse treatment, as well as educational and vocational training.  Participants will also receive on-the-job experience while working with local businesses.  The purpose of the program is to help inmates find gainful employment in an effort to reduce recidivism rates.  Find out more by watching the video below:


Hall County Connection - Hall County's Re-entry Program - February 2014
Hall County Connection - Hall County's Re-entry Program - February 2014
New additions enhance Hall County Recycling Center, Landfill 
A new baler arrives at the recycling center.
It's a busy week for Hall County's Public Works Department as two new state-of-the-art pieces of equipment become operational, providing more efficient ways to handle the County's solid waste.
A new baler began running at the Hall County Recycling Center Monday, processing and packaging twice as many recyclables as the old machine. The new baler, which arrived at the Recycling Center Thursday, costs roughly $360,000 and was paid for out of the County's Landfill Fund. It replaces a baler that was more than 20 years old and was requiring an extensive amount of maintenance and repair.

Meanwhile, the Hall County Landfill also welcomed the arrival of a new piece of equipment last week. A new leachate treatment facility, which cleans liquids that are disposed of in the landfill or are created as rainfall passes through the landfill, is expected to be operational by the end of the week.


Read more here.
Hall Co. crews respond swiftly to second winter storm of the season
A number of Hall County Government employees worked tirelesslessly during the winter storm that struck our area during the week of Feb. 10.  Among the departments who worked long hours to ensure public safety were:

Hall County Road Maintenance
Hall County Parks and Leisure
Hall County Marshals Office
Hall County 911
Hall County Sheriff's Office
Hall County Fire Services
Hall County Building Maintenance
Hall County Public Works
Hall County Landfill
Hall County Correctional Institute
Hall County Engineering

Additional employees also lended a hand to help Hall County maintain a safe environment for citizens and employees during the winter weather event. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the clean-up and safety efforts!
citizens acad
Government Scholars' Academy to begin this month

The third annual Hall County Government Scholars' Academy is set to begin March 18.  Each of the nine sessions will focus on a different aspect of local government and will include tours of many facilities. Participants should be ready for an interesting, interactive experience!



This year's session is full, however, another session will be offered in 2015.  If you are interested in participating in this free program, please be looking for more information at that time.  Please contact Public Information Officer Katie Crumley at kcrumley@hallcounty.org or 770-297-5504 with any questions. 


Find out what's new in Hall County on TV 18


Hall County Connection - What's New in Hall County - March 2014
Hall County Connection - What's New in Hall County - March 2014


This month's episode of "Hall County Connection" on TV18 introduces Hall County citizens to several new projects and people associated with Hall County Government, including the new deputy fire chief, new Sheriff's Office precincts, new marriages that began at the Hall County Courthouse and some new furry friends at the Hall County Animal Shelter.  Watch the complete episode here.
News from the Hall County Sheriff's Office

- Sheriff Couch, with the help of his team (Gary Moore and Paul House), was awarded first place at the fifth annual Chili Cookoff at Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church in Gainesville recently for their display table.  The group was also awarded first place in the public safety/municipality division and received the People's Choice Award for the "Sheriff's Jailhouse Chili."  The event was hosted by the Women's Enrichment Ministries of Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church. The funds received will be used for ministry projects that send children to camp, assist the homeless and aid in sending short-term missionaries around the world. 


 - The Hall County Sheriff's Office hosted the annual Cops and Kids BB Gun Challenge on Feb. 22 at the Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center. The competition pits local youth against seasoned cops for some friendly fun at the indoor shooting range.   The competition is part of 4-H's Project S.A.F.E.: Shooting Awareness, Fun and Education. For every hour spent on the firing lane, an hour is also spent in the classroom.  Just prior to the competition, Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch presented the Hall County 4-H program with a check, which will be used to assist the student organization in purchasing a new digital scanner to tabulate target scores more efficiently (as opposed to counting them by hand). It will also allow them to meet new state requirements for the program.


Sheriff Couch  presented the first Hall County Sheriff's Office Community Spirit Award to the Lanier Soccer Association(LSA) at the Allen Creek Road Soccer Complex on Feb.  8. The award recognized LSA's embodiment of outstanding service to the youth in our community. They were commended by the sheriff for providing an environment for developing teamwork, good sportsmanship and structured activities targeted to elevate the individual players and local youth to achieve their maximum potential.  

Nominations being accepted for Agribusiness Awards

The Hall County Extension Agency is now taking nominations for this year's Hall County Agribusiness Awards Breakfast through March 7.  The event will be held April 16 at 7:30 a.m. at the North Hall Community Center. 


Award categories include Friend of Agribusiness, Outstanding Agribusiness, Farmer of the Year and Ag Hall of Fame.


Anyone wishing to submit a nomination can email Hall County Extension Agent Michael Wheeler at wheelerm@uga.edu

Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.