Hall County Parks and Leisure
 March - April 2014

Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center
Lake Lanier Obedience Class
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Young or old here is the perfect class for your four legged friend and you. Lake Lanier Obedience Club will help you understand how to teach your dog commands in a positive, effective way. 

Instructor: Lake Lanier Obedience Club

Where: Chicopee Woods Agricultral Center

When: April 21st - June 2nd

Days: Mondays

Basic Training Class at 6:30pm

Advanced Training Class at 7:30pm 

For: Puppies 12 weeks with shots to adult dogs no age limit.

Cost: $125.00 for the 7 week class. 

To register for the 7 week session please contact one of the following people. Ann Boles 770-967-6604, Diane 770-536-0419, or Marianne 770-534-3205.


Bullriding Event

Date: April 25-26

Cost:Advance tickets $12.00

        Gate Tickets $ 15.00

        Kids (2-12) $10.00 

Pre-sale tickets will be at

Lams Motorsports-Gainesville, GA

Outdoor Depot-Gainesville, GA

Romancing the Range- Commerce & Dawsonville, GA 

Tickets will go on sale at the end of March



Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140) 
6th Annual Elsie Conde Memorial Special Needs Sports Camp
Hosted by Cross Training Sports Camps, Inc. (CTSC).  CTSC is a volunteer-based non-profit organization that provides sports-based camps throughout Hall County, the US and internationally. Cross Training Sports Camps offer each child a week of Christian fun, sports, learning and singing. Each camp is free for campers and is staffed by volunteers. This year they will be hosting one camp designed specifically for children with special needs.
Where: Mulberry Creek Community Center
When: June 16 - June 20
Time: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
         Friday (FAMILY NIGHT) 6:00 p.m.
For: Children ages 6-16 with special needs
Cost: FREE
For more information or an application, contact Ctscmissions@yahoo.com, subject: Elsie Camp. Applications are also available for pick up at Mulberry Creek Community Center.
North Georgia Elite Basketball Camp
Players will work on the skills and fundamentals of basketball. Players and parents can choose from 4 separate camp sessions or attend all 4 if wanting to stay physically active throughout the summer.
When: Session 1: June 9 - June 13
           Session 2: June 23 - June 27
           Session 3: July 7 - July 11
           Session 4: July 21 - July 25
Time: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $100 per weekly session
Players will need to bring a sack lunch each day. To register go to www.northgaelite.com or call 770-598-4596 for more information.
New Opportunities! 
North Hall Community Center (770-535-8280)
Let You Bloom!
Life Coaching Workshop Series
Get ready for Spring and a fresh perspective on YOU! Spring clean your attitude, de-clutter those negative thoughts, clear out those cobwebs in your mind and get ready for a new you to emerge this Spring!
When: Saturday, March 15
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $25
For more information please call 770-983-9165 or email sudiecrouch@gmail.com
Engineering For Kids
Date: March 4 - April 15
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Junior Lego� Robotics: Amazing Mechanisms (Ages: PreK - 2nd Grade)
This class is a perfect mixture of fun and learning, using LEGO� WeDo™ Robots. Using LEGO� bricks, students build a dancing bird, a smart spinner, and a drumming monkey. They also learn how to program and operate their creations using a laptop computer.
Aerospace Engineering: Up, Up, and Away (Ages: 3rd Grade - 8th Grade)
During the Aerospace Engineering classes, students use the Engineering Design Process to design, create, test, and refine a variety of flying machines. They construct a shock absorbing system designed to protect two marshmallow astronauts in a lunar vehicle, create their own air-powered rockets, and assemble a hot air balloon model that actually takes flight!
To register call 678-250-9994 or visit
Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)
Engineering For Kids
Date: March 6 - April 17
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Junior Aerospace Engineering: Taking to the Skies (Ages: PreK - 2nd Grade)
Cost: $99
The Junior Aerospace Engineering classes introduce our youngest engineers to fundamental concepts of aircraft and spacecraft design. Through open and focused exploration, students explore and construct airplanes, rockets, hot air balloons, and more.
Lego� Robotics 101 (Ages: 3rd Grade - 8th Grade)
Cost: $119
During the Robotics 101 program, students will learn the basics of designing, programing, and controlling a fully functional robot. Using LEGO� MINDSTORMS�, mathematical concepts, and engineering principles students will brainstorm, plan, test, and modify sequences of instructions to accomplish a given task. Students will also learn the sequence of communication between the robot, and the programmer by collecting and analyzing data using the robot's sensors.
To register call 678-250-9994 or visit

Wee Kidz Tumbling & Gymnastics

Instructor: Dawn Billock

Dates: March 17 - May 14

(No class the week of April 7)

Days: Mondays and Wednesdays

Time: 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Ages: 2 and up

Cost: $112/8 weeks (2 days a week)

         $56/8 weeks (1 day a week)


Mommy and Me Tumbling & Gymnastics
Presented by Wee Kidz
Dates: March 21 - May 2
          (No class the week of April 7)
Days: Fridays
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $35/6 class session 
Dance Classes 
Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)
Square Dancing
Days: Mondays
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE (Donations Accepted)
Ages: 12 years and up
**Couples and singles welcome** 
PreBallet for 2-3 year olds 
Date: March 4 - May 20
(No class April 8)
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $130 for 11 classes


Tap-Ballet for 4-6 year olds
Date: March 3 - May 19
(No class April 7)
Days: Mondays
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Cost: $130 for 11 classes


Hip Hop for 7-12 year olds
Date: March 3 - May 19
(No class April 7)
Days: Mondays 
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Cost: $130 for 11 classes
Youth dance classes are taught by Creative Movement and Dance. Register online at www.creativemovementanddance.com or call 706-684-0155.


East Hall Community Center (678-450-1540)
Tap-Ballet for 3-5 year olds
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Cost: $130 for 11 classes  
Dance classes are taught by Creative Movement and Dance. Register online at www.creativemovementanddance.com or call 706-684-0155.
Dance and Twirling Lessons
Instructor: Ms. Kelli Rogers
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Ages: 4 and up
Cost: $40 for 4 classes
Call 770-596-3241 for more information


Exercise Classes 
Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)
Instructor: Melissa Grove
Date: Ongoing monthly class
Days: Tuesdays, 4:20 p.m. - 5:20 p.m.
          Thursdays, 4:20 p.m. - 5:20 p.m.
Ages: 16 years old and up
Cost: $20/4 classes or $40/8 classes
Instructor: Rhonda Dellinger
Dates: February 25 - April 1
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Cost: $60 
         $12 Walk-Ins
Participants need to bring their own yoga mat
For more information please call 678-386-1660
**Minimum number required for class is five (5).**
Spin Class
Instructor: Renee Brown
Date: February 22 - April 2
Days: Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
         Saturdays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $50/6 weeks, 2 days a week
         $30/6 weeks, 1 day a week
For more information please contact Renee Brown at
**Minimum number required for class is three (3).**
North Hall Community Center (770-535-8280)

Boot Camp

Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cost: $3 per class
Zumba I
Instructor: April Lucas
Days: Mondays, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
          Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
          Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Ages: 16 years old and up
Cost: $5 per class

Special Interest Classes
North Hall Community Center (770-535-8280)

Karate (678-450-1540)

Instructor: Todd Irvin

Days: Mondays and Thursdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
For prices and age groups please call Todd Irvin at
East Hall Community Center (678-450-1540)
Martial Arts Class
Instructor: Rock Solid Karate
Days: Mondays and Thursdays
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Ages: 7 and up
Cost: Please call for pricing  
Georgia Mountain Krav Maga
Monday through Thursday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 10:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Please call 770-561-0812, email hh@GeorgiaMountainKravMaga.com or visit GeorgiaMountainKravMaga.com for more information or pricing. 
Youth Services Programs
Georgia Mountain Workforce Development offers various services to qualifying youth ages 14-21
*After School Program
*GED & Credit Recovery
*College or Technical College Assistance
*Summer Work Experience  
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)

Wee Kidz Tumbling & Gymnastics

Instructor: Dawn Billock

Dates: March 17 - May 14

          (No class the week of April 7)

Days: Mondays and Wednesdays

Time: 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Ages: 2 and up

Cost: $112/8 weeks (2 days a week)

         $56/8 weeks (1 day a week)


Mommy and Me Tumbling & Gymnastics
Presented by Wee Kidz
Dates: March 21 - May 2
          (No class the week of April 7)
Days: Fridays
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $35/6 class session


Instructor: Oswaldo Ortega
Date: Starts February 27
Days: Thursdays
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Ages: 8 to adult
Cost: $90/6 weeks
No equipment required
For more information please call 678-927-1126
Karate Class
Instructor: Matt Pattillo
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Date: Starts the first Tuesday of each month
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Ages: 5 year olds and up  
Cost: $45/month
Uniforms may be purchased at class for $40.
Call 678-469-6320 or visit www.southernjdk.com to register. May also register at Mulberry if paying by cash or check.
Piano and Voice Lessons
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Date: Starts the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month Time: Flexible 
Ages: 6 and up
Cost: $80 per month
Instructor: Sherry Potters
Call 678-939-7986 for details.  
Class minimums must be met five days prior to the start date or class may be subject to cancellation. 
Active Generation Classes and Events
North Hall Community Center (770-535-8280) 
Technology Tutoring
Best Buy of Gainesville will be on site to answer your technology questions. This months topics include Digital Cameras and Tablets.  Bring your lunch, laptop, and questions!
Date: Tuesday, March 18
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: Free (bring a lunch)
Registration: Call 770-535-8280
Class minimum must be met 5 days prior to class start date or class is subject to cancellation.

Active Generation

Play Cards or Dominoes

Days: Tuesdays

From: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Cost: NHCC Members are free

Non-Members $1.00

Location: NHCC Game Room

Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)  
Healthways SilverSneakers� Fitness Program 

Hall County Parks and Leisure is proud to partner with the nation's leading exercise program designed exclusively for older adults (65+).


SilverSneakersMuscular Strength & Range of Movement Class 

Instructor: Mary Ash

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 

         Cost: FREE to SilverSneakers members

         $3 per class for non-members

SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Healthways, Inc.

Class space is limited, so we recommend arriving early. 


SilverSneakers� Yoga Stretch

Instructor: Christina Fishback

Days: Tuesdays

Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 

         Cost: FREE to SilverSneakers members

         $3 per class for non-members

�SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Healthways, Inc.

Class space is limited, so we recommend arriving early.


Active Generation Cards

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Tai Chi
Days: Thursdays
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $1 per person

Registration Information:
Class minimums must be met five days prior to start date or class may be subject to cancellation. Due to limited space, participants are encouraged to register early. No refunds will be given following the start of a class without a written medical excuse from a licensed physician.


For a complete listing of our parks, addresses, and amenities, please visit www.hallcounty.org/parks.
Chicopee Woods 
Agricultural Center
28     Southeastern Agility
1-2    Southeastern Agility
8-9    TBA
15-16 Region 3 & Region 6
22      4-H Horse Show
29-30 TBA
4-5    *Garden Expo*
12-13 TBA
19-20  American Super Camp
25-26 *Bullriding*
4-5     Peach State Mounted 
10-11 Miniature Horse Show
18-19 Ga. Paso Fino Horse 
24      Jakes Day
31      TBA 
Shows are held under a covered arena so rain or shine the show will go on. Times for shows are determined by the event
managers. Most shows are free to spectators. Please note that schedules are subject to change. *Indicates admission fee required.* For information and times please call 770-531-6855
Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center is located at 1855 Calvary Church Road in Gainesville.  
For more information regarding schedules and updates for ongoing sports please visit 
Allen Creek Soccer Complex
For general information about Allen Creek Soccer Complex, please call
Lanier Soccer Association
For information regarding the 
Spring 2014 youth soccer 
season please visit www.laniersoccer.org 


River Forks Park
River Forks Park is a camper's delight on beautiful Lake Lanier! Outdoor lovers enjoy the 40,000 square foot beach, 63 campsites with electric and water hook-ups, a sewer pump-out station and more. This park is a must see for campers of all ages. Reservations may be made up to 30 days in advance.
RV Site: $30 ($20 seniors 55+)
Tent Site: $20
Small Pavilion: $50 in county,
 $75 out of county
Large Pavilion: $100 in county, $125 out of county
Multi-Purpose Bldg: $100 1/2 day, $200 full day
River Forks Park is located at 3500 Keith Bridge Road off Highway 369 in Gainesville.
For more information on reserving and pricing, contact
Park Manager Jenny Holland at (770) 531-3952 or jholland@hallcounty.org.
Bobby Bailey Tennis Center 

Learn from a USPTA Certified Tennis professional and Certified GHSA Coach!  Here are just some of the opportunities available at the Bobby Bailey Tennis Center, located in Alberta Banks Park. Contact 770-530-1304 for a complete listing.


Saturday Clinics

Bobby Bailey Tennis Center

Alberta Banks Park


Adult Clinic and Drills

$15 per class

Saturdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m

Strategy, court position and stroke production in a positive, encouraging environment.


Kids Class K- 5th grades

$15 per class or 4 weeks $45

Saturdays, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Instruction of all basic strokes, court position, movement on the court, ball tracking and footwork.


High School Academy

Goal oriented training concentrating on building solid tennis fundamentals. Agility training, stroke production and footwork are stressed, with a focus on balance, speed, endurance and power. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays,

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

$18 per session or 10 sessions - $125


Middle School Academy

The fundamentals of all basic strokes and a group of skills including agility and fitness

in preparation for more advanced tennis. Great preparation for High School tennis. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays,

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

$18 per session or 10 sessions - $125 


Jr. Team Tennis

10U, 12U, 14U and 18U Teams

Summer and Fall Leagues

Call or email 770 530-1304



For more information please call 770-530-1304, email walt@tennishallcounty.com or visit www.tennishallcounty.com.



Private: Specifically designed for you, your skills and goals.

Initial assessment on areas for improvement.

Cost: $55 per hour

Lesson Package: 6 lessons for the price of 5 ($275) paid in advance. Lessons to be completed within 8 weeks.


Semi Private: Classes are designed to work on specific skills you identify. Great way to build doubles skills and strategies or work on singles strategies.

Cost: $30 per person per hour (minimum 2 people)

Lesson Package: 4 Lessons for $100 per person, paid in advance, completed within 6 weeks.


Group: Excellent way to build doubles skills and strategies, work on stroke production and build team spirit.

Cost: $15 per person per hour

Lesson Package: 6 Lessons for $75 per person, paid in advance, minimum of 4 participants, completed within 8 weeks. 


Visit our Website, www.tennishallcounty.com

for updated information and activities. 


*Classes may be changed and/or canceled depending upon enrollment


Coach Walt Kilmartin

USPTA Certified Professional

And Certified GHSA Coach

770 530-1304

Email: walt@tennishallcounty.com

Website: tennishallcounty.com 



Bark Parks
Hall County Parks and Leisure currently has two Bark Parks!  Laurel Bark Park and Mulberry Bark Park are open from sunrise to sunset and have designated areas to accommodate both large and small dogs.
Please make sure that your four-legged friend is current on their vaccinations and at least six months of age.  Dogs can only be off leash within the designated fenced areas.


Mulberry Bark Park is located
in Mulberry Creek Park (4491 JM Turk Road in Flowery Branch).  Laurel Bark Park is located in Laurel Park (3100 Old Cleveland Highway in Gainesville).

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"Only those who will risk going to far
can possibly find out how far they can go." 
~T.S. Eliot~