
Monthly News and EventsJanuary 2014

County offices closed
Jan. 1 for New Year's holiday

Jan. 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday




Parks and Leisure
Lanier Soccer Association
Spring 2014
Recreational Soccer
Allen Creek Soccer Complex
Walk Up Registration Dates
Saturday, January 18
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 21
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 25
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
All walk up registrations will be held in the office at Allen Creek Soccer Complex.
For information about the
Spring 2014 youth soccer
season or to register online please visit www.laniersoccer.org .



Father-Daughter Valentine's Dance

Where: Mulberry Creek Community Center

When: Saturday, February 8

Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Cost: $15 per couple (Registered by February 5)
$20 per couple (Registered after February 5)
$5 for each additional daughter
**Price includes corsage & souvenir picture. Event is subject to cancellation if the minimum number of registrations is not met by February 5**
Our sponsors for this event are Walgreens, Kroger and Hollywood 15 Stadium Cinemas.


2012-2013 Post Season Basketball Tournament Registration Deadline
Parks & Leisure Services Main Office

Cost: $125 entry fee

January 10, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


North Hall Community Center


Engineering For Kids
Date: January 14 - February 18
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Cost: $119
Junior Aerospace Engineering (Ages: 4-6)
Introduces our youngest engineers to fundamental concepts of aircraft and spacecraft design. Through open and focused exploration, students explore and construct airplanes, rockets, hot air ballons, and more!
Electronic Game Design: Invader Defense (Ages: 7-14)
Students will use Multimedia Fusion 2� to create their own video game! Whether students wish to fire marshmallows or missiles, they build their game from start to finish. They program characters to survive a wave of enemy attacks in order to reach the next level. At the end of the class, students take home a copy of the game they create!
To register call 678-250-9994 or visit
Instructor: Todd Irvin
Date: Starts January 6
Days: Mondays and Thursdays
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
For prices and age groups please call Todd Irvin at



Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)
Square Dancing
Date: Starts January 6
**No class January 20**
Days: Mondays
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE (Donations Accepted)
Ages: 12 years and up
**Couples and singles welcome**
Engineering For Kids
Date: January 16 - February 20
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Ages: 4 - 14
Junior Civil Engineering (Ages: PreK - 2nd Grade)
Cost: $99
Introduces our youngest engineers to fundamental concepts of building and construction. Through open and focused exploration, students explore and construct skyscrapers, bridges, and a home designed to withstand the blows of The Big Bad Wolf!
Aerospace Engineering (Ages: 3rd - 8th Grade) Cost: $119
Students will use the engineering design process to design, create, test, and refine a variety of flying machines. They construct a shock absorbing system designed to protect two marshmallow astronauts in a lunar vehicle, create their own air-powered rockets, and assemble a hot air balloon model that actually takes flight!
To register call 678-250-9994 or visit
Spin Class
Instructor: Renee Brown
Date: January 8 - February 15
Days: Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturdays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $50/6 week classes, 2 days a week
$30/6 week classes, 1 day a week
For more information please contact Renee Brown at
**Minimum number required for class is three (3).**
Mommy and Me Tumbling & Gymnastics
Presented by Wee Kidz
Date: January 17 - February 28
Days: Fridays
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $35/7 class session


Instructor: Oswaldo Ortega

Date: Starts January 9
Days: Thursdays
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Ages: 8 to adult
Cost: $90/6 weeks
No equipment required
For more information please call 678-927-1126



East Hall Community Center (678-450-1540)

Women's Practical Self-Defense Course
Date: January 15 - March 15
Days: Mondays and Thursdays
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $295
For more information please visit www.GeorgiaMountainKravMaga.com or call 770-561-0812 



Find more Parks and Leisure events and activities by clicking here.











Board of Commissioners

Work sessions:

Jan. 6 and Jan. 21

at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Jan. 9 and Jan. 23 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville 








Planning Commission


Jan. 6 and Jan. 21 at 5:15 p.m. at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Board of Assessors Meetings:

Jan. 8 and Jan. 15 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville










Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at www.tv18online.org.  












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Hall County celebrates accomplishments in 2013 



Hall County Government is proud to have accomplished many things in 2013 through the leadership of the Hall County Board of Commissioners and the coordination of Hall County staff.  The following represents a sample of those achievements; however, it does not capture every success, including the many that were made by individual County departments and employees.


Accomplishments during 2013:



-          Glades Reservoir Project

o   The state announced that Hall County will be receiving a portion of $39 million from the Governor's Water Supply Program.

o   Hall County signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Glades with the City of Gainesville.


-          Groundbreakings were held and construction began on the new fire stations in District 2 and District 3.


-          Development of the Gateway Industrial Park continued

o   Groundbreaking of the Georgia Poultry Lab

o   The Hall County Board of Commissioners voted to allow the City of Gainesville to provide sewer service along the Ga. 365 Corridor and to the Gateway Industrial Park.


Read the entire list here




Capt. Andre Niles named Georgia's Code Enforcement Officer of the Year 

Capt. Andre Niles was awarded the Code Enforcement Officer of the Year Award by Keep Georgia Beautiful
Capt. Andre Niles with the Hall County Marshal's Office has been selected as Keep Georgia Beautiful's Code Enforcement Officer of the Year for 2013. Niles was honored at the 35th Anniversary Keep Georgia Beautiful Luncheon in Atlanta on Dec. 11.

Capt. Niles was recognized during the ceremony for dedicating his time and energy toward creating a safe and clean environment for the citizens and visitors of Hall County.  Read more here.
Hall County's Willis wins state ''Assistant Circuit Defender of the Year''  
Brett Willis
Brett Willis, an attorney with the Hall County Public Defender's Office since its creation in 2004, was named "Assistant Circuit Defender of the Year" for the state of Georgia at the Georgia Circuit Defender Association's annual meeting at Tybee Island on December 14.

It is the second time in three years an attorney from the Northeastern Judicial Circuit has been named Assistant Circuit Defender of the Year by the group. Travis A. Williams, a senior assistant in the Hall County Office, received the award in 2011.

Willis was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2003 and received his Master of Laws degree from New York University in 2004. He has worked in the Hall County Public Defender's Office since completing law school.

Known as a tireless advocate for indigent clients who is meticulous in his trial preparation, Willis has become a resource and mentor for younger lawyers in the office. He has served as a training seminar instructor for the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council, the National Criminal Defense College and the Bill Daniels Trial Practice Institute.


Hall County 2014 calendars available online

 Hall County's 2014 calendars will be available online at hallcounty.org beginning Jan. 2. 
Calendars will be offered online only this year, allowing County staff to add and edit events as necessary in order to keep the public better informed.  Residents can still print their own calendar by logging on to hallcounty.org, downloading the calendar to their computer and printing it off. 
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Crumley, Hall County's Public Information Officer, at kcrumley@hallcounty.org or 770-297-5504.


Unpaid property tax now accruing interest, second notices on the way 

Hall County property owners who did not pay property tax by Dec. 2 are now accruing interest on their unpaid property tax. A state-mandated 1 percent interest was applied to unpaid bills on Dec. 3 (payments were accepted on Dec. 2 without penalty this year since Dec. 1 fell on a Sunday). 


A second property tax notice will be mailed to all property owners with unpaid bills on Jan. 10 and will include an additional 1 percent interest for the month of January.  January interest will not be applied to any bill where payment in full is either received or is U.S. postmarked prior to Jan. 1.


To locate unpaid tax amounts, log on to tax.hallcounty.org, email propertytax@hallcounty.org or call 770-531-6950.  Read more here.

Learn about Hall County EMS's role in the STEMI program at NGHS
Hall County Connection - Hall County's STEMI Program - January 2014
Hall County Connection - Hall County's STEMI Program - January 2014
If you or a loved one suffers a severe heart attack, Hall County Emergency Services is well-equipped to save your life and reduce damage to your overall health thanks to their participation in the Northeast Georgia Regional STEMI Program.  The STEMI program is a collaborative effort between Hall County EMS and Northeast Georgia Medical Center to provide fast and efficient treatment to patients suffering from these severe heart attacks. Click here to watch the Hall County Connection episode that highlights this life-saving partnership.
Animal Shelter puppies provide stress relief to Brenau students
animal shelter logo  
The Hall County Animal Shelter teamed up with Brenau University to provide some stress relief to students during finals week.

Cindy Langman, program coordinator for the Hall County Animal Shelter, brought puppies from the shelter to campus in mid-December to give the students a quick pick-me-up.

''Taking the puppies to campus serves as a stress reliever for the students, and it gives the puppies a chance to socialize,'' she said.

Langman said she's also hopeful the interaction will encourage students to volunteer at the shelter, located at 1688 Barber Road in Gainesville.  Read more here.
Bring One for the Chipper 
More waste enters the Hall County Landfill during December than any other month. What can you do to stem the tide this yuletide season? Give your Christmas tree a new leaf on life by ''Bringing One For The Chipper.''

What can you do?

Remove the stand and all of the decorations from your Christmas tree (ornaments, lights, garlands, tinsel etc.). Drop off your Christmas tree at designated areas at any of the 12 Hall County Compactor Sites or Hall County Recycling Center at 1008 Chestnut Street, Gainesville. Your tree will be chipped into mulch or used as fish habitat. Either way, you'll help keep your tree out of the landfill and put it to good use.

Some city governments are also participating in the statewide ''Bring One for the Chipper'' event.  Read more here.
Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) Update


As of March 1, 2013, a new system of paying taxes on motor vehicles went into effect. This new Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) removed sales tax and annual ad valorem tax on newly purchased vehicles.  The TAVT rate is 6.5 percent in 2013; 6.75 percent in 2014 and 7 percent in 2015. 
Important and time-sensitive reminders:
- Vehicles purchased after February 28, 2013 are automatically in the new TAVT system.  TAVT is based on the greater of the retail price or fair market value of the vehicle.
 - Vehicles purchased between January 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013 are eligible to opt in to the new TAVT system.  TAVT replaces the annual vehicle ad valorem tax, often called the "birthday tax."  Vehicle owners will need to bring in their bill of sale and Georgia driver's license with a Hall County address.  The deadline to opt in is February 28, 2014.
 - Vehicles purchased prior to January 1, 2012 will stay on the annual ad valorem system (birthday system).
 - TAVT is applicable to sales between individuals (casual sales) as well as each time the vehicle is sold and retitled.  TAVT is based on the fair market value of the vehicle.
 -  New residents to Georgia (after February 28, 2013) are subject to TAVT.  If new residency is January 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013 and the tile was transferred to Georgia during this time period, you may opt in to TAVT.
 - A title tax calculator is on our website, tax.hallcounty.org, or https://etax.dor.ga.gov/
The Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office has implemented the following customer service initiatives in 2013:
         Employees have been cross-trained to enable all clerks to assist citizens on property and motor vehicle needs.
          An information desk has been located at the entrance to the lobby to ensure citizens have all the paperwork needed, provide forms and answer questions prior to processing transactions efficiently and effectively at the window.
          A communication center has been staffed with well-trained employees to answer phone and email inquiries.
          Spanish versions of property tax statements are available on our website.
          Secure drop boxes are located at the office (inside and outside) and online payments for property tax and motor vehicle renewals have also been added.


As a reminder, the Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office has moved to the Hall County Government Center.  See contact information below: 



Hall County Government Center

2875 Browns Bridge Rd - 1st floor

Gainesville GA 30504



Hall County Tax Commissioner              

P. O. Box 1579                                      

 Gainesville GA 30503                            







Hall County Government intern shares some thoughts on her experience


Alexis Gerdts, a senior at Flowery Branch High School, interned with Hall County Government this past semester.  Below are her thoughts on her interning experience:


It has been an outstanding pleasure for me, Alexis Gerdts, to have been able to intern with the Hall County Government. Being only a senior in high school, I am extremely grateful to be allowed such an enriching experience here at the Government Office through Honors Mentorship, a program that gives 11th and 12th grade students an individualized mentorship in the student's career interest area. Not many students in high school get the opportunity to work at such an influential place, and with such kind people.

From mid-September to mid-December I have been with the Administration, Elections, and Tax Commissioner's office, with the Public Information Officer Katie Crumley as my mentor. In the Administration's office I have assisted in developing projects like the Helping Hands program and the HERO Scholarship. In Elections I became a registered poll worker in the first-ever election for Gainesville's mayor, as well as register to vote, and was able to meet great people within Hall County because of it. I finished at the Tax Commissioner's office, which was especially intriguing because I, being in high school, have not yet experienced what "paying your taxes" means, and now I have an insider's knowledge of it. Talk about a unique experience!

I am greatly excited for all personal, educational, and work-based knowledge I have gained through this internship. Going onward in future jobs, college and ultimately my career, I will remember where it all began, with my great teachers, workers, and friends at the Hall County Government. Thank you!

Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.