
Monthly News and EventsDecember 2013



County offices closed

Dec. 24-25: Hall County offices will be closed for the Christmas holidays   





Animal Shelter


Dec. 8: Christmas on Green Street

4:30-7:15pm; the Shelter will be showing off some of its adoptable dogs!

Dec. 14: "Sip and Shop" Christmas Party at Sterling on the Lake from 10:00am-7:00pm.  The Shelter will hold a mini-adoption event in the morning.







Parks and Leisure 





Pancakes With Santa

Come eat a pancake breakfast, make a craft and share your Christmas wishes with Santa.
North Hall Community Center (770-535-8280)
When: Saturday, December 7

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Where: North Hall Community Center

Cost: $6 per child/Includes 2 adults

$2 for each additional child in the same family

$4 for additional adults

**Please register by December 2**

Mulberry Creek Community Center (770-965-7140)

When: Saturday, December 14

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Where: Mulberry Creek Community Center

Cost: $6 per child/Includes 2 adults

$2 for each additional child in the same family

$4 for additional adults

**Please register by December 9**



Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center

Dec. 6-7: 4-H Horse Club



More Hall County Parks and Leisure activities can be found here.



Extension Office



Dec. 10: Composting Class; Composting: Nature's Way of Taking out the Trash

5:30 p.m. at the Hall County Extension Office, 734 E. Crescent Drive, Gainesville







Fire Services




Dec. 14: Holiday Hustle 5k Run/Walk 9 a.m. at Allen Creek Soccer Complex; benefiting the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation












Board of Commissioners

Work session:

Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Planning Commission


Dec. 2 at 5:15 p.m. at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Board of Assessors Meetings:

Dec. 4 and Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville






Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at www.tv18online.org.





















































































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Hall Co. to receive a portion of $39 million in state funding for Glades


The Hall County Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce that the Glades Reservoir Project has been selected as one of three reservoir projects in the state to receive a portion of $39 million in funding from the Governor's Water Supply Program. How those funds will be distributed between the three projects has yet to be determined.

''I would like to sincerely thank Gov. Nathan Deal, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority for their vision and foresight in aligning and mobilizing state resources to assist local governments with developing new water supply sources to adequately meet future water needs,'' said Hall County Board of Commissioners Chairman Dick Mecum.


Read more here.  

Hall Co. launches foreclosure registry 

Hall County has officially launched its foreclosure registry. 


The registry provides the Hall County Marshal's Office with a new tool to track the owners of foreclosed and vacant properties, holding those owners accountable for lack of maintenance and security issues at those homes and protecting surrounding property values as well.  In essence, the registry will give County marshals contact information for the owner of a property in the case of a code violation or other safety issue that needs to be addressed.


According to Hall County Commission Clerk Melissa McCain, banks and mortgage companies in the area will be receiving a letter letting them know that properties in unincorporated Hall County that were foreclosed on prior to Oct. 1, 2013 need to be entered into the foreclosure registry by Jan. 2, 2014.  In addition to foreclosed properties, the owner of any vacant, real property that has not been inhabited for 60 days and has no signs of utility usage in 60 days is also required to register.   The owners of these properties can do so by logging on to hallcounty.org, filling out the foreclosure registry form and submitting that paperwork to the county along with a $100 payment for joining the registry.  McCain said the $100 payment must be submitted, along with a new foreclosure registry form, any time the foreclosed property changes hands.


The owner of any property in unincorporated Hall County that was or is foreclosed on after Sept. 30, 2013 has 90 days from the date of foreclosure or vacancy to register. 


Read more here.

Technology updates at Hall Co. Probate Court 
Patty Walters Laine

Officials with Hall County Probate Court want citizens to be aware of some technological updates that have been made in their office. 


First, a new system has been adopted to take credit card payments via MasterCard and Visa.  People who choose to use a credit card will be charged a convenience fee by the company handling credit card payments, and the Hall County Probate Court will receive only the fees adopted by the legislature without any hassle to the Court.


Additionally, court software has been updated to a program that allows applicants for Marriage Licenses and Weapons Carry Licenses to fill out their application online.  Presently, they can use a computer in the court to complete their application by filing out an online form.  This will replace the handwritten forms that are typed by court clerks and save time for people seeking the licenses.  In coming weeks, citizens of Hall County will be able to fill out the application information at home before they arrive at the Court and save even more time at the Courthouse.  Citizens will still have to appear in person for both applications to be complete so that a clerk can verify identification and witness signatures.

Citizens asked to report hazards 
citizen's alert
The City of Gainesville and Hall County Government have set up a one-stop shop for the reporting of road hazards, fire hazards, storm damage and other concerns.

Hall County Fire Chief and Emergency Management Agency Director for Gainesville-Hall County David Kimbrell says citizens must register first at alerts.hallcounty.org.
''Once someone has registered for the Citizen's Alert System they can download the Everbridge Application, take a picture of the hazard, and send it to us. We want to take care of these issues before they become truly hazardous,'' said Kimbrell.  Read more here.

Hall County to host Special Olympics Georgia Fall Games
Representatives from Hall County Government and the Lake Lanier Convention and Visitors' Bureau will be on hand for a press conference next month, as Hall County is named as the new home for the Special Olympics Georgia (SOGA) Fall Games.

The press conference will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at North Hall Park, located at 4175 Nopone Road in Gainesville.  Read more here.

Hall County Board of Commissioners review 2013 with TV 18

Hall County Connection - End Of Year Review - December 2013
Hall County Connection - End Of Year Review - December 2013

This month's episode of Hall County Connection takes a look back at 2013.  Citizens will hear from each member of the Hall County Commission as they talk about major undertakings of the last year and look ahead at what's in store for 2014. Watch the episode here.


Hall County C.I. celebrates 50 years 
The Hall County Correctional Institute (C.I.) celebrated its 50th anniversary at the Barber Road facility in November.

Members of the C.I. staff, their families and representatives from other county departments gathered for the celebration on Nov. 8.  Former Hall County Wardens Reggie Forrester, Don Nix and Doug Derrer were also in attendance.  Read more here.

Chief Appraiser for Hall Co. appointed to Fannin Co. board


Steve Watson


The Chief Appraiser for the Hall County Board of Tax Assessors has been appointed to the Fannin County Performance Review Board.  Douglad McGinnitie, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Revenue, appointed Steve Watson to the board in October.  The independent review board's purpose is to conduct a performance review of the Fannin County Board of Tax Assessors as requested in the resolution adopted by the Fannin County Board of Commissioners. 

Hall County Extension Office offers composting class


Have you ever wanted to know more about composting?  Well, here's your chance!  The Hall County Extension Office is offering a composting class this month.  Details are below:


Title: Composting: Nature's Way of Taking out the Trash

Place: Hall County Extension Office, 734 E. Crescent Drive, Gainesville.


When: December 10th, 5:30 pm

Presented by Michael Wheeler, Hall County Extension Agent and Colleen Dudley, Intern, UNG



Get your car seat inspected by a Hall County Sheriff's Office deputy


Sheriff Gerald Couch and the Hall County Sheriff's Office now have a new way to encourage citizens to buckle up every passenger in every seat and on every trip. Community Service Officer Chad Mann acquired Car Safety Seat Technician Certification in the latter days of October. Deputy Mann since has implemented the new training to advise, educate and train the community visiting our Law Enforcement Center's Main Lobby on how to tether, fasten and properly secure their "precious cargo."


If you would like to arrange to have your car seat or booster seat checked by Deputy Mann at the Hall County Sheriff's Office, it is recommended that you call for an appointment at (770)531-6900. Your appointment may be scheduled during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Monday through Friday.


HCSO's Christmas Bicycle Program
The Hall County Sheriff's Office wants to spread Holiday cheer to needy children in our community! To convey the giving spirit of its dedicated public servants, the sheriff's office has initiated the collection for its Christmas Bicycle Program under the care of our Courthouse Division. The newly appointed Community Service Officer and Public Information Officer were on hand to receive the program's first gift... a brand new bicycle donated by the 2013 Hall County Sheriff's Office Citizens' Academy!


Sheriff Gerald Couch, along with all of your friends at the Hall County Sheriff's Office, would like to challenge community partners to join the effort by contributing to the Christmas Bicycle Program. 


To make a monetary donation through Dec. 2 and get more information on the Christmas Bicycle Program, please contact Captain Chris Matthews of Hall County Sheriff's Office Courthouse Division at (770)531-7095.


(Pictured in the above photo with the first bicycle donation are Deputy Nicole Bailes, Community Service Officer, and Sergeant Mark Mitchell, Public Information Officer)

Join Hall Co. Fire Services for the Holiday Hustle 5K!
Join Hall County Fire Services for the Holiday Hustle 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, Dec. 14 at Allen Creek Soccer Complex. The registration fee is $25 if you register by Dec. 6. After that, the cost is $30. All proceeds benefit the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation. The race begins at 9 a.m. Anyone seeking additional information is asked to contact Lt. Beverley Walker at 770-531-6838 or
Hall Co. Sheriff's Office warns citizens about holiday scams 

The holidays are swiftly approaching, and the Hall County Sheriff's Office wants to warn citizens about scams that may accompany the festive holiday season.


The Criminal Investigative Division of the Hall County Sheriff Office urges you to never give up your personal identity information to companies calling, or mailing, to offer you millions of dollars. Be skeptical! According to the US Postal Inspection Service, "People 60 and older account for 26 percent of all telemarketing fraud victims, and 60 percent of people in that age group are victims of prize or sweepstakes fraud."


Protect your financial and banking information as well. Do not give any numbers out over the phone to anyone claiming to be a bank representative. If the caller claiming to be a bank representative is actually a legitimate employee of your bank, they will already have that information. Most legitimate sweepstakes representatives ask you for information such as your name, address, date of birth, email address, and telephone number. However, they should never require that you enter financial information such as a credit card number, bank account number, or social security number in order to enter to win.


If you are being asked to send money in order to "win" money, you have to ask yourself: "Does this really make sense?" and "Why wouldn't they just take that out of my winnings?"


Remember to check your bank account and credit card statements when you get them. If you see a transaction you cannot explain, report it to your credit card company, bank and local Law Enforcement. If you have additional questions regarding scams, or if you feel you have become
the victim of
a scam, call (770)531-6900.
Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.