Sept. 2: Labor Day, County offices closed
Animal Shelter
Sept. 14: Mini-adoption event at PETSMART in Flowery Branch from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The $85 adoption fee includes spay/neuter surgery, microchip, rabies vaccination, heartworm test and first round of shots.
Sept. 21: Spay/Neuter Coalition, Inc. at the Chicopee Woods Ag. Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Pet owners can sign up their pets for spay/neuter surgery, which will be scheduled at a later date. Free vaccinations available for domestic cats and dogs.
Sheriff's Office
Sept. 10- Oct. 22: Hall County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy
Sept. 11: 9/11 Breakfast at First Baptist Church on Green Street
Parks and Leisure
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
Sept. 1-2 SE Agility
Sept. 7-8 LEA
14-15 Shetland Sheepdogs
Sept. 21-22 *Garden Expo*
Sept. 27-28 Llamas
Bobby Bailey Tennis Center
Sept. 14: Jr. USTA Sanctioned Tournament
Register at
"You've Got to be Kidding"
1 Day L5 Tourney
North Hall Community Center
Square Dancing Open House
Date: September 9
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Ages: 12 through adult
Cost: FREE Square Dancing Class Begins September 16 for 10 weeks Days: Mondays Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Ages: 12 through adult Cost: $50/10weeks due 9/16 $6 paid weekly For more information contact Louis & Angie McClure at For more Parks and Leisure activities and events, click here.
Board of Commissioners
Work sessions: Sept. 9 and Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Meetings: Sept. 12 and Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Commission Meeting Room at the Hall County Government Center, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Planning Commission
Meeting: Sept. 16 at 5:15 p.m. at the Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Board of Assessors Meetings: Sept. 4 and Sept. 18 at 4 p.m. in the HR training room on the 2nd floor of the Hall County Government Center located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at |
See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.
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Newsletters for county government, parks, fire, and animal shelter.

Celebrate Labor Day at Laurel Park

Hall County Government invites residents to enjoy spectacular fireworks on Monday, Sept. 2 at Laurel Park, benefitting the American Legion Paul E. Bolding Post 7. Hall County Parks and Leisure, Sheriff's Office, Fire Services, Public Works, Public Safety and the Correctional Institution donate services each year to support this longstanding local tradition.
Laurel Park is located at 3100 Old Cleveland Hwy, Gainesville. Gates will open at 9 a.m. for visitors to enjoy the sports facilities, playground, spray ground, dog park and views of Lake Lanier. A spectacular fireworks display, provided by the American Legion and Hall County Government, begins at dusk. Parking is $5 per car. Snow cones, hot dogs and other concessions will be sold by North Georgia Boy Scouts. Read more here. |
Sheriff's Office hosts Citizens Academy, 9/11 breakfast
 | Sheriff Gerald Couch |
The Hall County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy will begin Sept. 10. The academy is a 10-week interactive program designed to inform citizens about the role of the Sheriff's Office in our community and allow them to gain firsthand knowledge about the inner workings of the department. For more information, click here.
The Sheriff's Office is also sponsoring the 9/11 breakfast on Sept. 11 at Gainesville First Baptist Church on Green Street. Sheriff Gerald Couch will host the event, which will also feature Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle.
News from the Tax Commissioner
 | Darla Eden |
Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden began her term in office Jan. 1, 2013. Since that time, Eden's focus has been customer service initiatives and property tax collections. Here are several news items from her office related to those two areas of focus:
Tax bill redesigned- Hall County property owners will receive a new tax bill on Oct. 1, and when they look at it, they may notice some changes. Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden and her staff have redesigned the bill to make it easier to read. The new bill also includes information about multiple payment options. Those taxes will be due by Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.
Customer service initiatives in place- The information table in the lobby of the Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office continues to provide support to citizens doing business there. When citizens walk into the office, a friendly staff person is there to greet them and help make sure they have all of the required materials they need before waiting in line to speak with an associate of the Tax Commissioner's Office. The associate manning the information table can also help answer any questions about transactions, direct citizens to the appropriate place to conduct their County business or provide them with paperwork they may need.
In addition, a call center is now in operation to guide taxpayers to the appriate staff member when they call the Tax Commissioner's Office. Anyone seeking more information is asked to call 770-531-6950.
As a reminder, the Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office is now located on the first floor of the Hall County Government Center, located at 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville.
Eden hires chief deputy tax commissioner
Randall (Randy) H. Williams |
Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden has appointed Randall (Randy) H. Williams as chief deputy tax commissioner for Hall County. Williams was previously the chief deputy tax commissioner in Rockdale County, a position he held for eight years before joining the Hall County Tax Commissioner's Office.
Williams' duties include serving as operations manager for the Hall County Tax Commissioner, and he is also deputized by the Tax Commissioner under Georgia law to assume authority in Eden's absence. Among his many other duties, Williams will also oversee management of the Motor Vehicle and Property Tax Division, assuring that all ad valorem tax is collected accurately and promptly. Read more here. |
Hall County Public Works responds to this year's heavy rains on TV18
It's been an incredibly busy spring and summer for Hall County's Public Works Department... especially for Road Maintenance crews who've had to do a lot of damage control on Hall County roadways following this year's remarkably rainy season. In this month's episode of Hall County Connection, we'll learn about the damage Mother Nature caused to area roads this year and what it took to repair them. We'll also look at what it takes to build a road from scratch, as was the case with the roadways needed inside Don Carter State Park, located right here in Hall County. Watch this month's episode here. Watch Hall County Connection, as well as Eye on Gainesville and all County Commission and City Council meetings, online at |
You can be the hero this September
September is National Preparedness Month. This is a time for you, each resident of Hall County, to prepare yourselves and those in your care for emergencies and disasters. Recent community events, such as local flooding, washed out roads, downed trees and power outages, have demonstrated the need for each resident to be prepared.
During an emergency or disaster, police, fire and rescue services may not always be able to reach you quickly. The most important step that you can take is to take care of yourself and those in your care during those critical times.
In September, take the time to prepare and plan in the event you must go for three days without electricity, water services, access to a supermarket or local services. Follow these four basic steps:
- Stay informed: Information is available from federal, state and local resources. Go to or to learn what to do before, during and after an emergency.
- Make a Plan: Discuss, agree on and document an emergency plan with those in your care. You can find sample plans at Work with neighbors, colleagues and others to build community resilience.
- Build a Kit: Keep enough emergency supplies, such as water, nonperishable food, first aid, prescriptions, flashlights and a battery-powered radio, on hand for you and those in your care.
- Get Involved: Participate in preparedness programs and activities to make your families and those around you safer from risks and threats. Consider planning a "Ready" event for your neighborhood, church or school organization.
By taking a few simple actions, you can make you and those in your care safer.
To help in your preparedness efforts, Hall County has established a Citizen's Alert System. To read more about the system and to sign up for this free alert service, visit or Hall County Fire Services at and click on the Emergency Management tab.
Your Hall County Emergency Management office is managed by Fire Chief and EMA Director David Kimbrell. You can contact the Emergency Management Office at 770-531-6838 or You can also contact the Northeast Georgia Chapter of the American Red Cross office for more preparedness information at 770-532-8453.
Visit our website at for additional information.
Hall Co. takes part in the Emergency Preparedness Fair at INK
Join members of the Hall County Sheriff's Office and Fire Department, as well as a number of other businesses and public safety representatives, to learn how to plan for a disaster before it strikes. The Emergency Preparedness Fair will be held at Interactive Neighborhood for Kids (INK) on Sunday, Sept. 29 between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. It will include activities and games for kids, personal preparedness tips and demonstrations, and free emergency backpacks will be given to kids while supplies last. The event is free and open to the public. INK is located at 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville. For more information, call 404-314-4046.
"When you're prepared, you're more
confident. When you have a strategy, you're more comfortable."
-Fred Couples |
Knock, knock... who's there? A note on door-to-door sales in Hall Co.
Did you know that door-to-door solicitation/sales is allowed once again in Hall County? Due to numerous complaints from the public and high-pressure intimidating sales tactics used by the solicitors, the Hall County Commission put a temporary moratorium on ALL door-to-door sales. After much consideration, a new ordinance was approved allowing this type of business activity again, but it is highly regulated now. The purpose of regulating the sale of goods and services by door-to-door solicitation was to help prohibit and/or eliminate criminal activity and abusive techniques utilized by canvassers or solicitors which would adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Hall County.
Fifty to 60 years ago, the door-to-door salesperson or peddler was a welcome visitor...there weren't drug stores, Wal-Marts, discount stores, neighborhood convenience stores, etc. just around the corner like there are now. And with the internet, a homeowner can look at thousands of items in the comfort and security of his own home. In today's society, not many people like to have strangers knocking on their doors. Additionally, there are more "latch key" kids staying at home alone after school now, and our senior citizen population has increased, both of which would be a target to an unscrupulous sales person.
ANYONE that comes to your door to sell a product, service, or give you a free sample or any kind of information is required to have a business license AND a special PHOTO door-to-door permit issued by Hall County. This permit will ensure the homeowner that Hall County has done an extensive criminal background investigation on the person knocking on your door to verify that there are no criminal activities in their past that might put you or your family at risk.
There are some exemptions, however; non-profit groups (like churches), political candidates, and school-aged children selling for fundraising purposes do not have to register and obtain a permit. Remember, you do not HAVE TO open your door or acknowledge anyone at your door if you don't want to. Don't EVER feel pressured to open your door to someone you don't know.
Some of the regulations for door to door sales are: only one person may approach your house at a time; they must speak English; no solicitation is allowed before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m. each day and never on Sundays or holidays; the solicitor may only approach your home at your main front entrance and cannot go around your house to your back yard or back door unless YOU have invited them; and the most important thing to remember is that if you say no, that you are not interested, the solicitor MUST leave immediately. If they do not leave immediately, call 911 and say that you have a suspicious person in your neighborhood. Try to get a good description of the solicitor(s) and their vehicle to give to the 911 dispatcher. Also, if you have a "no solicitation" sign up at the entrance of your neighborhood/subdivision or on your door, these solicitors have been instructed to respect your wishes and to not enter your area. Again, if you see anyone in violation, please contact 911 immediately with a detailed description of the person(s) and vehicle(s) as soon as possible.
Our public safety first responders depend on YOU, the public, to help them catch the "bad guys." Since they can't be everywhere all the time, be sure to keep your eyes open to any suspicious activity going on in your neighborhood and report it immediately to 911. Don't let the joke end up being on you..... |
Hall County leaders act as "Celebrity Ladlers" for Empty Bowl Luncheon
Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch and Hall County Fire Chief David Kimbrell will join other government and community leaders on Sept. 19 to serve soup to attendees at the Georgia Mountain Food Bank's Empty Bowl Fundraiser. The event will take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Banquet Hall of First Baptist Church on Green Street in Gainesville. Tickets are $25. For tickets or for more information, call 770-534-4111. |