
Monthly News and EventsMarch 2013




Parks and Leisure
American Heart Association Adult & Child CPR and First Aid Training
Sat., March 2
12- 4 p.m.
Ages: 16+
Cost: $50
Mulberry Creek Community Center
Southeastern Agility Dog Show
March 1-3
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
Picadilly Circus
March 5-6
Shows: 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. each day
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
Lanier Equestrian Association  Horse Show
March 16
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
River Forks Park Opens
March 1
"Simply the Best" Baseball/Softball Coaches Certification Class
March 7 at 6 p.m.
Mulberry Creek Community Center
Child Abduction Prevention Class
March 16, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Cost: $10
East Hall Community Center
Rape Prevention Course
March 16, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cost: $25
East Hall Community Center
KRAV MAGA Self Defense Classes
Registration deadline: March 25
Classes begin April 2
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Saturdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
East Hall Community Center 
Sports for children with physical and developmental disabilities.
Mar. 26-May 7
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Alberta Banks Park

North Hall Community and Technology Center

Zumba, $5.00 per class

Tuesdays 7p-8p

Thursday 9a-10a

Thursday 7p-8p

Instructor April Lucas


Creative Movement

Tap-Ballet (ages 3-5)

Starts Feb 27 thur May 15

Wednesday 5p-5:45pm

Cost $130.00 for 11 weeks


Yoga $10.00 per class

First Class March 6th

Every Wednesday @ 12:30

Instructor Hollie Lee

***Additional Parks and Leisure events can be found here.
Hall County Agribusiness Awards Breakfast
March 26th, 7:30 a.m. at the East Hall Community Center
Hall County DUI Court 10th Anniversary, March 21




Board of Tax Assessors

Mar. 6 and 20, 4 p.m.

Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor HR Training Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504




Planning Commission

Mar. 18, 5:15 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504




Board of Commissioners

Mar. 14 and 28, 6 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504




















See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.

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citizens acad 
Register now for the Government Scholars' Academy!

Registration is now open for the second annual Hall County Government Scholars' Academy, which will be held April 9-June 4. Each of the eight sessions will focus on a different aspect of local government and will include tours of many facilities. Be ready for an interesting, interactive experience!


"We want to encourage citizens to be active in their local government," County Administrator Randy Knighton said. "Participants will gain an intimate understanding of how their tax dollars are spent and what issues face Hall County Government."


There is no cost to participants. The registration form and syllabus are available online. For more information about the Government Scholars' Academy, contact Public Information Officer Katie Crumley at kcrumley@hallcounty.org or 770-297-5504. 

Sheriff's Office consolidates work release programs

As part of an on-going review of the Sheriff's Office budget, Sheriff Gerald Couch is announcing a major cost savings measure aimed at reducing the department's financial footprint.


The effort focuses on streamlining the male and female work release programs. To that end, the department will move forward with consolidation of both programs back into the jail's main facility on Barber Road. Built in 1999, male work release is presently housed as a stand-alone building just up the street from the jail on Barber Road. Female work release has been located on Vine Street in Gainesville since 2002, in an aging building that housed the Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center for many years prior to the county taking it over. Maintaining both facilities, with all of their related maintenance and upkeep, has been a significant financial burden on the department.


By combining both of those programs under the auspices of the main jail, the department will be able to realize an annual cost savings of approximately $1 million.   Read more here.



"Save the Date" for Hawgin' on Lanier 


Make sure to mark your calendars for the Hawgin' On Lanier event scheduled for May 17- 18 at Laurel Park.  A Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band will perform Friday, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for a seat on the lawn or $300 for a table, which includes a BBQ plate.  Individual BBQ dinners are available for $5.  All proceeds from the concert benefit the Hall County Animal Shelter.  Feel free to arrive by boat!  For more information, call 770-297-5504 or email kcrumley@hallcounty.org.

GHMPO's 2040 plan recognized as one of the best in U.S. 

The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization's 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) has been recognized as one of the best planning documents in the United States.   


The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration and the Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council, studied long-range transportation plans from 359 MPOs in the country (excluding those in Florida) and determined that the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization's MTP exemplifies long-range planning "best practices."  


Read more about the accolade here.

Nominations being accepted for Agribusiness Awards

The Hall County Extension Agency is now taking nominations for this year's Hall County Agribusiness Awards Breakfast through March 8.  The event will be held March 26 at 7:30 a.m. at the East Hall Community Center. 


Award categories include Friend of Agribusiness, Outstanding Agribusiness, Farmer of the Year and Ag Hall of Fame.


Anyone wishing to submit a nomination can email Hall County Extension Agent Michael Wheeler at wheelerm@uga.edu

Hall Co. Animal Shelter gives free adoption to house fire victim 
animal shelter logo 

The victim of a devastating house fire that killed two of her beloved dogs will visit the Hall County Animal Shelter this weekend to begin the process of adopting a new pet. 


The woman has been granted a free adoption from the shelter following a chance encounter over the airwaves shortly after New Year's.


Cindy Langman, program director for the Hall County Animal Shelter, was listening to 94.9 The Bull during her drive to work one day last month as the radio personalities asked their listening audience to call in and give them an answer to the following question: "If you could erase one thing that happened in 2012, what would it be?"


Langman listened as a woman named Mary called in and talked about losing her home and personal belongings in a house fire.  Mary explained that two of her dogs also perished in the blaze. 


Upon hearing Mary's story, Langman called into the radio station to offer a free pet adoption, courtesy of the Hall County Animal Shelter.  Read the rest of the story here
There's a new sheriff in town


This month's episode of "Hall County Connection" on TV18 introduces Hall County citizens to their new sheriff, Gerald Couch.  Find out about his past, his vision for the future and meet his new administrative team by clicking here.
Hall County DUI Court celebrates 10th Anniversary 
Hall County's DUI Court will celebrate its 10th anniversary on March 21.  The program was established in March 2003 under the direction of the Honorable Charles S. Wynne, who will be the featured speaker at the upcoming anniversary celebration. The DUI Court's mission is to make offenders accountable for their actions, bringing about a behavioral change that reduces DUI recidivism and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. There have been 1,085 offenders mandated to the program since its inception with 106 still actively involved and 564 having graduated. Read more about Hall County's DUI Court here





Property tax return deadline April 1 


April 1 is the deadline for Hall County property owners to file a Taxpayer Return of Real or Personal Property with the Tax Assessors office. Real Property is land and buildings. Personal Property is business equipment, boats or other marine equipment, and aircraft. You may want to file a Real Property return if you have made any changes to your property or if you would like the Tax Assessors office to review the real estate property appraisal. You would want to make a Personal Property return to ensure your business equipment, boat, or aircraft is depreciated or valued correctly. The Board of Assessors office has updated valuations on approximately 80% of all Hall County real property as of last year. The Board of Tax Assessors office will continue with this process and expects some property values to actually increase for 2013.


Don't forget, changes to the annual ad valorem tax go into effect March 1.  Watch a video presentation about these changes and other tax-related issues made by members of the Hall County Tax Assessor's office, Tax Commissioner and other elected officials by clicking here

Annual Appliance Pick-up Week  


Today (March 1) is the last day to register to have your large appliances collected during Hall County's annual appliance pick-up. You must register to participate. Details.

* Unincorporated Hall: (770) 536-7225  

* Gainesville city limits: 770-532-0493

* Oakwood city limits: 770-534-2365

* Flowery Branch city limits: 770-967-6371


Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.