
Monthly News and EventsFebruary 2013
Animal Shelter:
Rabies Clinic and Mini-Adoption
Feb. 9, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 
Tractor Supply
3640 Mundy Mill Rd., Gainesville
Parks and Leisure:
Mulberry Creek Community Center


Father-Daughter Valentine's Day Dance

 Saturday, February 9 

6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 

Ages: 4-12 

Cost: $15 per couple ($5 for additional daughter)


PreBallet for 2-3 year olds

Tuesdays, February 26 - May 14

(No class on April 2)

10:15 - 11:00 a.m.

Cost: $130 for 11 classes



Tap-Ballet for 4-6 year olds

Mondays, February 25 - May 13

(No class on April 1)

5:30 - 6:15 p.m.

Cost: $130 for 11 classes



Hip Hop for 7-12 year olds 

Mondays, February 25 - May 13

(No class on April 1) 

6:30 - 7:15 p.m.

Cost: $130 for 11 classes



East Hall Community Center
for 3-5 year olds
Tuesdays, February 26 - May 14
(No class on April 2)
6-6:45 p.m.
Cost: $130 for 11 classes 


Baton Lessons
for ages 4 and up

Tuesdays, 6-6:45 p.m.

Cost: $40 for 4 classes 


Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center


Hall County 4-H BB Invitational

Feb. 9 

8 p.m.


American Super Camp

Feb. 23-24




Government meetings:


Board of Tax Assessors

Feb. 6 and 20, 4 p.m.

Hall County Government Center,

HR Training Room, 2nd Floor

2875 Browns Bridge Road,




Planning Commission

Feb. 18, 5:15 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Board of Commissioners

Feb. 14 and 28, 6 p.m.
Hall County Government Center, 2nd Floor Commission Meeting Room
2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville 








See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.

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Hall County launches emergency mass notification system


Hall County is now using the Everbridge system for Citizen Alerts to communicate with thousands of businesses and residents in minutes in the event of an emergency.  


With the Everbridge system, Hall County will be able to alert residents about severe weather, fires, floods, toxic environmental issues and in process violent crimes. Messages can be sent to individuals using a variety of contact mechanisms- cell phone, landline, email, text messaging, fax, pager, and more - ensuring that residents and Hall County staff receive life-saving emergency information and important public service announcements in minutes.  In addition, Hall County plans to use the Everbridge system to notify residents about other important activities, such as road closures and water utility maintenance.  The program is optional, and citizens can opt out of it at any time.

To find out more about the system, including how to sign up to receive alerts, click here.


Severe Weather Awareness highlighted on TV 18


Severe Weather Awareness Week is observed Feb. 4-8.  What would happen if severe weather hit Hall County?  It's happened before, and Hall County's emergency units and road maintenance crews are well-equipped to handle the situation if it strikes again.  We spoke with Hall County officials about some of the severe weather events that Hall County has experienced in the past, how their teams prepare for severe weather in the future and what citizens can do to prepare for severe weather right now.  Watch the entire episode here.


HCSO Honor Guard featured at NFC divisional playoff, championship games  

Honor guard  

Five members of the Hall County Sheriff's Office Color Guard  proudly presented The Colors with dignity, honor, and respect at the NFC divisional playoff and championship games in the Georgia Dome.


Deputy Jonathan Jackson bore the National Colors, while Deputies Charles Wallace and Michael Mount bore the State of Georgia and Hall County Sheriff's Office flags, respectively.


Deputies Thomas Hyde and Mike Wester served as right and left color guards.


Deputy Jonathan Jackson, who serves as the Honor Guard Commander, said of the experience, "It was a proud moment for us to have the opportunity to represent the department, the community, and our Atlanta Falcons. This was much more than just a handful of Deputies doing this; it was the culmination of the efforts of all of the Honor Guard's members since its inception."


The Honor Guard, consisting of deputies volunteering from all divisions of the sheriff's office, serves as the department's ceremonial unit and provides a number of services to the local community.  Read more about the Hall County Sheriff's Office's Honor Guard here.

State changes to motor vehicle tax take effect March 1
Tax reform legislation enacted by the Georgia General Assembly in 2012 created a new system for taxing motor vehicles registered in Georgia. As a result, the annual vehicle ad valorem tax, often called the ''birthday tax,'' will change to a state and local title ad valorem tax on March 1, 2013. Hall County Government officials encourage individuals who plan to purchase or transfer the title on a vehicle to learn more about these changes before visiting the Hall County tag and title office.  You can read about those changes here.
Probate Court offering wedding ceremonies 


Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Hall County Probate Court is now offering wedding ceremonies at the Hall County Courthouse.  Hall County Probate Court Judge Patty Laine said they began offering the free service on Jan. 10.  She said couples interested in getting married in Probate Court can schedule a wedding with the Probate Court clerk when they get their marriage license, which is a requirement for the free service.  Weddings can be scheduled any Thursday afternoon and are offered in English and Spanish.  For more information, click here.

Free tax filing preparation!  


Trained volunteers are now offering free income tax filing assistance at the Gainesville-Hall County Community Service Center. Households earning $49,000 or less are eligible.  To find out more, contact the Gainesville-Hall County Community Center at 770-503-3330.

Pet of the Month 
The Hall County Animal Shelter's Pet of the Month for February is Snacks.  He's a 1-year-old Great Pyrenees mix.  He has long white fur with some black freckles on his face.  The breed is usually very affectionate with their families.  They are quiet and tolerant in general, but if there is something to guard or protect, they can become territorial.  Daily walks and exercise are a must with this breed.  Please help Snacks find a loving home!  For more information, click here.
Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.