
Monthly News and EventsJanuary 2013

County offices closed
Jan. 1 for New Year's holiday

Jan. 21 for Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday




Parks and Leisure

American Sign Language Class

Tuesdays, January 8 - February 12

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Cost: $50/6 classes

Mulberry Creek Community Center


Square Dance Class

January 14

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Cost: $50 for an individual or $100 per couple for 10 weeks

Mulberry Creek Community Center


Free Open House

Jan. 7 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Mulberry Creek Community Center


Preschool Gymnastics on The Bus Fair

Tuesdays, January 8 - February 12

9:15 - 9:45 a.m.

Ages: 2-5 years old

Cost: $75/6 classes

Register at www.thebusfair.com or 678-314-2196.

Mulberry Creek Community Center


Preschool Gymnastics on The Bus Fair

Fridays, January 11 - February 15

Time: 12:15 - 12:45 p.m.

Ages: 2-5 years old

Cost: $75/6 classes

Register at www.thebusfair.com or 678-314-2196.

Mulberry Creek Community Center


2012-2013 Post Season Basketball Tournament Registration Deadline
Parks & Leisure Services Main Office

Cost: $125 entry fee
January 10, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.





Government meetings



Board of Commissioners

Jan. 10 and Jan. 24, 6 p.m.
Hall County Government Center,
2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA
Commission Work Sessions 
Jan. 7, 11 a.m. 

Hall County Government Center,

2875 Browns Bridge Road,

Gainesville, GA


Jan. 22, 3 p.m.

Hall County Government Center,

2875 Browns Bridge Road,

Gainesville, GA




























































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Furloughs end, 4 percent retirement restored


Hall County Commissioners unanimously voted to end unpaid mandated furlough days for all Hall County employees at their Dec. 13 meeting.  In addition, the commission also voted to restore an additional 2 percent retirement contribution, bringing total county contributions to 4 percent.  The vote came on the heels of a report by Hall County Finance Direct Vickie Neikirk that announced a $14.9 million fund balance for Fiscal Year 2012, an approximately $5 million increase from last fiscal year.   Learn more about the county's financial status by clicking here: Hall County Government's 1st Quarter Financial Status Report for Fiscal Year 2013.

Healthy Hall County program promotes fitness for employees 
healthy hall county logo 

Healthy Hall County is a health-based initiative geared toward Hall County employees, their dependents and retirees. Its purpose is to create a healthier and happier work force by providing employees with the tools they need to successfully reach their overall fitness goals. 


As a part of the program, all Hall County employees, their dependents and retirees will get free admission to Hall County community centers.  Greg Cochran with OLD SKL Fitness will also be offering free fitness instructional sessions at the community centers and free boot camps for employees at the Hall County Government Center beginning Jan. 22. 


Mecum, Stowe begin terms in office
   jeff stowe
Hall County Commission Chairman Dick Mecum and District 4 Commissioner Jeff Stowe begin their terms in office this month.  They will both be sworn into office during a ceremony in the commission meeting room at the Hall County Government Center on Jan. 7th at 10 a.m.  Mecum, Stowe and a several other elected officials, including Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch, Hall County Tax Commissioner Darla Eden, Hall County Surveyor Jason Lourie and Hall County Probate Judge Patti Walters Laine, will be talking about their hopes for their time in office during the South Hall Business Coalition at the Mulberry Creek Community Center at 8 a.m. on Jan. 31.

Hall County 2013 calendars available

 front cover
Hall County's 2013 calendars are now available for pick up at the Hall County Government Center, community centers, libraries and at the Hall County 911 Center.  If you are interested in having one mailed directly to you, please contact Katie Crumley, Hall County's Public Information Officer, at kcrumley@hallcounty.org or 770-297-5504.


Learn about Hall County's Neighborhood Stabilization Program on TV 18 
 Hall County is doing their part to help neighborhoods hit hard by the current real estate crisis.  Through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, grant funds are used to purchase foreclosed properties, rehabilitate them and sell them to families, stabilizing Hall County neighborhoods in the process.  To find out more information, watch TV 18 here.
Hall County employees volunteer to raise funds for animal shelter 

The Hall County Animal Shelter received $1,050 after Hall County Government employees and volunteers stood out in the cold last week and advertised free coffee at three RaceTrac stores in the area. 


RaceTrac officials promised to donate $350 toward the shelter for every store that had volunteers holding signs near the roadway between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. each morning.   


Volunteers from Hall County Government included Trey Garcia, Casey Charlton, Mike Little, Melissa McCain, Billy Powell, Nancy Nash, Roz Schmitt, David Nix, Jeremy Frazier and Cindy Langman. 


Friends and family members of Hall County Government employees also participated.  They include Rachel Langman, Wes Wesley, Heather Taylor, James and Peggy Baxley, Teresa Glazer and Susan Brewster, among others.

Bring One for the Chipper 
Bring your undressed tree to the Hall County Recycling Center or one of 12 compactor sites. We'll chip it into mulch, which you can pick up starting Jan. 7.Read more.

Hall County Planning Director elected President of GAMPO


Hall County Planning Director Srikanth Yamala was elected as the President of the Georgia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (GAMPO) at their fall meeting in Augusta, Ga. last month.  GAMPO, a statewide association, provides a forum for the metropolitan planning organizations in the State of Georgia to exchange information and to discuss issues relative to local, state, and federal policies pertaining to transportation planning.   


"It's an honor to be recognized by an active group of transportation professionals who are dedicated in moving Georgia ahead regardless of several challenges," Yamala said.  "I look forward to working with the Board of Directors and the state and federal agencies in a collective manner."


Yamala's two-year term begins in January 2013.

Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.