County offices closed
Dec. 24-25: Hall County offices will be closed for the Christmas holidays
Parks and Leisure

Newsletters for county government, parks, fire, and animal shelter.

Celebration honoring Oliver, Bell at Dec. 13 meeting
Hall County Commission Chairman Tom Oliver and District 4 Commissioner Ashley Bell will be honored for their years of service on the commission before the Dec. 13th commission meeting at the Hall County Government Center. Refreshments will be offered prior to the meeting at 6 p.m. In addition, an open house for the new Hall County Government Center will also be held at that time. The public is invited to share in the festivities as these two public servants are honored and the completion of renovations to the new government center is celebrated.
Hall County's First Quarter Financial Status Report is 'cautiously optomistic'
According to Hall County Finance Direct Vickie Niekirk, fhe first quarter financial performance of the County is very favorable and the outlook for the remainder of the year is "cautiously optimistic." Read the complete report here. |
Look for annual calendar this month
The Citizens' Annual Report/Calendar is produced every year by Hall County as part of our commitment to an open government. Look for it in mid December. Copies of this report/calendar are available at county facilities and at www.hall
A farewell message from Hall County Sheriff Steve Cronic
As I complete my third and final term as Sheriff of Hall County, it is with great pride that I look back on all that we have accomplished in the last twelve years. We've grown not only in size to more adequately serve and protect the citizens of Hall County, but also in the level of professionalism with which we deliver our services. This is due in no small part to the process of our agency becoming state certified by the Georgia Police Accreditation Coalition and nationally accredited by the Commission on Law Enforcement Accreditation. Both of these achievements involved a rigorous independent review process of our policies and procedures, personnel, facilities, and equipment. The end result is that the Hall County Sheriff's Office was deemed to have met or exceeded the same standards that only a handful of agencies in the state of Georgia are able to accomplish. But most importantly, this process provides a "report card" of sorts to our citizens, proving that their Sheriff's Office is delivering the best quality of service to our community. We have also made great strides in our youth education programs, reaching out and touching the lives of literally thousands of young people through our school based services to better prepare them to make sound life decisions and become good citizens. Our community outreach efforts have reached new heights, with an emphasis on preventing crimes by better informing the public about crime trends and educating them about how to avoid becoming a victim. The end result is more focus on delivering our services before a crime happens, as opposed to reacting after the fact. This all adds up to an increased quality of life for our residents.
It has been my honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Hall County, and although I look forward to the next chapter in my life, my heart for service remains with the Hall County community. I take enormous pride in what we have accomplished here at the Sheriff's Office, and can say with confidence that it has been a team effort. It's been said that the true test of a leader is the performance of those he leaves behind. On that score, I feel the Hall County Sheriff's Office is in good hands and will continue to serve our community with the highest of standards.
Thank you again for allowing me to serve, and may God bless you, your families and this community in the years to come.
Tour the new Hall County Government Center with TV 18
This month's episode of Hall County Connection takes citizens on a tour of the new Hall County Government Center. Citizens will also hear from those who were instrumental in the purchasing of the property, as well as the renovations and planning that went into making the new facility what it is today. Watch at