Star of David transparent imageWSJD E-News Star of David transparent image
Creating Jewish Deaf Connections
in the Metro Washington D.C. Area 

February 14, 2013    Adar 4 5773
   Volume 2, Issue # 8

In This Issue  
WSJD Happenings (Tribute to Erick Fleischer, Upcoming Events, Articles on Facebook)
Sign interpreted Shabbat Services
Community Events/Activities (Purim Event, Good Deeds Day, Women's Musical Seder)
Mazel Tov
Refuah Shlaymah 
WSJD E-News Team welcomes submissions of community events and news of interest to the WSJD Community.  The deadline for the next issue is February 24.

Are you receiving e-News?  If you are already receiving this e-News directly from WSJD, then you are on our email list.  If you are not receiving the e-News directly from WSJD, then click here to sign up for future issues. 

We dedicate this issue in memory of Erick Fleischer, a beloved and longtime member of WSJD, who passed away at the age of 92. To read the eulogies read at the funeral service held on February 10, click here.

WSJD is planning these events for the next few months. Put the dates on your calendar.   
  • Purim Bowling Event, Sunday, February 24, 4:00 p.m., AMC Bowling in College Park. Join in the fun of the Purim holiday with a bowling game. Ticket fee includes tasty hamantashen. Register now.  To register, click here.  
  • Steak, Wine & Scotch Shabbat dinner/discussion, Friday, March 15, 6:30 p.m., Julia Bindeman Suburban Center. Dr. Curtis Robbins will lead the discussion. Stay tuned for additional information and registration details.
  • Israel @ 65 Celebration, Sunday, April 21, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m., Temple Beth Ami, Rockville, MD. Join us as we celebrate the anniversary of Israel's Independence with Israel Trivia, Israel dancing, children's activities and refreshments. Watch for registration details.
  • Jewish Deaf Congress Convention: Register now for the JDC Convention (May 30-June 2, 2013). The convention will be held at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. Several excellent workshops are currently being developed. Keep checking the website for this information. To see the schedule, click here.
Articles on Facebook: The WSJD posted articles of Jewish interest on its Facebook page for your reading enjoyment. Check our Facebook page for updates on upcoming events, articles and more. To become a friend of WSJD Facebook, click here.

Shabbat Shalom,
E-News Team and WSJD Board
For more information on these events, click here
Shaare Tefilah Congregation, Olney, Maryland
terpreted the last Saturday of each month. 
The next service will be held on Saturday, February 23, 10:00 a.m.    
Interpreter: Judy Bresler    
For more information, email Rabbi Jonah Layman at or Judy Bresler at 




Megillah PowerPoint Reading for the Deaf  
Saturday, February 23, 2013,
Ma'ariv - 6:35 p.m. Children's Costume Parade - 6:50 p.m.
Megillah Reading - 7:20 p.m. 

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim, Baltimore, Maryland
Everyone welcome. Wear costumes and bring graggers (Purim noisemakers). For more information, contact David Brenner at or David Michalowski at 443-244-9522 (videophone).  To see flyer, click here.
2nd Annual Musical Women's Seder
Sunday, March 3 at 5:30 (Register by February 27) 
Shaare Tefilah (Social Hall) in Olney, Maryland
Featuring music of Debbie Friedman and other songs led by Sally Heckelman, Lisa Baydush, and Audrey Katz. Bring a Kosher for Passover food for the needy. To request an interpreter, email Jill Goldwater at  For more information and to register, click here.

Good Deeds Day will take place on March 10. Good Deeds Day, 
an annual celebration of doing good, is produced in partnership with local Jewish Community Centers, Federation partner agencies, congregations and other organizations. To learn about projects for Good Deeds Day, click here. Good Deeds Day participation is pre-approved for Montgomery County Student Service Learning hours.  

JConnect - For a list of upcoming Jewish events, click here.

terpreted or open captioned film events: 

If your synagogue or agency is planning to have a sign-interpreted or an open captioned film event, email WSJD the content information for future e-News issues.

Jeff Rosen of Maryland and a third generation deaf person active in the disability movement upon his appointment as the new chairperson of the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency that advises the President, Congress and other federal agencies regarding disability policy. Mr. Rosen is currently the General Counsel to ZVRS, a company that provides video interpreting services and products.
Refuah Shlaymah

Wishes for a peaceful recovery and healing to those who are ill.  


Do you have happy news or just news to share? 

Do you want to wish someone a peaceful recovery from an illness?

We will print your item as long as we have permission from the named party.

Email us. 

Quick Links ...
Our Website

E-News Team
Steve Brenner
Susan Cohen
Harriet Loeb
Iris Mars

WSJD Board

Washington Society of Jewish Deaf, P.O. Box 10473, Burke, VA 22009
WSJD is a 501 C3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. All contributions to WSJD are tax deductible to the extent of the law. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your generous donation.
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