Star of David transparent imageWSJD E-News Star of David transparent image
Creating Jewish Deaf Connections
in the Metro Washington D.C. Area 

November 14, 2012    Chesvan 29 5773
   Volume 2, Issue # 4

In This Issue  
WSJD Happenings
News Alert - Crisis in Israel
Community Events
Tikkun Olam Resources 
Mazel Tov 
Refuah Shlaymah 
WSJD E-News Team welcomes submissions of community events and news of interest to the WSJD Community.  The deadline for the next issue is November 25.

Are you receiving e-News?  If you are already receiving this e-News directly from WSJD, then you are on our email list.  If you are not receiving the e-News directly from WSJD, then click here to sign up for future issues. 
WSJD Happenings 

Annual Appeal: The WSJD is promoting its Annual Appeal to support its programming. Your donation will be greatly appreciated. In gratitude, your name will be listed on the WSJD website. For more information, click here.

Online registration tips for all WSJD events: A few people asked how to register online. To register online, follow these steps:
  • Click on the link to register for an event.  (See
  • Fill out the form.
  • Click on "Submit" at the end of the page.
  • Click on "Buy with Google."
  • Review order, then sign in to your gmail account to complete your payment.

If you have questions, email us


Upcoming Events: To see more information on these events, click here.
  • Register for the Shabbat dinner and discussion, "The Jewish View on Tattooing," on November 30, with Rabbi Darby Leigh. Join us at the Julia C. Bindeman Suburban Center in Potomac, MD.  To register now, click here.
  • Register for the Hanukkah party. To register, click here.
    The Hanukkah Committee is seeking volunteers to help with food preparation, children's activities, and clean up for its Hanukkah Party on Sunday, December 9, at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington in Rockville, MD.  If you can assist, please contact Fred Hartman, Hanukkah Event co-chair by email:  
Jewish Deaf Congress Convention: The Jewish Deaf Congress Convention will be held  May 30 - June 2, 2013, at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC.  To register, click here.

Facebook: Thirty-two people liked WSJD's Facebook. This means that WSJD is now officially part of Facebook! Thank you for your support! If you haven't already clicked on "Like," it's not too late. Click on "Like" to stay connected to WSJD. Share announcements with your friends too. Check our Facebook page for updates on upcoming events and more.

Shabbat Shalom,
E-News Team and WSJD Board

Israel Diplomatic Network, The Embassy of Israel to the United States 
Click here
to see updates on the crisis in Isr

Israel under fire - November 2012
(Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)  
Over 120 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza (Nov 10-13), after an anti-tank missile struck a military jeep. To read more,click here
Over 200 rockets from Gaza batter South, 3 Israelis killed (Jerusalem Post)
To read story, click here.

Community Events

For more information on these events, click here 


JConnect - To see a list of upcoming Jewish events, click here


Jewish Folk Arts Festival 

Sunday, November 18 from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at B'nai Israel Congregation.

For complete information, click here.

Your Family's Heirlooms - Hidden Treasures
Sunday, December 2 from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Upper School Campus

For more information, click here.
To request an interpreter, call Partnership for Jewish Life & Learning, 240-283-6200.
terpreted or open captioned film events:

If your synagogue or agency is planning to have a sign-interpreted or an open captioned film event, email WSJD the content information for future e-News issues.

Tikkun Olam Resources

Tikkun olam, which refers to "repairing the world," is a Jewish value.  
Recently, Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast. In the spirit of "tikkun olam," we offer our help. Here's a list of organizations that are collecting donations to help provide hurricane relief assistance to those impacted by acts of nature. 
Mazel Tov to... 
Refuah Shlaymah

Wishes for a peaceful recovery and healing to those who are ill. 


To all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. 

To all those in Israel affected by terrorist attacks.  


Do you have happy news or just news to share? 

Do you want to wish someone a peaceful recovery from an illness?

We will print your item as long as we have permission from the named party.

Email us. 

Quick Links ...
Our Website

E-News Team
Steve Brenner
Susan Cohen
Harriet Loeb
Iris Mars

WSJD Board

Washington Society of Jewish Deaf, P.O. Box 10473, Burke, VA 22009
WSJD is a 501 C3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. All contributions to WSJD are tax deductible to the extent of the law. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your generous donation.
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