Peace Post
Friday, February 15, 2013





No School

Mon, Feb. 18th


Happy President's Day Weekend!



Afton Alps Skiing


Tues. Feb. 19th


8:30am - 2:30 pm



5th - 8th grade students will be attending Aftons Alps for their rescheduled field trip from Catholic Schools Week!




Lenten Fish Fry

Fri. Feb. 22nd, 5-7:30pm


Come to a Lenten Fish Fry! Located in the school gym. Hope to see you there!


 School Play!

April 2013



Kathleen Bloom is preparing for the play this spring! She is taking student interest and will hold auditions later in January/early February!

It will be grades 3-8 with final show dates in the middle of April!

Look for more information soon!









On Today's Date ...

National Gum Drop Day!


Mmm ... gummies!


Photo from.

Registration for the 2013-2014 School Year is Coming Tuesday, February 19th!


Registration for students in Grades 1-7 will open on Feb. 19th. Directions will be mailed home on Friday February 15th.

Be on the watch!


The new Tuition pricing is also available, changes of 2% were made to tuition:

Preschool 2 Day = $1,415

Preschool 3 Day = $1,700

Preschool 4 Day = $1,985

Preschool 5 Day = $2,270

Prekindergarten = $3,140

K - 4th Grade, 1st & 2nd child = $4,080

Grades 5-8, 1st & 2nd child = $4,245

K-4th Grade, 3rd child = $2,940

Grades 5-8, 3rd child = $3,095

K-8th Grade, 4th & 5th child = $0.00

School News



Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day spent with family and loved ones! 




Field Trips Rescheduled! 

The weather disappointed many last week when we had to reschedule our field trips!

But we have finalized times for Afton Alps!



Afton Alps Skiing

Grades 5-8

Tuesday, February 19th

From 8:30 - 2:30 pm

Please dress warm and pack a cold lunch.

Students shall be eating out at Afton Alps; then returning to school for dismissal.



Invitation to Student Advisory Council


You're invited to attend the next School Advisory Council meeting next Tuesday at 6:30 in room 105 of the school. Hear about the progress the various committees are making on fundraising, marketing, development, athletics and lots more.   Interested in becoming a member of SAC?

Let us know and we'll show you how!


Mornign Drop-off Safety

The school recently received a visit from the city of Minneapolis regarding the safety of our Morning Drop-off routine.

During their visit, they observed several unsafe situations during the morning drop off.  To ensure the safety of all students

Please remember:

It is DROP-OFF ONLY along 11th Ave in the front of the school. Please pull past the intersection and past the tree to let students out of the car.

There is no PARKING along 11th Ave in the front of the school.

There is no STOPPING at the corner of 11th Ave and 55th St. 

When crossing the street, everyone must cross at the patrols - there have been dangerous moments of individuals crossing in the middle of the street.


The patrols and parent volunteers are trying to keep everyone safe - help them out, follow the safe drop-off policies and remind students to cross with the patrols.

The report from Minneapolis has been brought to the attention of SAC and the committee is following up with a review of the Drop-off policies.

Stay safe out there!


Forms, Flyers, & Announcements


Play Rehearsals


The play rehearsal schedule is up on the calendar for 6-8th grade dates.

The play has been decided for 3rd - 5th grade ... Get ready for the Jungle Book! Rehearsal dates to be announced!




 Tile Wall 2.0 Coming Soon!


Everyone will have a chance to buy tiles and create their own design - more information is coming soon!




"Read the Most from Coast to Coast: 


We will be participating in "Read the Most from Coast to Coast Day" on March 1st. We'll be participating by encouraging every student to try to take an AR quiz that day.


What does this mean for you?

Spread the word - inform the kids and parents

-I've attached a sample parent letter for you to use

 -Have as many kids as possible take quizzes on Friday, March 1st

This can be books they read as individuals, with parents, or read aloud with the class

-Email me the total number of quizzes your class takes on March 1st

-Fill out Participation Certificates for those who take a quiz - optional  let me know if you want these

-If needed, older kids can assist the littler ones - let me know




Ministry of Mothers Sharing

  • We have two spaces remaining in the Winter Group.This is an excellent way to connect with others and  affirm  your ministry as a mother while giving you strength, wisdom, friendship and humor for your mothering days. 
  • Contact Jennifer Frenz  or Joy Biedrzycki if you are interested in participating. 
  • Childcare provided 
  • RSVP needed by Wednesday of this week as the group begins meeting soon. They are choosing the day according to the availability and choice of the group that registers 
  • Shelly Phillips, Sarah Jack, Kelly Kopp will facilitate the winter group.




Rediscovering Faith 2013 Speaker Series


Rediscover: Belonging

Living in Communion with God

Feb. 18th: New Brighton, St. John the Baptist

Feb. 19th: Eagan, St. John Neumann

Feb. 21st: Edina, Our Lady of Grace











Baseball/Softball at Our Lady of Peace 

 Students in grades 4-8 interested in playing baseball or softball this spring for Our Lady of Peace can show their interest at

The cost will be $50, but no payment is due until the team is formed. Interested in coaching?  Email Joe at





Indoor Soccer/Futsal


Soccer players, don't let the summer soccer season start without solidifying your foot skills and fitness. Students and friends of students grades 4-8 are invited to get ready for the upcoming season with some drills in Eagles Gym in March from 3:30-4:30 a couple days a week.
K-3 players are invited to play Futsal  - an indoor soccer game involving a heavier ball which leads to improved foot skills - on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30.

There is a small fee for both which includes an after school snack. Show your interest at or email Joe at with questions.   


School Mass & Lent


Ash Wednesday

Students shall be attending services on Wednesday, Feb. 13th for Ash Wednesday. All school mass will be at 10am that day, with no all school mass on Thursday of that week.


Food Shelf

Each March Minnesota FoodShare runs the largest food drive in the state and restocks all 300 local food shelves across Minnesota. Because of Minnesota FoodShare's access to discount products and programs, your cash contributions can be stretched two, three and even five times further. Envelopes will be available in the pews beginning March 3rd. Place your financial contribution in the envelopes and deposit them in the weekend collection or you can drop them off at the parish office by March 31st.



Daily Prayer


Our parish website contains many resources for your daily prayer life. There is a link to the daily and Sunday scriptures on our parish website: our website address is Copies of the Sunday readings are also available at the doors of the church. And, sign up for our daily Lenten prayer email, "Lord, Teach Us To Pray",


Photo from.


Our Lady of Peace School
5435 11st South

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417
Whate'er I do, things great or small
Whate'er I do, things great or small
Whate'er I speak or frame.
Thy glory may I seek in all,
Do all in Jesus' name.

My Father, for His sake I pray.
Thy child accept and bless
And lead me by Thy grace to-day
In paths of righteousness. Amen.