Play Rehearsals
The play rehearsal schedule is up on the calendar for 6-8th grade dates.
The play has been decided for 3rd - 5th grade ... Get ready for the Jungle Book! Rehearsal dates to be announced!

Tile Wall 2.0 Coming Soon!
Everyone will have a chance to buy tiles and create their own design - more information is coming soon!
"Read the Most from Coast to Coast:
We will be participating in "Read the Most from Coast to Coast Day" on March 1st. We'll be participating by encouraging every student to try to take an AR quiz that day.
What does this mean for you?
Spread the word - inform the kids and parents
-I've attached a sample parent letter for you to use
-Have as many kids as possible take quizzes on Friday, March 1st
This can be books they read as individuals, with parents, or read aloud with the class
-Email me the total number of quizzes your class takes on March 1st
-Fill out Participation Certificates for those who take a quiz - optional let me know if you want these
-If needed, older kids can assist the littler ones - let me know
Ministry of Mothers Sharing
- We have two spaces remaining in the Winter Group.This is an excellent way to connect with others and affirm your ministry as a mother while giving you strength, wisdom, friendship and humor for your mothering days.
- Contact Jennifer Frenz or Joy Biedrzycki if you are interested in participating.
- Childcare provided
- RSVP needed by Wednesday of this week as the group begins meeting soon. They are choosing the day according to the availability and choice of the group that registers
- Shelly Phillips, Sarah Jack, Kelly Kopp will facilitate the winter group.
Rediscovering Faith 2013 Speaker Series
Rediscover: Belonging
Living in Communion with God
Feb. 18th: New Brighton, St. John the Baptist
Feb. 19th: Eagan, St. John Neumann
Feb. 21st: Edina, Our Lady of Grace