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Redeemer Hoboken Announcements


March 28, 2012  

The Word  
"If you love me, you will obey what I command."
John 14:15 
 News to Share
We love to celebrate
with you.

Congratulations to our very own Charlie Dunn, New Jersey Charter School Teacher of the Year!

"Thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me throughout the years."  -Charlie

Charlie Dunn

If you you have news to share-
engagement, marriage, birth/adoption of a child, graduation, etc, please email details to the link below and we will include your details/pics in a future announcment.
Fellowship Groups

You are always welcome and encouraged to join a Fellowship Group, the heart of Redeemer Hoboken's community.  Click on the link below for a list of all the current groups.

Updated Spring Fellowship Group Document 


Here are this week's communication points from Redeemer Hoboken Church.


Church Announcements 

Easter Dinner after Evening Service on 4/8

You are invited to Easter Dinner prepared by Hilary Melville and her fellowship group after the evening service on 4/8, starting around 7:30pm. More details to follow!

Ministry Events and Updates

Volunteers Needed to Prepare Communion

Luke 22:27 For who is greater; the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I among you as one who serves."


The morning service is in need of 2 more volunteers to help prepare communion. Team members would serve once a month or less to set up and break down the bread, wine and communion altar. Detailed instruction will be provided. Get involved to serve God in one of the most important functions of our service!  


Contact: Reagan Barron rkbarron@live.com


Volunteer Opportunities

International Student Ministry, This Friday! 
The International Student Ministry at Stevens Institute of Technology needs YOUR help!  We need volunteers to help serve dinner, as well as to participate in the Bible study. The study is clearly written out and is provided to you before you go, and the goal is to help the int'l students hear God's word. 

*The meal this month will be provided by the Women's Fellowship Group which meets at Hilary Melville's home- thanks!*

When: Friday, March 30, 6:30-9pm
Where: Stevens Babbio Center, Rm. 319
: Please contact Melanie Harvey at melanied_morgan@hotmail.com to RSVP 


In Jesus Name Volunteers needed 4/2:

What: Easter Event for families at In Jesus' Name
Set up, assist with program/ activities, serve food, clean up
Where: 4th & Willow (OLG property- look for signs)
When: Monday April 2nd 6-8:30PM
Contact: Marcy Gupta-  macryms77@yahoo.com or 201-401-1768  

Open Door Ministries Needs Volunteers to Teach English to Adults  
We invite you to come on a missions trip to 11 countries and still be able to sleep in your bed at night. Teaching one night per week for 3 months will allow you to have a great cross cultural experience with side benefit of impacting somebody's future.  Feel free to visit us any Monday or Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm. You will meet some great people! Please see a video about our ministry below. 



Date/Time:  Mondays OR Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:30pm
Location: 5501 Park Ave., West New York, NJ
Contacts: For further questions you can speak to Lori Lawrence, Melanie Harvey or Nathan Sinclair.
You can contact us at 973-780-3818 or theopendoor3_20@yahoo.com.
The Open Door (La Puerta Abierta) 
The Open Door (La Puerta Abierta)
Community Events
Community Easter Egg Hunt, 3/31

Hoboken Grace, another local church, is hosting a free Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 31, from 10am to noon at Mama Johnson Field (4th and Jackson).   It's an amazing event with food, activities and the Easter egg hunt. Fun for the whole family! Join us in supporting Hoboken Grace in this amazing outreach event.  Feel free to invite your friends!
Rutgers Community Christian Church Invites You to Their 2012 Christian Education Day 

Title: Transforming Discipleship
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Greg Ogden
Date: Saturday,  April 21, 2012
Time: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM

Click on the links below for more information.


Grace Redeemer Children's Ministry Director Position Open
Please see job description below by clicking on the link.