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Vol. IV - Issue #45

October 6, 2014

As always, we welcome your questions, comments, and feedback!

Please feel free to use any of this information in bulletins, newsletters,
calendars, or announcements.  
AnouncerPrepare For Worship

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost



Almighty God, You invite us to trust in You for our salvation. Deal with us not in the severity of Your judgment but by the greatness of Your mercy; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

  • Isaiah 25:6-9
  • Philippians 4:4-13
  • Matthew 22:1-14

Clothed in the Righteousness of Christ, We Partake of His Wedding Feast 

By His cross and resurrection, the Lord has swallowed up death forever, and by His Gospel He "will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth" (Is. 25:8). Therefore, "let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation" (Is. 25:9). On the mountain of the Lord of hosts - in His Church on earth, as in the kingdom of heaven - He has made "for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine" (Is. 25:6). It is the royal "wedding feast" of the Son of God, "and everything is ready" (Matt. 22:1, 4). Thus, His servants are sent into the highways and byways to invite and gather as many as they find, "both good and bad," to fill the wedding hall with guests (Matt. 22:8-10). In Holy Baptism, He clothes them all in the "wedding garment" of His own perfect righteousness (Matt. 22:11). Therefore, "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God," and "rejoice in the Lord always" (Phil. 4:4-6).

Like these summaries? You can find them, and more, on
LCMS's website. 
Thanksgiving to God for the gift of a baby girl born to Rev. Mike and Kara Kuhn.

Thanksgiving to God for the gift of a baby girl born to DPS Deloyce Weist and husband, Kelly.

For all the BC Church Workers as they gather together this week for their conference in Mission, BC.
Rev. Richard Docekal has resigned as pastor of All Saints Lutheran Church, Edmonton, and from the clergy roster of LCC;

Rev. Scott Lyons (wife, Linnea) has declined the call to serve as pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Drumheller;

Rev. Greg Palmer (wife, Marla) has been called to serve as pastor at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Salmon Arm, BC


For the most up to date information please visit     
Upcoming News & Events:
(all events are for 2014 unless noted otherwise)

- External Link
  • November 1 - Love Life Conference (9:00 am - 3:00 pm) "Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12), is the theme for the 9th Annual Love Life conference.  With the push to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada, this year's conference will focus on this issue. read more... 

llc9Love Life Conference (9th Annual)


"Euthanasia and Eugenics" - Richard Dawkins, an apologist for atheism, tweeted recently that if a woman was knowingly pregnant with a Down's syndrome fetus she should, "Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have a choice." Such a sentiment is one or two steps away from suggesting that people (outside the womb) who have some form of physical or mental "disability" would be better off dead than alive. In this workshop, Mr. Alex Schadenberg will discuss the relationship between euthanasia and eugenics and some current practices. The 9th Annual Love Life conference will be held at Concordia University College of Alberta on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from   9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For more information or to register, please go to

For adults who pre-register by October 28th, the fee is $25.00 which includes a snack and lunch. For those who register late/walkups the fee is $25.00 but you will not receive the snack or lunch. Students, pastors, and LCC rostered church workers are FREE but must pre-register to receive the snack and lunch!

To view the Love Life Conference video promotion - click here.  
Servant of Christ Award Nominations

The Servant of Christ Award is administered by the Board of Directors of the Alberta-British Columbia District of LCC.  The award recognizes outstanding Christian service by members of the District, with the aim of honouring lay service. Congregations and individuals of the District are invited to nominate candidates for the award.

The nomination form (pdf) can be found here (fillable).  Closing date for receipt of nominations: Oct. 31, 2014.
Join us at An Evening of Hope

--previously published see link for full article.

  • Tuesday, October 7, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Delta Edmonton South Hotel, Edmonton, AB
  • Wednesday, October 8, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Gerry Thomas Gallery, Calgary, more. 
Concordia Lutheran Seminary Honorary Awards   


The faculty and Board of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS), Edmonton, invite individuals, congregations, and Boards of Lutheran Church-Canada to submit the names of persons to be considered for one of the seminary's honorary degrees and awards. Completed forms must be received by January 1, 2015, for consideration. 


The purpose of these honorary degrees and awards is to acknowledge outstanding service to the church, the seminary, and the more

Program Funding Requests Due October 15, 2014! 


If your congregation is in need of financial assistance in 2015 in order to reach out to the lost people in your community with the gospel, you might want to apply for program funding from the Department of Outreach.   


Application forms for 2015 program funding can be found at: 2015 Program FundingThere are two forms to complete:  the Application and the Semi-Annual report.

NOTE: the Department of Outreach WILL NOT accept ANY funding requests
AFTER October 15th so get your applications in as soon as possible.

"Come to Him Who Answers Prayer."  


Pray for the Harvest! The fields are ripe for harvest! Labourers are working in the Lord's fields! More labourers are needed. More people need to be saved!  Jesus says, "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2) Praying for the harvest will be a central focus of the ABC District Week of Prayer scheduled for January 18-25, 2015.  In order to prepare for this Week of Prayer, a number of prayer resources have been posted for personal and congregational use. 

To access these resources, visit: PRAY!

News from the Canadian Lutheran CL Logo

Have You Ever Considered a Church Work Vocation?


Is God calling you to serve as a Pastor, a Lutheran Teacher or a Director of Parish Services (DPS)?  Or do you know of someone who should consider a vocation as a full-time church-worker?  We want to challenge you and assist you as you work through these questions and, to that end, have launched a new website.  The address is: 


Included in the website are testimonials from Pastors, Teachers, Directors of Parish Services, a Pastor's wife, and seminary students.  Read how they were challenged by God to serve in a full-time called position as a church worker.  Listen to their challenges, the encouragement that was provided to them, the obstacles they met and their joys in serving.This week, we  feature Rev. Darryl Solie, pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Regina, SK.


Go Logo Recent Blog Updates  

10-05-2014 12:12:34 PM

Unfortunately, there is no prayer video for the country of Nepal.  The video has been deactivated but there is no reason why we cannot be active in prayer for the people of Nepal! Here are some suggested prayer needs as posted on the ... Continue reading →...»

10-03-2014 11:03:50 AM

Can't make it to Los Angeles for the next Exponential West Conference?  You can watch it from the comforts of your home or church. Join thousands of church planting leaders via internet for three days of inspiration, encouragement and equipping ... Continue reading →...»

10-02-2014 11:28:54 AM

The Catholic Register reports that Canadian bishops are launching a national strategy to combat euthanasia. The article states, Speaking at the annual plenary of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, the CCCB president, announced the  national strategy ... Continue reading →...»

10-01-2014 13:24:09 PM

Brian McCormack offers a prospective on how  Halloween provides an opportunity to connect with our neighbours in his article, "Halloween Is for Mission: 5 Practical Ways."  He writes, Living on mission can seem daunting. Sadly, we live in a culture where ... Continue reading →...»


For event details see our online listings.


Have an upcoming anniversary? Let us know  
Resources of the Week 
House of Living Stones
"An absolute delight!"

Coming This November

A whimsical and touching story about small-town life, misconceptions, and the power of forgiveness.   

In the small Illinois town of Bradbury, change doesn't come often, and it certainly doesn't come easily. So when Pastor Fletcher hires Emily Duke as the new choir director at Zion Lutheran Church, he unknowingly sets in motion a chain of events that turns the life of his congregation upside down.

The crusty church secretary, Mrs. Scheinberg, must learn to adjust her curmudgeonly ways. Zion's talented but pompous organist, Evan Ebner, must recognize his shortcomings. Emily must come to terms with her past. Even Pastor Fletcher must face reality when his world is shaken by the baggage Emily brings and by the handsome Zachary Brandt who pursues her.

With its host of lovable and relatable characters, House of Living Stones will find a special place on your bookshelf and in your heart.  Read more... 

God's Blessings on your week! 
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In This Issue
Prepare for Worship
Love Life Conference
Servant of Christ Award Nominations
Join us at An Evening of Hope
Concordia Lutheran Seminary Honorary Awards
Program Funding Requests
"Come to Him Who Answers Prayer."
Canadian Lutheran
Have You Ever Considered...
"Go!" Updates
Resource of the Week

Lutheran Church Canada

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May 22-25, 2015  

Alberta-British Columbia District Convention 

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