Mustang Minute
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MBEF - Just 4 Days To Go
2014 Meadows Parent Party
Running Club Update
Yearbook Sales Ending Soon
Philippines Relief Effort Update
Meadows Online Auction
Box Tops
Neptunian Art Contest
Panther Education Night - Feb. 11th
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Issue: #22January 28, 2014

Hi Mustangs! Spend about a minute to see what's happening at Meadows.


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MBEF Update - Just 4 days left to PLEDGE!

Mustang Families be sure to check and see if your teacher is getting a bonus and how much! If you have not had the chance to pledged or donated, do so NOW! The campaign ends this Friday!! Go to and pledge today, or go to the office and pick up a pledge envelope.  You can pay until June 30, 2014. 
Thank you for supporting our schools and your child's education!

Wow!  Meadows, you are like totally so rad!

Thanks to all who came to the 2014 Meadows Parent Party - Back to Prom 80s Style.  It was an awesome night with great 80s Prom outfits, a fantastic band and a fun time with friends - all to raise money for our kids.   With ticket sales, raffle sales and the live auction, we raised approximately $19,000!!!!  


Live Auction results:
Braces: van Doornewaard Family (Summer Orthodontics) & the Watts Family (Gimlen Orthodontics)
Manhattan Beach Staycation: Zwicki Family
Maui Condo: Crawford Family
El Gringo GUAC truck: Brown Family
LA Sports Team package: Winkler Family
Parking Space: Tucker Family
Totally Rad Kids package: Cedergreen Family
Year of Date Nights: The Stuart Family

A big shout out to our Live Auction MC Jack Martin - you were awesome!  Thank you!

Raffle results:
Disneyland Park Hopper tickets: Atallah Family
American Girl Doll: Court Family
M Street Artwork SeaHorse: O'Hara Family
Snip Its package: Winkler Family
Skylander Swap Force: Nguyen Family
Michael Stars package: James Family
Yoga package: Pennino Family

Raffle prizes are in the office - please pick up at your convenience.  We will touch base with the Live Auction winners regarding details.  Thanks to all our sponsors!!  We will send out a separate flyer to highlight all the various local businesses who helped make this event a success. 

A big shout out as well to DJ Goshi who rocked the house and had everyone on the dance floor past midnight!  Our feet still hurt!

Again, a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported the event.  We hope you had a wonderful time.  Hmmm... what will the theme be for next year?!?  
Kate Pennino & Jenni Tucker, 2014 Parent Party Co-Chairs 

Running Club Update

We had another phenomenal week of running last week, thank you to all those that came out to run!

We tallied the laps from last week and The Meadows class with the highest percent participation last week and the recipients of the Mustang Trophy is Mrs. Granberg's 1st grade!! Congrats to all those that ran!! Come on out and run, your class could be next to get the Big Bold and Gold Mustang Trophy!

We have our very first 3rd MARATHON RUNNERS that will be invited to our end of the year celebration. Let's give a shout out to Yann Ottinger in 2nd grade and Henry Driscoll in 5th grade. We are so proud of these runners and all those that come out and run each day!   Everyone is welcome, please come join the fun!!
Is your runner concerned about making the 3 marathon goal for the party? Well, we have an opportunity for them to earn some mileage this weekend at the Super Bowl 5k or 10k runs in Redondo Beach! 


Details:  Online registration will close Wednesday, Jan 29th.
Entry forms can also be picked up from Village Runner or Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce.
Entry Fee:
 5K Run/Walk, 10K Run & Baby Buggy 10K - $35 ($40 During Race Weekend Expo, Feb. 1st & 2nd)
 Combo 10K & 5K - $60 ($70 during Expo) 


Link to website -


See you on the Field!

 Meadows Yearbook - Order Your Copy By Jan. 31st 

The Meadows School of Rock Yearbook is coming to our school in June.  Don't be left out!  Order by January 31st here.  Cost is $40 for the new hard cover book - think a Shutterfly book.  Personalization is extra.   Any questions, please contact us at

 Thank You Meadows - Philippines Relief Effort Update


Thank you to all the wonderful Meadows families who donated, helped to sort and pack, and gave monetary donations in support of the Philippines Relief Effort back in November.  Our school was able to send 60 large boxes of clothing and other supplies, as well as a cash donation that was used to purchase medical supplies.  A big thank you to Cora Cruz and her family for organizing this effort and for seeing it through all the way to the Phillippines.  Please see the video and then also go to the following links to see where your donations went and how much this meant to those in need.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!




Atlas Shipping: 


Typhoon Yolanda Relief - 


Beach Reporter Online News Link: 

Support the Meadows Online Auction

Our online fundraising auction will take place from March 17-27 this year.  We are in need of volunteers to give just a few hours of time to help make our auction a success.  Help is needed in all areas from securing items from local businesses to cataloging them on the auction website.  Please visit this sign up genius link to help out. 


 Collect Those Box Tops! 

box tops for education

It's easy to earn money for Meadows!  All you have to do is clip out Box Tops for Education! 


The Box Tops are located on many of the products that you already buy.  When you see Box Tops, clip them out and return them to school. There is a largecollection box in the front officeand also in your child's classroom.  Every Box Top counts!  If we all get in the habit of clipping out the Box Tops, we could literally earn thousands of dollars for our school! If you have any questions, please call Teresa Hymowitz 310-990-7665

36th Annual Neptunian Art Contest


Calling all budding artists.  The Neptunian Women's Club of Manhattan Beach is calling for all entries to its annual contest to be submitted to the school office by Monday, February 24th.  Please see the entry form for more details.

Save the Date - Panther Education Night

Pacific Elementary has graciously opened their parent education night to other Manahattan Beach schools.  The 2nd Annual PANTHER EDUCTION NIGHT will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 5-8pm.  Students and parents can attend thoughtful presentations and discussions on topics ranging from "Making Worriers into Warriors/A Guide for Conquering Your Child's Fears" to "Parents as First Teachers" to "Parenting Your Tween" and MORE!  Don't miss this enlightening educational event sponsored by Pacific PTA. Session Descriptions and Sign Ups available soon.