Morgana Morgaine Coaching


Windhorse Rising!
A Thigh Gripping Ride!



A High Frequency Life, Settle for Nothing Less!  


You have the capacity to raise the speed and intensity of your personal vibration, 

The energetic footprint of your life!  








Out on a Limb, Wanna Join Me?    
 We all have some degree of the "muggle" within us--some much more than others. Muggleness implies being born without a sense of magical belief in what we cannot see. In the contemporary world, muggleness looks like rigidity that only accepts "evidence-based anything ---sort of  a: "I'm from Missouri so show me" mind-set!"
A little muggleness may serve us in negotiating every day life with its mundane tasks, but if we are to become humans, then we must look further than ourselves---let's say, inter-species, let's say, inter-dimensionally.

 "There are too many people, and too few human beings", said writer Robert Zend. 
( *A Native American elder first voiced this thought, I believe)

Becoming less muggle and more magical adds up to unleashing our natural mystical nature, becoming more human being and less people.

During a recent winter "no juice and very little joy" attack,  I was enough in the magic to have one of those "book fell off the shelf at my feet and opened to just the right page moments". 

My muggle mind read:  

 "There's no point sitting here, using words that mean nothing. Go and experiment. It's time you got out of here.
Go and reconquer your world which has grown corrupted by routine. Stop repeating the same lesson, because you won't learn anything new that way....You are not HERE anymore. You've got to leave in order to return to the present." (Paulo Coelho, "Aleph") 


 Although I will be leaving Whidbey Island in a couple of months for another walkabout, I am practicing the "go and experiment" and the "stop repeating the same lesson" part by seeking out the unseen as never before, opening myself to learn "inter-dimensional speak", a language of image and pattern, the code that transcends earth and our earthling mentality.   


This dimensional language is based on the code of geometry that we see everywhere, in cells, flowers, constellations, elements --all of creation.  It's the BIG language far beyond people speak. 


Mucking about in new dimensions, leaving the routine of assumptions about how things are or should be, i.e., turning from muggle to mystic requires a suspension of everyday mind.


I have had plenty of time and practice this long winter to experience this "art of suspension" and this art of accepting that, of course duality exists, but that's only ONE dimension in an ocean of dimensions available to us. 


The muggle dimension which thrives on routine and predictability and having an answer for just about everything is the absolute death knell to a vibrant harmonious experience of what's possible for us between vaginal expulsion and the grave!


Stop the Wheel. Stay Still. New Dimensions Begin to OOOze Through!
(Trance of Scarcity image from book) 


Here's a crash course in "Introduction to Mind-Bending: From Muggle to Mystic". 
  • Our brains and level of consciousness have done all they can do to try to "fix" things and now we need help!  To get help, imagine that there is a beyond beyond. Drop constricting beliefs like a too tight shoe.  Then respectfully imaginatively invite contact with beings from stars/planets... several invites would be good since this is not our known neighborhood!  
  • Lakota Sioux, Zuni and Plains' tribe peoples speak of star people and their own origins in the stars. Far away neighborhoods like Arcturus, Pleiades, and Sirius abound--- you just don't hear about them from muggle news sources.   
  • Respect and a higher frequency awareness asks us to change our language: Not "aliens" or "extraterrestrials" all meant to separate and denigrate, but star peoples, "far away kin" living at higher frequencies and willing to help us learn higher frequency living. 
  • Awaken your pineal gland ( check out these 2 blogs I wrote previously) and practice doing it.  
  •  Rupture: a wonderful description of what is happening everywhere, often painful and disorienting, but necessary.  I have experienced relationship ruptures. Comfortable assumptions ruptures. What this time of life is all about ruptures. What the hell is love ruptures and most of all, wondrous ruptures that have let in more light!!:  
  • BELOW are ruptures that are changing what we have assumed is true! 


Anna Breytenbach -- South African animal communicator will show you the "way in" to your own undivided, non-separate reality that heals aeons of misinformation--prepare yourself to be changed and to fall in love with what you might have thought were just pets or residents in zoos!


are simply higher frequency codes making up a language universally understood in all dimensions--quite foreign to our trained linear mind. Think of patterns as templates for bigger truths and road maps to your own expansion. 

  There are many codes and many unseen dimensions. We can ask for help and we can use geometric patterns to "speak beyond ourselves".  We just need teachers. Think crop circles!  Think Janosh!  Think Anna Breytenbach

Higher frequency codes live in sacred geometric patterns -- just expose yourself to them lightly, meditatively and allow them to soak figuring it out--no left brain work here..... 


IMAGINE that the architecture in which we now live and work is intensely separating and intensely limiting to our expansion and ability to perceive and then think differently.
that the boxes making up much of our architecture and for sure, our homes: these CUBIC structures of 4 walls and a flat ceiling, inhibit our ability to let in ever increasing frequencies of light, diminish our ability to dream new forms, new societies, and new harmonies.

IMAGINE that architecture like this (below), connects us, expands us, attracts and radiates light frequencies that shift everything, you included!

"So sit back and let go of the resistance and start to literally soak up the light that IS arriving, ready and eager to blow away the cobwebs and free your spirit so it can do what it has been programmed to do: create the NEW, not just a pale imitation of the old.  Let loose and start to fly...your wings are itching to go and ready to be used in full NOW!"
(excerpt from DL Zeta) 

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 A midlife ( and beyond) change in perception...


Borderless Broads might just change everything worth changing!


e-book or paperback  



Borderless Broads available on Amazon

A Book for the Journey! 
The Practical Mystic

(Pualani K. Kanahele)



The Coaching Station at Large!
 Coaching Station
On - the - Go!


This World Needs Mystics Like Never Before.

I coach with this in mind. 



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As a MYSTIC...  you aspire to celebrate direct connection, the essence of things, and the wonder of being.


As a MAVERICK...  you aspire to relish the unbranded and untamed. You are borderless broads, feeling no distinction between the nature around you and that within you. You speak through your deepest wildest self.


As a MAVEN...  you value experience and aspire to carry the legacy of wily wisdom which teaches: