Events This Week
100th Anniversary and Retirement of Rev. Dr. Debbie Measells: Sat., Mar. 12 at 10:30 a.m. at First Presbyterian, 310 S. Virginia St, Brazoria
In Our Prayers
Ruling Elder (RE) Ava Kimble - Clerk of Session at Pinecrest, Houston - Ava had a death in her family.
RE Mary Ruth Banda - Clerk of Session at Bethel, Angleton - Mary Ruth has health concerns.
Teaching Elder (TE) Troy Jarvis - First Presbyterian, Eagle Lake - Troy's 94 year-old mother died on Mar. 2.
Friends and Family of RE Dick Westfahl - Grand Lakes, Houston and former member of the Presbyterian Seafarers Board - Dick died on Mar. 6.
TE Paul Alexander - Member at Large - Paul is recovering from gall bladder surgery.
Each week we offer up two congregations and a retired pastor for general prayers. This week please pray for:
- Trinity Presbyterian, Port Neches
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Theodora Pounds.
MDPC has Sued the Presbytery
Our General Presbyter and Stated Clerk have received notice that the Trustees of Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church (MDPC, Houston) have filed suit for a Declaratory Judgment and Temporary Restraining Order in State court on Monday, March 7, 2016. Details of this lawsuit and the response of General Council will be forthcoming. The leadership of the presbytery is extraordinarily saddened and disappointed that the Trustees of MDPC have not trusted the assurances of our General Council that the procedure the congregation voted to enter would allow MDPC to be dismissed to another Reformed Body with property, if the procedure were followed and the congregation voted by 2/3 vote to do so. The General Council made two attempts to address the fears of the Trustees and to encourage the leadership to faithfully utilize the Gracious Reconciliation and Discernment Procedure the congregation voted to enter on February 22, 2015 by offering written assurances that General Council will abide by the terms of the GRDP and has no intent to challenge the outcome. We ask the presbytery to pray for the unity of the congregation in light of this legal action, which has been so divisive in other congregations.
Update Your CONNECTIONS Subscription Help us go green by receiving the Presbytery's bimonthly newsletter, Connections, via email. You can manage your subscription by contacting Patricia Brantley at or at 713-526-2585. The latest version of Connections can also be found on the presbytery's website.
Shamrock the Block - Mar. 13
This FREE community celebration is Sun., Mar. 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Northwoods Presbyterian (3320 Cypress Creek Parkway, Houston TX 77068). Bring a friend, invite a neighbor, and tell a stranger. There is something for everyone to celebrate at this community carnival. Live Music / Great Food /Kids' Activities / Games / Prize Drawings
Presbytery Meeting - Mar. 19
The next called Presbytery meeting will be on Sat., Mar. 19 at First Presbyterian (2727 N. Loop 336 W., Conroe). Details and the package for the meeting are available on the presbytery's website. Register your Ruling Elder Commissioners with Lynn Hargrove.
TWRC "Invest In Our Nest" - Mar. 19
The Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition (TWRC) invites everyone to a casual, fun evening to help raise funds for their spring baby animal care. Sat. Mar. 19 from 6 to 9 p.m. at John Knox Presbyterian (2525 N. Gessner, Houston TX 77080). Live and silent auctions, baked goods, door prizes, appetizers/lite bites provided. Soft drinks, wine and beer available. Admission is $10 per person or $15 per couple. Children under 10 are free. Tickets available online at
Shout to the Lord! Concert - Mar. 20
This cross-cultural concert returns to Saint Paul Presbyterian (7200 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77074) on Sun., Mar. 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the sanctuary. Tickets are just $10 for an unforgettable night of music and praise. For tickets, call 713-774-7446 or email All proceeds benefit Saint Paul's ministries.
FREE Young Adult Retreat - Apr. 1-3
If you are between ages 18 graduated high school to 35ish, you are invited to a FREE retreat at beautiful Camp Cho-Yeh the weekend of Apr. 1-3. ALL meals and lodging are provided. No really, this retreat is FREE!!! Space is limited so reserve your spot soon!!! The DEADLINE to sign up is Mar. 21. Contact Caressa Murray to sign up at or call 281-798-5993. More information is available at
Save the Date: PW Spring Gathering - Apr. 16
Presbyterian Women (PW) of New Covenant and of Atascocita Presbyterian Church invite ALL WOMEN to the Spring Gathering on Sat., Apr. 16 at 9:30 a.m. at Atascocita Presbyterian Church (19426 Atasca Oaks Dr, Humble, TX 77346). Details about mission opportunities, schedule, registration, meals, and child care can be found on the Presbytery's website.
Face to Face Event - Jun. 17-21
The Church Leadership Connection (CLC), a ministry of the Office of the General Assembly, will host one Face to Face Event in 2016 during the 222nd General Assembly, in Portland, Oregon, Jun. 17 - 21. The event will bring together call-seekers and representatives of congregations and other calling organizations and will include PNC training, networking opportunities, vocational coaching, a panel discussion and other educational opportunities. All calling organizations with an active Ministry Information Form (MIF) in the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) system or an open temporary position with a job description may participate. You may attend a part or the entire five-day event. Registration is open until May 27 at There is no cost to participate in Face to Face; however, if you are interested in attending the General Assembly, click here for more information.
Go Disciple Live "Be the Light" - Aug. 8-11
Early Registration ends Mar. 15.
This c onference, formerly known as the Evangelism and Church Growth Conference, is a vibrant gathering of Presbyterians committed to disciple-making, which leads to authentic evangelism, effective church transformation, justice, and church planting through 1001 new worshiping communities. It will be held at the TradeWinds Island Resorts in St. Pete Beach, Florida on Aug. 8-11. The plenary speakers include: Casey Fitzgerald, biblical storytelling; Mike Breen, disciple making; and Ralph Watkins, authentic evangelism. We'll explore the theme of "Be the Light" (Matthew 5:14-16) through plenary speakers, workshops, affinity groups, and shared community. The registration deadline is July 15, and early bird registration ends March 15. You may register online at: