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Tuesday Connect 

 Presbytery of New Covenant News

July 28, 2015
In Our Prayers

All those attending Big Tent July 30-Aug. 1 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TX.


Family and friends of RE Charlie Pesak, St. Paul's Presbyterian, Needville - Charlie died June 12.


RE Dan MacLemore - Dan's father died July 15, age 92. Dan is a former Moderator of New Covenant Presbytery and served on various Presbytery committees.


Family and friends of RE Jim Clemens, St. Thomas Presbyterian, Houston - Jim died July 20. He served on the session at both St. Thomas Presbyterian and New Hope Presbyterian, Katy.


RE Krista Kleinman Langley and Deacon Troy Langley, Indian Presbyterian, Livingston - Teagan Kamora Langley was born July 21. Teagan is the granddaughter of CRE Debbie Battise Kleinman, Indian Presbyterian, Livingston. Debbie is a former Moderator of the Presbytery of New Covenant.


Family and friends of Valeri Alexander - Valeri, daughter of TE John and RE Eleanor and sister to TE Paul and TE Connie Alexander, died July 23. A memorial service will be held today at 6:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian, Pasadena.



This week. please pray for the congregations listed here.

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  Copy deadline for each week's Tuesday Connect:

 Noon Monday

Send announcements to

Helen Wolf  





Presbytery Center

1110 Lovett Blvd.

Houston, TX 77006


Order the new Book of Order

The Book of Order (2015-2017), now available for ordering, consists of 4 parts: The Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, The Form of Government, the Directory for Worship, and The Rules of Discipline. The new Book of Order may be ordered in print, large-print, CD in pdf format, and  PDF downloadable versions. It is available in Spanish, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and Braille, with select constitutional items available in Portuguese. To order, call Presbyterian Distribution Service at 1-800-524-2612 or visit the church store.

Report on July presbytery meeting

Postlude, the follow-up publication to the July 18 presbytery meeting, has been published. Keep up with the news about the work and ministry New Covenant Presbytery.

Position opening: Office Manager

St. Philip Presbyterian, Houston, is searching for a full-time Office Manager. For more information, contact TE John Wurster.


Discussion with lawyer Tim Timmons about recent Supreme Court decisions (Legalization of Same-sex Marriage) - Wed., July 29, 6:30 p.m. at Spring Branch Presbyterian, Houston.

Save the Date!

Engaging & Forming Disciples in a New Day

On Thurs., Sept. 24, Presbytery's Congregational Resourcing Team will offer a free, day-long workshop for pastors, educators, ruling elders, and volunteers who are passionate about the ministry of Christian Education and Faith Formation. Make plans now to attend "Engaging and Forming Disciples in a New Day," 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Community of the Servant Savior PC, Houston Leader for the workshop is the Rev. Dr. Michael Waschevski. 



- Things Really Are Different: Postmodern Considerations,

- Christian Identity Formation: The Central Role of the Community of Faith

- Theological Reflections and the Study of Scripture: Dynamic Conversation

- Practices of Faith: Lived Discipleship.

Questions? Contact Mary Marcotte.

Save the Date! Faithful Alternatives to Fossil Fuel Divestment Symposium

The Fossil Fuel Planning Team, a network of the Synod of the Sun, has planned a symposium for Oct. 2-3 at the Marriott Westchase, Houston, to address climate change AND alternatives to divestment from fossil fuel. This promises to be an excellent opportunity for those who are concerned both for the environment and the corporations who employ a significant number of our members to gather with a positive focus. For more details, see the folder in our Filing Cabinet. 



Invite our CEDEPCA partner to your church!

Heydi Diaz, CEDEPCA associate, will be in the Galveston/Houston area Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 to participate in outreach activities, enhance her English language skills, and inform individuals and churches about New Covenant's partner ministry CEDEPCA (Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America). If you would like to have Heydi at your church to speak about CEDEPCA or interact with your group in any way, contact Dr. Robert Beach (409-789-8837) as soon as possible. 

Young Adult Weekend at Mo-Ranch!
Make plans now to attend the Young Adult Weekend Sept. 18-20 at Mo Ranch in Hunt, TX. This is an opportunity for adults ages 22-39 to recharge, relax, and get away for the weekend with like-minded young adults while experiencing a time of reconnecting with God, having thoughtful conversations, making new friends, and having lots of fun! Register now; space is limited. 
Questions? Call 800-460-4401, ext. 246. 

EMDR therapy program 

Interface Samaritan Counseling Centers, which employs therapists in various mental-health specialties and guarantees affordable rates to clients at any income level, want all interested parties to have access to information about its EMDR therapy program (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) that treats post-traumatic stress."If you're dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event or with a traumatic life situation," says Interface's Executive Director Steve Duson, "please give us a call at 713-626-7990 or request an online appointment.


Information about Interface Samartian services, therapists, events, and locations